Robin is a former music & dance studio Founder & Director. Through years of teaching and working with thousands of families, she is an expert in the areas of accountability, goal achievement, and creating vibrant communities.
A reformed ‘Overdoer’, Robin focuses on helping people identify and release outdated and unwanted commitments, promises, and agreements with ease. Her own recent and ongoing ‘Purge For Peace’ has given her an incredible amount of freedom from overwhelm, anxiety, and FOMO (the fear of missing out).
Robin works with people in her Mastermind, in one-on-one coaching, Strategic Accountability coaching, and in her new community, Our Table of Joy.
This is an example talk for ROBIN KEEHN

Let's face it. You're really good at saying yes but not so good about saying no. You have taken on so many people and projects; some because you wanted to…some from obligation, and some because it sounded good, (think Shiny Objects). The truth is, there is NO way you can do it all. In Now you have a stack a mile high of things that you'll probably never get to and you feel discouraged, unproductive, and maybe self-critical. There's a way to change that and get you feeling more like yourself again.
ROBIN KEEHN has participated in these events