- Name
- Giveaway Extravaganza Networking Party!
- Created 3 years 4 months ago
- Organizer Kerry George

- Business Areas
- Business Leadership Marketing
- Topics
- Abundance Business Vision Mindset Coaching Networking Personal Development Small Business
- Timezone
- Timezone: Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Event date(s): -
Registration ends: Thu, Dec 16, 2021 4:00 PM (3 years 3 months ago)
The Giveaway Extravaganza Networking Party on December 16th will begin at 2:00 Mountain time and finish at 5:00 pm Mountain time. This is one piece of a 3 part event.
All speakers will also have submitted a contribution for the Super Seasonal Giveaway that will be available over the Holiday Season until the last day of December.
The third piece of this is another networking event on December 30th at the New Year Networking Explosion where we are celebrating all that was accomplished in 2021 and bringing in 2022 with our networkers who are entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals from across the globe.
CIBN Connect has hundreds of paying members and thousands of guests coming into their events. We have over 80,000 people on social media and combining those numbers with the numbers of our speakers we are well over 150,000 people viewing your contribution.
You do want to be a speaker for our events.
Speakers will be interviewed. Preference goes to those who have provided gifts for the Super Seasonal Giveaway.
- Speakers
Empowering Dynamic Relationships Through Conversation MasteryBrenda Jacobson CEO
As the world evolves before us, people are feeling disjointed and disassociated from their lives, leading to unprecedented levels of overwhelm, anxiety, and confusion. Building connection and community has never been as critically important as it is today. Yet many struggle with this largely because unconscious conversation habits cause them to sabotage relationships rather than empower them.
People have never discovered the simplicity of having powerful, engaging conversations. Instead of deepening their existing relationships and expanding their networks in this time of high stress, many people are experiencing the breakdown of relationships causing their community to contract.
In this presentation you will discover common conversation habits which people unconsciously embrace that create challenges in every relationship. These habits are used by everyone—in almost every conversation.
Discover simple strategies to develop conversation skills for building communities that THRIVE! These skills will support you to create dynamic relationships in every realm of life—professional, personal, and parenting.
Business Family & Parenting +4Health Communication +17Free Yourself From the Data NightmareCheryl Erickson Email and Computer Organizer- Reviews computer and email issues
- How to identify your hierarchy and metadata
- Develop standards and policies for clean up and organization of documentation
BusinessBusiness DevelopmentFree Yourself From the Data NightmareCheryl Erickson Email and Computer OrganizerWhen you think back to a time where you gathered information and prepared a report for an audit or shareholders to make a vital decision with the business, then found out you did not have the most recent data, how did that make you feel? What about all the time spent searching for a document because it was misfiled or not easily recognizable? I understand the frustration and expense this creates and have made it my life goal to help businesses save time, money, gain the trust of their clients and shareholders, and have faith in themselves they can easily find the correct documentation.
Visionary Business Organizer creates a custom plan for your business through the entire document lifecycle. It includes growth and compliance for computer and email structures, cleaning up and organizing the data, automation where possible, a policy and standards document, and a video for training.
Documentation is the lifeline of a business. Managing it is a top priority for success and growth.
Keeping it simple and performing a few extra seconds on each document will save you the expense and time later.
THIS PRESENTATION covers creating a basic plan by identifying: Your computer and email pros and cons; and identifying ways of making it better. We will cover developing a folder structure and using metadata to create naming standards. When you have a plan in place, we will brainstorm the best way to implement the changes for your business.
BusinessBusiness Organizing +4Presenting with Passion - Using Your Personal Story to Connect with Clients & ProspectsChristine Campbell Rapin Business Success CoachIf you are hustling and putting in the work in your business but not seeing the results staying the course will not create the change you need to turn it around in 2022. You need business skills. You need a targeted strategy. You need clarity and confidence. The best entrepreneurs know the key to success comes down to habits and investing in yourself and not trying to do it all alone. It is time to reach your dreams faster, with more confidence with fewer struggles.
This 3 part toolkit will help you to improve your presentation delivery in 2022 so you can make a positive impact that leads to business results.
- A virtual workshop in January to learn how to deliver an effective presentation that uses storytelling to connect with passion to your clients and prospects. (BONUS: Attend live and receive a 30 minute strategy session).
- Video - 5 Hacks for Showing Up on Screen/Stage in 10 Minutes or Less
- Presenter Preparation Tip Sheet
Business LeadershipBusiness Personal Growth +10The Chronicles of Fictional TailsDawn Simpson OwnerWe all have a story within us, do you know what yours is? Do you know how or where to start? Do you have that nagging inner voice telling you, you can't?
Let me show you the tools you need to get started, and before you know it, you will be well on your way to having your inner story out, and ready to share with the world!
Increase Your Productivity with 3 Simple TechniquesGretchen Richards CEOIncrease your Productivity by adopting 3 habits that will help give you energy, focus and organization.
The course covers:
- The #1 thing to do every day to set yourself to be your best
- How to make sure you have time on your calendar for your goals
- How to stay focused on your goals, even with all of the daily distractions
Learn techniques and habits that will help increase your productivity.
Live Your Life By DesignKatherine MullinCreate A Vision Map and dare to dream big with vision, make informed decisions, focus on who you want to be, what you want and why and act as if in the direction of creating and living your life by design.
Business Health & Well-being +2Personal Development Mindset +5Clear Your Mind. Change Your Life!Ken Martz Psychologist, AuthorLife can be a whirlwind of work, household maintenance, bills, preparations for school, travel to activities, and more. It can be difficult to catch a breath. As a psychologist for 20 years, I have trained in a wide range of techniques and tools to support our stress management. However, meditation is my favorite. In this session, learn how a few minutes of meditation can help to clear our minds and even be time-saving. We will explore how quieting my racing mind, helps me to open my heart and thrive in relationships. In business, this means increased concentration, productivity, and success.
MeditationNetworking By The 12 Days Of ChristmasKerry George Mentoring, Networking, Mastermind & Business ExpertThis will be a twist on The 12 Days Of Christmas
The twelfth day of Christmas
My true love CIBN Connect sent to me
Twelve fiddlers fiddling,
Eleven ladies dancing,
Ten pipers piping,
Nine drummers drumming,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five gold rings,
Four colly birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves, and
A partridge in a pear tree.Business Leadership +4Marketing Business +12The CEO Mindset: Six Steps To Growing & Transforming Your Business Starting With You!Lee Hodgins PresidentHow do you transform and scale a business? It all begins with you! Without the evaluation of why you’re doing what you’re doing and whether or not what you’re doing is actually working for your business, then you will be setting yourself up for possible failure in your business growth. Let me ask you a question: How many solo-prenuers and small business owners have been taught that working alone, often without the financial, business knowledge and emotional support that would naturally be present in larger businesses, is a positive thing? This is the fundamental issue that you are probably facing right now in your own business! Up to now, you’ve learned to rely totally on your own wits, brainpower, stamina and intuition to move your business forward. You’ve learned to be highly resourceful in securing the funds, expertise, contacts and whatever else you needed, in growing your business. Up to now – It’s all been on you! I’m here to tell you, in order to take your business to its next level of growth, you must now learn a new set of skills.
Design Your Life to Live BiggerPatricia Stepler Live Bigger with Your Inside MagicThrough years of study and experience, most people need the following three items to become the person they were destined to be and to design their life. You must Think Bigger, Be Bigger and Play Bigger if you want to accomplish what you desire.
Think Bigger is about overcoming limiting beliefs and developing an understanding of how the mind actually works. The realization that the words you say bring your results, even if it is not what you want.
Be Bigger is a huge necessary component of building the confidence needed and overcoming fear and procrastination. You have to become the person you want to be first if you are to reach your goals in life.
Play Bigger you have to be willing to take risk be willing to trade your life for your dream and understanding the Law of Attraction.
You need to go after really want and instead settling for average and believe that you can accomplish anything you REALLY want.
MindsetPersonal Development Mindset +4Three Keys to moving from Mumbler to Difference MakerWendy Kraft OwnerWhat if you really could make a huge difference in this world? What if you really could start now? Right now?
Let's talk about what that would take and discuss what would put us all in a position to move forward.
Education LeadershipCommunication Personal Development +8