Christine Campbell Rapin
Christine Campbell Rapin
Business Advisor, Mentor, Speaker, Author
MBA, Bachelor of Commerce

Christine Campbell Rapin is a business mentor, consultant and owner of CLEAR Acceleration Inc. She has a no-nonsense approach to helping business owners achieve consistent client growth by improving client conversion rates. Creative service-based business owners and consultants seek her out to create consistently profitable businesses by implementing effective marketing and business strategies and scale successfully. She believes business growth CAN be elegantly simple when you understand and focus on the 3 non-negotiable business foundations to create scalable success: identify and attract an audience of buyers, master your marekting message and create valuable offers that buyers are eager to say YES to today.


These are example talks for Christine Campbell Rapin

Bridging the Gap: From Hobby to Full Time Business Owner: 4 Essential Foundations for Success
 So, you’ve been running a hobby business or side hustle for a while and are ready to take it to the next level. You want to transition to making this your primary income and work it full-time as a viable business.  Sounds great, but HOW do you do it, successful bridge the gap? Is it just a question of doing more??? Not, quite...  
Making a successful transition from a hobby business to a thriving business without working 100 hours a week for little to no profit requires a different approach. You need to make a shift in mindset from employee to business owner and likely will need to acquire or build your skillset, create strategies and systems to support your growth and establish a support network to support you on the journey.  
Come to this presentation and you will learn: 
  • What is the different in mentality between being an employee, a business owner and an entrepreneur and identify where you are on the continuum today so you can intentionally move towards holding the mindset needed to succeed in business. 
  • What are the 4 essential foundations for every successful business and assess where gaps might exist in your own knowledge, skillset and comfort level so you can create an action plan to bridge the gap. 
  • To give yourself permission to after your dreams of full-time business ownership.  
  • Tips on where to find resources to help you bridge the gap so you can successfully transition from owning a hobby business to running a thriving business that you own but doesn’t own you. 
Business Leadership +1
Business Business Consulting +10
Plot Twist: 4 Proven Strategies to Reinvent Yourself (Alternative titles: Building Your Epic Come Back Story or Reinventing Yourself & Your New Life - Take Back Control and Go After Your Dreams)
What if a setback or plot twist is not a disaster but a chance to reinvent yourself? To go from struggling and living for the weekend, to prioritizing your dreams, your health and possibly starting your own business? This is your roadmap & the time is NOW. Here you will learn how to rebuild, define success on your own terms, discover new ways to earn income and possibly create a future for yourself that is job optional.  
Come to this presentation and you will learn: 
  • To take an inventory of where you are with 5 key aspects of your life; set short term goals to make improvements in areas that you have neglected while you made sacrifices for your job at the expense of your wellbeing. 
  • To rebuild your self-confidence and improve your mental, physical and emotional/spiritual health. 
  • To define success on your own terms so that you know what you DO want for your future. It is vital that you can identify it, communicate it and begin to make it a reality.  
  • To discover opportunities beyond the traditional corporate 9-5 job where you have 100% control and can create a future that is job optional. 
  • To give yourself permission to begin again with a clean slate where you write your own success story and your potential is limitless. 
Business Health & Well-being +1
Business Business Vision +12
Presenting with Passion & Confidence – Stand Out from the Sea of Sameness
Are You Finally Ready to Learn EXACTLY What to Do AND HOW to Do It in Regards to Getting More Clients in Your Business? I’m talking about making YOU your brand, not what you do or who you serve. Come to this session and learn how to own your own story and using it to illustrate how you are uniquely positioned as a guide to help your clients move from pain to a compelling future. A guide worth paying $$$ for. If you fail to do this, you’ll be wasting time, money and not seeing the traction needed to make the shift from employee to successful business owner. You will keep making the same mistakes in networking meetings and client prospect calls and wonder why you are not making progress. That could lead you to question if you really have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur and plant a seed of doubt about pursuing your dreams of living life on your own terms.  
Come to this presentation and learn: 
  • How to incorporate personal story to instantaneously build credibility and connection with potential clients and collaboration partners.  
  • How to speak directly to your audience in a way that breaks through the clutter and builds interest.  
  • The 2 principles you need to understand and utilize in all of your communication in order to turn client interest into client action.  
Business Leadership +2
Business Communication +12
Permission Granted: Writing Your Own Permission Slip
Do you often feel like you’re doing things others want you to do because you “should” do it versus having a true genuine desire to? Do you feel like you don’t often allow yourself to go after YOUR big dreams and goals and instead are spending your best energy in building someone else’s dreams? Has your definition of success changed in recent years and yet you feel measured by an out-of-date yardstick but don’t know how to embrace a new definition? 
In this presentation we will discuss instances where it is healthy and important to give yourself permission, without feeling guilty, to do things the way you want. Stop waiting for someday to get what you want; you deserve more now. This is a hands-on experience where you will begin retraining your subconscious about the new definition of success you are going to live by. 
Come to this presentation and learn: 
  • To define success on your own terms for THIS season of your life and the future you are creating. 
  • To retrain your subconscious and change the inner dialog about how you want to live your life. 
  • Write your own permission slips that will become your guiding principles.  
Business Health & Well-being
Abundance Business +12
The Domino Effect: 3 Daily Non-Negotiables to Consistent Client Growth


Christine Campbell Rapin has participated in these events

Hosted by Kerry George
Hosted by Michael Whitehouse
Hosted by Michael Whitehouse
Hosted by Michael Whitehouse
Hosted by Steve Eriksen
Hosted by Michael Whitehouse
Hosted by Virginia Muzquiz
Hosted by Steve Eriksen
Hosted by Tracy Repchuk
Hosted by Tiffany Cano