The Busy Parent Entrepreneur Summit - Holiday Edition
The Busy Parent Entrepreneur Summit - Holiday Edition
Created 3 years 5 months ago
Organizer Pascale Dube
The Busy Parent Entrepreneur Summit - Holiday Edition
Business Areas
Education Entertainment & Art Family & Parenting Health & Well-being Healthcare Leadership Mindset Science Skills & Trades Sport & Hobbies Therapy Travel & Adventure
Abundance Behavior Modification Business Development Change Management Client Attraction College & Universities Communication Training Credibility Decision-Making Decluttering Education Energy Entrepreneurship Fatherhood Fun Gamification Getting Unstuck Grieving Health Holistic Health Impact Instagram Intention Setting Leadership Love Meditation Mindset Networking Online Education for Business Owners Organizing Parenting Parenting Teens Personal Development Personal Growth Play Presentation Skills Prosperity Psychology Relationship Resilience Schools Self-confidence Social Media Platforms Storytelling Stress Management Tik Tok Virtual Assistant Wellness
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Fri, Dec 24, 2021 11:59 PM (3 years 2 months ago)


The Busy Parent Entrepreneur Summit is designed to be consumed like an Advent Calendar for Entrepreneur Parents who want to show up as their best self - in their families and their business -as the New Year Kicks in. I am looking for 12 heart-centered speakers that work mainly with successful and busy entrepreneurs looking to grow their business into the 7-figure realm who are also parents (parents of teenagers or pre-teens)

It will take the form of 12 pre-recorded 35 minute interviews hosted by me, and in that sense, it will require a minimal time investment on your part. During the interview, you will also be able to make a special offer for your upcoming programs launching in January.

It's gonna be a relaxed and fun way to connect with your audience. The Busy Parent Entrepreneur Summit will stand out from other events happening at that time of the year. Since it will be taking place in December, we will make it easy and appealing for parents to participate by having a very low investment time and reaching out to them every day, to remind them of the Summit, by sending them the links directly. We will make sure they have a great time and stay engaged throughout the course of December by providing you with a fun and festive strategy for the promo and the swipe copy!

By participating in what will surely be the last event of 2021, you will have the chance to promote your products and services (and if you want, make an exclusive offer for your upcoming programs launching in 2022) right before the Holidays! 

You will then leave a lasting positive personal impression as we move into the New Year, and get ahead of your competition by being there as entrepreneurs look back on their year and plan for the next one!




Speakers must promote and are expected to bring in 15+ participants


With 500+ engaged people on your list, you will be able to bring in 15+ participants.

*If you think you may have a challenge with bringing +15 participants but would still love to be a speaker, reach out to me, we'll figure out how we may help each other: 


  • This amount will be refunded if the Speaker brings in 15+ participants
  • Tracking is automated and you will be provided with your own personal link to promote the Summit


  • Games to play with your kids over the Holidays
  • Healthy recipes to try out
  • Checklists
  • Roadmaps
  • Book Chapters
  • Audio or video recordings or training

Mainly - THINK FUN for your gifts! 

And if possible, make a Holiday themed design for your landing page so everyone gets in a festive mood! 


  • Your VIP gift must be something you have already SOLD for a price
  • We will stack the value of the VIP gifts to promote the VIP bump
  • If you don’t have a tangible gift people can leave with, you can offer a free strategy session, a ticket for an upcoming event, a rebate on a program, etc.

OFFER (optional)

You will be allowed to make a special offer during our 15-min interview and promote your upcoming programs launching in 2022. You may even throw in a bonus for the VIPs.

Podcasting Has Changed My Life, It Can Change Yours Too!
Payman Lorenzo Sarwari Mr.

I will share my story of how Podcasting has changed my life and in some ways, it has even saved it over the past year since I started it. I will talk about why Podcasting is so powerful, go over the benefits of podcasting for ANY business, whether online or offline. I will talk about the future growth opportunities for podcasting, then cover the various types of podcasting possible, show how anyone can launch their podcast within a few days. 

Marketing PR & Communications
Podcast Creation Podcast Marketing +2
How to SCALE with Virtual Events
Steve Eriksen Founder and CEO

If you've got a product or service to sell, the only way to make sales is to get your offer in front of people.

You can do that one by one - or you can grow fast when you're in front of more people.

And there's no better way of getting in front of people than hosting your own virtual event!

Steve will discuss the MINDSET around virtual events, to ensure you get it right the first time! This isn't a motivational mindset talk - it's about the key tactics and strategies that will propel you on your road to success.

Tune in for Steve's talk!

Business Marketing +2
Internet Communication +12
Align Your Mind With Your Health & Business Plan Design
Matt Travis CEO

Have you ever wondered why you have tried so many strategies and plans to change your health (diets, exercise, supplements, etc…) and/or business (posting, messaging, blogging, etc…) and maybe get some results but have trouble making it stick long term?

In this presentation you are going to learn how important it is to create an individualized plan for your health or business transformation that is in alignment with your identity, beliefs, values, habits, and skills to ensure that you achieve the results you want and finally keep them!

Business Education +3
Health Energy +15
Digital Detox Secrets for Entrepreneur Parents
Lisa Buyer Author, Speaker, Podcast Host, Coach, Collaborator

Being a parent of a teen was hard before the pandemic, now it's toxic with challenges of isolation, depression, anxiety, and resentment from teens missing important rites of passage like graduations, field trips, senior night, parties, sleep overs and even in=person class events. Parents don't get a break. Teachers are overworked and challenged with communication breakdowns. 

In this session Lisa walks you through 

Tips on communicating with teachers/professors

Apps to help manage communication, safety and 

Quick and healthy fixes to gain back sanity, energy and clarity

Resources and where to find them 

Tips on keeping your teen out of the suicide zone 

Business Education +6
SEO Parenting Teens +4
Meditation Magic - 2 minutes can change your day and your life!
Charel Morris 365 Days of Self Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World

I will discuss the power and magic that you can use to reduce Stress and Anxiety for not only you but your teens. Stress is a major problem in our health, our emotions and our lives. I will teach you 2 or 3 process that you can do in 2 minutes.

Health & Well-being
Energy Healing +3
9 Ways to Scale and Grow Your Business with a Virtual Assistant! ~ The Magic of How to Spend More Time with YOUR Family WHILE getting MORE done for Your Business!
Jessica Koch International Speaker, Run a Virtual Assistant Membership Program, LinkedIn Trainer & Sales/Marketing Consultant

9 Ways to Scale and Grow Your Business with a Virtual Assistant! ~ The Magic of How to Spend More Time with YOUR Family WHILE getting MORE done for Your Business!

  • Why Do you need a Virtual Assistant?
  • What you need to do to prepare before you hire an assistant
  • Easy plan to follow (anyone can do it!)
  • Give and Reach End of Year Sales Goals that You Did not think possible!!
  • Help others be a HERO and the UNIVERSE does answer!!
The Top 5 Mistakes that New Parentreneurs Make When Starting a Buisness
James Lam Head Honcho/Big Cheese

I've worked with hundreds of heart-centered Entrepreneurs (many of who are parents).  

Join me as I unveil the TOP 5 MISTAKES that All New Parentrepreneurs Make When Starting a Business

👉 This is the ONLY time you will be able to catch this talk as it's not recorded ANYWHERE ELSE!


The CLEPTO Code - 6 steps to stop stealing from yourself!
ROBIN J KEEHN Robin Quinn Keehn

Robin will take us through 6 steps to identify and end outdated or unnecessary commitments and get focused on doing what really matters right now. 

Business Leadership +2
Education Marketing +3
CEO of your own self care
Lisa Desberg Teen Life Coach, Self Care Guide, Reiki Master & Teacher

For busy the busy entrepreneur parent(s) and their teen(s)! 

It's time to activate & elevate your self care practice to become the CEO of your self care. 

A 1983 report from the World Health Organization first defined “self care” simply as “the activities individuals, families, and communities undertake with the intention of enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health.” 

Since the, the concept has expanded . . . wouldn't ya say?

This Masterclass is NOT about figuring out how to create and maintain an elaborate regimen of juice cleanses, spa trips, and a raw diet.

This Masterclass IS about learning how to weave in free, accessible, and meaningful moments into your daily life.

You are worthy.

Education Family & Parenting +2
Energy Healing +18
Build Your Legacy
Ali Lankerani Dr. L, The Parent Whisperer
  • How to serve others by serving your needs 1st
  • How to form supportive connections
  • How to assess your true wealth
Business Health & Well-being +1
Business Abundance +1
The Swiss Cheese Survey: How to Identify the Holes in your Business that are Impacting Your Profitability
Dawn Cermak International Business and Success Consultant

As busy parent entrepreneurs, you are wearing a lot of hats!  There just are not enough hours in the day, and despite your best efforts, you end up having a few things slip through the cracks, which can impact your bottom line.

Hey Taxi's Swiss Cheese Survey helps you identify the holes in YOUR business.  In this session, we will talk about the 4 Pillars of Profitability, and help you zero in on where you are leaving money on the table in your business.

From having a flexible business plan to formulating a marketing plan that supports your financial goals to maximizing the tax benefits of being a business owner to tying it all together with an Empowered CEO Mindset - Hey Taxi helps you identify your "gaps and gold stars" to boost your business success.

5 Signs You Need Better Leadership Skills (in Business & in your Family)
Pascale Dube Teen Decoder - Communications Coach - Founder, CEO & Speaker

With her years of experience in communications and leadership coaching, Pascale will make you reflect on how your behavior and your communication habits are affecting your relationships & your business - and how mastering those behaviors and skills is even more important for your family life!

Education Family & Parenting +3
Communication Parenting Teens +2
(Bonus for VIPs) NFTs and The Future of The Creative Economy
Jesse Krieger Chief Content Officer

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and blockchain technologies power the future of commerce on the internet and democratize access to computing power, value exchange and creative expression. 

Learn the basics of the blockchain, how to mint and market NFTs and how to leverage Web 3.0 technology to position your business at the front of the transformational wave sweeping through society and the global economy. 

We will also go into intermediate and advanced strategies to craft NFT collections, ensure sold-out launches and incentivizing your community to engage and transact value in creative new ways under your leadership as the entrepreneur and innovator.


(Bonus for VIPs) Fascia Release To Get Unstuck (Emotionally and Physically)
Niedra Gabriel Fascia release and movement practitioner

Learn how to bi-hack your body to remove body memory patterns that keep you emotionally and physically. stuck in tension and stress. Yes, you can be more relaxed, more open and happier and it is not through a mental shift, it is a body shift.  Learn tricks to get the stress out of your body and upgrade fast.  

Health Holistic Health +1