Tracy Repchuk has spoken in over 39 countries, started a software company in 1985 at the age of 19, and helps coaches, speakers and enlightened entrepreneurs create a 6 and 7-figure business in 2 years or less by aligning your divine message to your purpose-driven goals so you can reach millions and live a Legacy Life (like she has for the past 9 years.)
She is a 9x #1 International bestselling author with Wiley Publishing, published in Forbes over 27x, 22 National and Local TV appearances-ABC,Fox, NBC, featured in 3 motivational movies and is an Amazon Influencer and LinkedIn advisor.
Tracy has 3 main presentations: (and 23 additional 60-minute topic presentations)
- How to Live a Legacy Life - Align your divine message with your purpose-driven goals so you can reach millions with your message and deliver from your overflow - and this is my mission
- How to Reach Millions with Your Message - I cover the 4 main ways to grow your business
- ChatGPT: The Fast Path to the Cash
Seeking podcasts, virtual, live, summit, FB lives to a group, speaking to your mastermind
Find out more at https://TopWomanSpeaker.com or https://TracyRepchuk.com/speaker
Link to speaker one sheet - https://www.tracyrepchuk.com/pdfs/tracyrepchukspeakeronesheet.pdf
This is an example talk for Tracy Repchuk

🌟 Ignite Your Destiny: Unleash the Power of Your Potential! 🚀
Are you ready to break free from the ordinary and step into a life where your income aligns seamlessly with your purpose, your influence becomes a catalyst for change, and your impact creates a lasting impression?
Then you are ready to experience the ultimate Freedom Amplifier!
You’ll experience:
✨ Legacy Life Score: Identifies 8 key drivers to business growth, and what you need to focus on first.
✨ Income Alignment: Delves into the strategies of aligning your income with your deepest passions and divine message.
✨ Influence Accelerator: How to captivate audiences, build meaningful connections, and become a magnetic force that draws others toward your vision.
✨ Impact Awakening: How to make a significant positive impact, contribute to meaningful causes, and inspire others through their work and actions.
✨ Freedom Amplifier: Break free from limitations and design a life of true freedom while you make a tangible difference in the world.
Reignite your destiny.
Tracy Repchuk has participated in these events