Boost Your Business Summit: Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid with host Lynda Sunshine West & Action Takers Publishing
Boost Your Business Summit: Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid with host Lynda Sunshine West & Action Takers Publishing
Created 4 months 3 weeks ago
Organizer Dannella Burnett
Boost Your Business Summit: Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid with host Lynda Sunshine West & Action Takers Publishing
Business Areas
Business Leadership Marketing Other PR & Communications
Audiobooks Business Entrepreneurship Online Visibility Public Speaking Speaking
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Thu, Jun 20, 2024 4:00 PM (3 months 3 weeks ago)


The Boost Your Business: Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid Summit Hosted by Lynda Sunshine West & Action Takers Publishing is looking for speakers.

Do you provide a service that helps business owners learn how to Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid?

  Are you a ...
Marketing Expert
    Public Speaking Coach
    Podcast Coach
    Funnel Builder
    Virtual Assistant Agency Owner
    Business Coach
    Business Strategist
    Content Marketing Strategist
   Thought Leader
    Personal Branding Expert
    PR Professional
    Sales and Conversion Expert
    Networking and Relationship-building Expert
    JV Partnership Expert
    or other type of expert who helps people Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid???

Then this opportunity is for you.

3 Days - June 18-20, 2024
9am - 1pm PT / 12pm - 4pm ET
Virtual on Zoom
24 Expert Speakers
20 minutes each
Free offer at the end of your talk with optional VIP Offering for paid attendees 

Your mission at the summit is to provide a ton of value and engage with the audience.

Who will be in the audience? 
Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
    Aspiring and Established Speakers
    Coaches and Consultants
    Authors and Content Creators
    Marketing and PR Professionals
    Network Marketers and Direct Sales Professionals
    Freelancers and Gig Workers
    Nonprofit Leaders and Community Advocates
    Event Planners and Organizers

Why will they attend?
    Access to your expert knowledge and insights
    Practical strategies and tools from the speakers
    Networking opportunities with other attendees and speakers
    Personal and professional growth
    Exclusive gifts from the speakers for general admission and VIP ticket holders
    Tailored content for their needs
    Time-efficient learning in one place for three days
    Stay ahead of trends
    Community and support inside the private Facebook group
    Free to attend

Each speaker will have 20 minutes to speak, including Q&A, and is encouraged to give away a free gift to the audience.
We Are Seeking Speakers Who:

  • Are Innovators and Thought Leaders: You're someone who pushes the boundaries of what's possible.
  • Provide Actionable Strategies: Your talk should offer practical, real-world applications that attendees can implement in their lives to be seen, be heard, and be paid.
  • Are Engaging Storytellers: You have the ability to captivate an audience with compelling narratives that underline your message.
  • Have a Passion for Empowering Others: Your desire is to inspire change and motivate individuals to harness their full potential.

Join Us at the Boost Your Business Summit: Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid.

Step onto the stage and share your expertise with a community eager to learn and grow. Apply now and become a key player in a transformative event that celebrates innovation, inspiration, and business excellence. 

Together, let's boost businesses and shape the future of entrepreneurship.

How to Build a Global Brand
Aldwyn Altuney Media Queen TV host

Ready to take your brand to the next level? 

In her presentation, Media Queen Aldwyn Altuney (from Queensland, Australia) will uncover the secrets of creating a successful global brand. 

She will empower you to amplify your impact, boost your customers, credibility and be seen as the star you were meant to be!

Aldwyn will share valuable insights and strategies to help you expand your business worldwide. 

She will reveal what she has learned from 40 years of online and offline media experience (on TV, in radio and print) on how to create a brand that resonates globally. 

Discover strategies to get noticed and stand out in a crowded mass media market and receive practical tips with actionable steps you can implement straight away.

Aldwyn is a dynamic, fun and engaging presenter who always gives loads of valuable content and real-world examples. 

Be inspired to transform your brand and elevate your presence on the world stage! 

Marketing Media +1
Communication Marketing +11
Come Out Of Your Shell So You Can Sell - 5 Simple Steps to Enroll With Ease & Make Selling A Breeze!
Anjel B Hartwell The Wealthy Life Mentor

Come Out Of Your Shell So You Can Sell!   5 Simple Steps To Enroll With Ease & Make Selling A Breeze

Asking for Money SUCKS! Sometimes it feels that way doesn’t it?  You have invested tons of time and energy in creating your business – you have laid out your soul to your community – you have devoted countless hours and days and weeks and months to building your brand, getting things to look great, preparing and preparing and preparing for getting your big beautiful bodacious message & service out to the world and what happens is that in order for you to really make a difference and really make a business that is sustainable and can continue to carry that message out to the world regularly and powerfully is that you have to

SUCK IT UP and ACTUALLY ASK people for money!! How can you share your own wealth of wisdom and become wealthy in the process?  It all starts with the Inner Game of Sizzling Sales and really feeling EMPOWERED asking for money.  Whatever your business if you aren’t asking for money you aren’t IN business – what you have is a really expensive hobby! 

What your audience will learn

Enjoy this powerful and transformative talk where Anjel will share :

  • The Challenge of the OVER GIVER – Are you one of those messengers, coaches, mentors, healers, teachers, authors, speakers or trainers who just gives, gives, gives & you never seem to have a fair return for all that you have put out into the world or into your business?
  • The Challenge of being ATTRACTIVE, VISIBLE & PURSUED – Are you secretly sabotaging yourself by hiding your light & spending all your time working ON your business, so you’re never really IN business?
  • The Challenge of MASTERING POWER – Are you intimidated & overwhelmed by the idea of serving hundreds, thousands or even millions of people, so you keep staying small & holding back from really stepping into your purpose & mission?
  • Five Simple Steps to Feel Safe & Powerful Asking For Money so you can enroll with ease and make selling a breeze!
  • And, the SECRET Reason why most creative entrepreneurs & change agents have such a hard time enrolling clients & making money – it’s not what you think!
Business Leadership
Business Sales +13
How the Right Funnels Will Help You Gain Visibility, Credibility and Profitability
Annemarie LaTulip Funnel Builder

Presentation on the value of a strategic sales funnel.

Are you ready to unlock the true potential of your business? Annemarie LaTulip's presentation is a must-attend session that will transform the way you approach marketing and sales funnels. 

Here’s why you can’t afford to miss this one: 

Gain Visibility
In today’s crowded market, standing out is more challenging than ever. Annemarie will show you how to create the right funnels that capture attention and make your brand unforgettable. Learn the secrets to driving consistent traffic to your business and boosting your online presence. With these strategies, you’ll no longer be a needle in a haystack but a shining star that draws customers in.

Build Credibility
Credibility is the cornerstone of a successful business. In her session, Annemarie will share how to use funnels to establish and enhance your credibility. Discover how to nurture leads, build trust, and create an authority that sets you apart from the competition. When potential customers see you as a credible expert, they are more likely to choose your products or services over others. 

Achieve Profitability
Visibility and credibility are crucial, but profitability is the ultimate goal for a thriving business, right? Annemarie will reveal the funnel strategies that convert leads into loyal customers, driving sales and maximizing your revenue. Learn how to craft compelling offers, optimize your sales process, and create a seamless customer journey that turns interest into income. These actionable insights will help you scale your business and achieve sustainable growth. 

What You’ll Learn
Funnel Fundamentals: Understand the key components of effective funnels and how they work together to drive business success.

Visibility Techniques: Proven methods to attract and retain your target audience, ensuring your brand stays top of mind. 

Credibility Boosters: Techniques to build and maintain trust with your audience, establishing you as a go-to authority in your field.

Internet Marketing
Maximize Your Impact as a Bestselling Author
Cathy Derksen CEO Inspired Tenacity Publishing

Have you been looking for new ways to build your business, expand your global network, and maximize the impact you are having in the world? In this presentation I will discuss the power of becoming a bestselling author. We'll look at various ways of becoming published and strategies for building visibility, authority, and credibility in the process. It's easier than you think. 

Book Publishing Networking +2
Fractured to Focused: 3 Non-Negotiables To Ignite Your Client Growth Engine
Christine Campbell Rapin Business Mentor & CEO

You are working hard and hustling in your business but continue to struggle with consistent client growth (or maybe have no clients at all yet). Panic has set in and you are looking for the silver bullet to turn things around or you might just have to go back to a traditional J.O.B. Perhaps you’re thinking that a new website is the answer. Or hiring someone to do SEO on your current site. Or paying for Facebook ads to boost visibility. Or that investing in expensive funnels or lead generation software are what you need or buying followers. HINT: It is NONE of those things that is the problem. Yes, you might need to invest in some of these services down the line however right now you are spinning in circles focusing on the wrong actions that will drive your business forward. 


Here you will learn how to get laser focused on 3 ORGANIC activities that you need to focus on daily to see consistent growth. These building blocks are essential and help you get off the crazy train you are on right now that isn’t resulting in client growth. 


Come to this presentation and you will learn: 

• How client growth CAN be elegantly simple.

• The 2 activities that predict your revenue in the next 90 days.

• The 3 non-negotiable business foundations every business owner needs to create a client growth engine.


Business Leadership +1
Business Personal Growth +10
Storytelling from ashes to soaring
David Chametzky Storytelling from ashes to soaring

Discussion on how we use the stories of our life for growth personally and in our businesses to align fully to be our most authentic selves and soar to new levels of greatness.  

3 Quick Stage Fright Busters for a Confident & Converting Presentation
Diann Alexander Confidence Catalyst

The average attention span of an adult is 8.25 seconds.  When you only have a few seconds to make a great first impression, what do you do when the stage fright monster shows up as you begin to talk?   

Join Diann and learn some quick, confidence building skills that can be used in moments to turn that fear energy into authentic connection with your audience.  Yes! It can be done without having to “imagine them in their underwear.”  


Business Education +1
Visibility In A Virtual World
Dr. Patricia Rogers Visibility In A Virtual World

Sharing my personal journey about what inspired me to become an entrepreneur and how I discovered my gifts talents and turned them into a business that makes money.

I will share about how to make an impact when you show up on social media, ways to be visible using resources that are already created for you.

Some resources such as social media platforms, Direct Messaging, video channels and networking to find the right connections.

I will share how to increase your confidence through consistent visibility which leads to success in business. 

I will share statically data that will inspire the attendees to be more visible on social media platforms. 


Business Education +3
Virtual Events Social Media +15
Sales Isn't a Pitch
Helen Snell Communication Trainer

Communication is about being heard. Learn the techniques of storytelling and communication intelligence to connect with the right audience, let them feel seen, and deliver messaging that they understand. This is the key to personal branding, public speaking, marketing, social media, networking, and sales conversions. Be sure your message is heard by communicating to their emotions and their values in simple to apply methods.

Business Leadership +2
Storytelling Sales +18
The 5 Codes of Conversation for Personal and Business Branding
Jackie Bailey International Conversation Coach

Communication is not optional, yet we do not always give conversation the consideration it deserves to win the hearts and attention of family, friends, and potential customers/clients.

The International Conversation Coach for Kids and Adults, Jackie Bailey, has witnessed dynamic shifts in family relationships, friendships, and even business success when five particular codes of effective conversation are applied. These tools are beneficial to adults, teens, and kids because they are simple and practical.

Because of Jackie’s engaging style, you’ll not only learn the Five Codes of Conversation, but you’ll also be putting them to use before her presentation concludes. You’ll leave her session a more effective conversationalist.

Education Entertainment & Art +3
Education Communication +8
Ignite Your Brand, Amplify Influence, and Shine in the Spotlight
Joie Gharrity Brand Consultant & Content Creator

Joie Gharrity, a seasoned Brand Consultant, Video Podcast Content Creator, Author, and International Speaker, worked for 15+ years in the Hollywood entertainment industry. Having worked at top studios in film, television, original web content, and branded entertainment, Joie brings a wealth of knowledge to the table.

But what truly sets her apart? Joie’s signature Hollywood stories, captivate audiences. She firmly believes that each of us is destined to be our own Superstar, with the inherent right to bask in the spotlight, enhance our visibility, and elevate our influence while reaping financial rewards.

In this dynamic, interactive session, Joie will share content driven branding and marketing tangibles that you can implement easily and quickly:

Content that Converts: Discover how to create valuable content that not only resonates with your “Ideal Client” but also transforms them into brand evangelists. Joie’s secret sauce lies in crafting compelling narratives that ignite passion and loyalty.

Spotlight Strategies: Learn how to shine a brilliant spotlight on your past, current, and upcoming projects. By turning up the buzz in the marketplace, you’ll leave a lasting impression and attract the attention your brand deserves.

Red Carpet Marketing: Imagine the online world as your private red carpet event. Joie reveals how to leverage digital platforms effectively, transforming them into powerful marketing machines. The result? Increased influence and earning potential.

So, step into the limelight, embrace your inner Superstar, and let Joie guide you toward brand success! 


Creating a Strong Online Presence by Having A VOICE
Latara Dragoo Digital Marketing Strategist

Are you a speaker without a stage?
Stop waiting on the sidelines and create your OWN stage!
I will walk you through my 20-point Virtual Event Launch Checklist.

So you can set yourself up for success and fill seats every time.

Digital Marketing
The Author Advantage: Elevate Your Brand Authority and Transform Your Book into a Client Magnet
Lynda Sunshine West Founder & CEO, Action Takers Publishing

Whether you're an aspiring author or a seasoned entrepreneur, "The Author Advantage" will equip you with the tools, strategies, and inspiration you need to transform your book into a powerful tool for client attraction and brand elevation.

You'll walk away with:

  1. Insights on Positioning Your Book as the Ultimate Business Card
  2. Strategies to Extract and Amplify Key Insights from Your Book
  3. Knowledge of How to Establish Yourself as an Authority in Your Space
  4. Techniques for Using Your Book to Maximize Your Visibility
  5. Understanding of How to Monetize Your Book
5 levels of visibility and how to grow to the next level no matter where you are today
Natasha Zo Media relations specialist

If you are building a brand, it’s easy to get lost in endless advice from online experts. This workshop isn’t designed to give you yet another strategy and ultimately leave you more confused. Instead, it helps you to identify your starting point, aka your current level of visibility and apply tools relevant to you.

Like Marie Kondo for your brand, this workshop would help you to leave behind the noise and untimely advice that’s holding you back. 5 levels of visibility is a signature methodology used by Natasha’s agency to land key-notes for new experts and help established experts get top media for free, shine on national TV, speak on TEDx stage and monetize their visibility. 

Business Marketing +1
Marketing Vision +1
The Power of Multi-Author Collaborations
Sally Larkin Green VP of Author Development

I will be exploring the benefits of multi-author projects by sharing insights on how collaborations amplify your reach, brand your business, and can make an impact on your bottom line. 

Book writing
Using a Digital Publication to Attract and WOW Your Fans
Sherri Leopold Founder WOW WARRIOR

"WOW" is the reaction you want from your audience when they experience your expertise. Have you considered achieving this impact through magazine writing? Discover how leveraging your expertise in magazine content can help you expand your clientele, enhance exposure, and attract new potential customers. In this talk, you'll learn how to build credibility and create reusable content that continues to benefit your professional growth.

Business Leadership +2
Advertising Article Marketing +4
Unlocking Next-Level Visibility and Profit Potential
Tanisha Jackson Business Growth Strategists

Do you feel like your business is stuck? You are doing a lot of busy work but not producing the results you want. Are you struggling with reaching your goals/ milestones? Or maybe, you have goals/milestones but no direction on how to start or achieve them? 

If this is you, know that you are not alone. Every business gets stuck from time to time. In this presentation you will learn practical keys, tools and resources that will revolutionize how you approach your business. This presentation is for you if you're just starting or you're in the early stages of running and growing your business. Come be empowered with keys to help you break free from the stuck zone and grow your business to the next level. 

Business Consulting Marketing
Build Community for More Sales
Tracie Root Founder, The Gather Community

Harness the potential of community for driving your sales success. In her captivating talk, Tracie will share simple strategies and real-world examples that show how cultivating your own community can lead to unparalleled business growth.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a renowned expert and transform how you approach sales using the power of the community.

In Tracie's engaging and inspiring talk, you will:

  • Learn why building your own community can help you with your sales.
  • Find out how to identify who you should include when creating your community

Determine where your community will "live" and how you will facilitate it

Create a short, strategic plan for beginning to cultivate your community

Join Tracie and gain the expertise needed to uplevel your sales approach, cultivate a dedicated customer base, and propel your business to new heights through the power of the community.





Business Mindset +1
Business Virtual Events +12
The Power and Profit of Your Voice (Your Audiobook)
Vaughn Fahie The Voice Brander

Many of us fail to realize the uniqueness and connecting power we possess in our voice. In this intriguing presentation, Vaughn The Voice Brander shares about 1) discovering and maximizing your VoicePrint 2) Why your voice is your brand and most powerful human to human connector and 3) Why your next book is an audiobook.

Business Leadership +1
Audience Rapport Audiobooks
How to Make a Powerful Business IMPACT in 7 Seconds or Less!
Wendy Barr Chief Goofball In Charge

This captivating talk will take you from Invisible in the marketplace to Visible, Popular & Profitable in 7 seconds or less! Discover 3 powerful strategies that will elevate your brand’s voice from ordinary to extraordinary. Learn how to harness the power of AI to create a distinctive brand voice that connects emotionally with your ideal client. Gain valuable insights and strategies to attract your ideal client like a magnet, make more money and impact the world! Join us and unlock the secrets to activating a unique and compelling AI brand voice. You are a UNICORN and we’re looking for you!

From Jail to Hollywood Producer: How Your Story Will Make You Smash Hit Money
Yvonne Chotzen Hollywood Producer

Yvonne Demonstrates the Power of Potent Storytelling and imparts three keys to Tell Your Story Like a Hollywood Movie:

First, How to DISCOVER your Unique Story; 2nd, How to DESIGN it to WOW your audience; and 3rd, How to DELIVER it with Bold Presence.  Using true story examples from the criminal law courtroom and the movies she has produced, Yvonne will take you on a wild ride that culminates with you creating your own signature story to make you and your business smash hit money. 

You will learn the 3 top secrets to riveting storytelling in your speaking – how to create compelling characters; how to start in the middle of the action to grab your audience; and how to use emotion to engage and connect with your audience leaving them spellbound.  Simple, concrete, step-by-step – this presentation gives you the keys to unlock the power of strategic storytelling and apply it to your business message with laser focus to bring in the money.






Education Entertainment & Art +1
Education Communication +24