The "Stop Chasing Shiny Objects" Summit
The "Stop Chasing Shiny Objects" Summit
Created 2 years 11 months ago
Organizer Patricia Stepler
The "Stop Chasing Shiny Objects" Summit
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Thu, May 12, 2022 6:00 PM (2 years 9 months ago)


The “Stop Chasing Shiny Objects” Summit is for entrepreneurs, coaches and therapists who are struggling with building their businesses.

The audience are solopreneurs and business people who are overwhelmed, struggling with chasing shiny objects, have not got a great handle on goal setting, and tend to prioritize non-profitable tasks. They are often following the latest fads, and advice by “gurus” talking of the newest, greatest strategy that will make that incredible impact and change the trajectory of their business - but are then let down by lack of follow-up by the guru's, and lack of understanding of how to carry through with the strategy.

They are desperate to make a difference in their business life, and are looking for the right teachers and coaches who can help them achieve their aims.

Is this audience your target market? Do you help them make a difference in their life? Do you guide them, help them avoid those shiny objects, and create a framework and structure of success for them?

We’re looking for 16 truly awesome coaches that will teach tactics and strategies LIVE to help these entrepreneurs, coaches and therapists take just one more step forward during the “Stop Chasing Shiny Objects” Summit.

Do you…

  • Have a successful coaching career?
  • Teach or work with female solopreneurs - coaches, speakers, authors and therapists?
  • Have advice, gold-nuggets, or resources that would benefit the audience?
  • Teach something that the audience would really benefit from?

Here are some suggested titles - can you speak into any of these?

  • How To Spot Shiny Objects - and AVOID THEM!
  • The Top 3 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get Stuff Done
  • One Sure-fire way to Build Your Authority
  • “What's Next?” How to figure out what your next step should be when growing your business
  • How to Recognize Overwhelm - and Recharge BEFORE You've Exhausted Yourself!
  • How the 80/20 rule applies to you and your business
  • The practice and use of Gratitude
  • How to effectively Delegate and use VA's

Some potential topics include:

  • Meditation for entrepreneurs
  • Task management and prioritization - how to plan your day, week and year
  • Goal setting
  • and other topics that our audience are struggling with.

If you speak into any of the above, or other relevant topics, we'd love for you to apply to speak at the summit.

Here’s how the event works

  • “Stop Chasing Shiny Objects” is a public event that’s completely free to attend. Because we’re not charging for tickets, we have a limited marketing budget and are looking for partners to share their content and promote the event to their tribe.
  • The event consists of 3 days of presentations from our partners in Zoom meeting mode.
  • You can provide either a live (preferred) or prerecorded presentation on a topic that will benefit our audience of speakers. Each live presentation should be 50 minutes, including time for audience Q&A.

To ensure we’re providing as much value as possible, we’re requesting the following from our speakers:

  • Please ensure your presentation is relevant to the audience and the theme of the event. If you have content that is not relevant to the audience, please ensure you modify it so that it’s directly relevant.
  • So that we can reach as many people as possible, you must promote the event to your email and social media followers. We do not ask for a speaker fee, so please only apply if you're committed to helping us create a successful summit and confident that you can bring in at least 25 registered attendees for the event.
  • We’ll provide you with graphics, copy, and a personalized link. Ideal promotional times are, at minimum:
    • 1-2 weeks before the event starts
    • 1-2 days before the event starts
    • The day before your talk, promoting your talk to your list
  • Do not promote any paid offers or affiliate links to other products or services.
  • You may provide a link to a gift (lead magnet) which we will offer during the event and during your talk.
    • You can invite the audience to a strategy session, as long as the session takes place 27th May or later (2 weeks after the summit).
  • Additionally, we request that you supply a VIP GIFT.
    • The VIP gift must have a real value of $100 or more.
    • It must not be available for free on your website, and it must not require credit card or payment details from the audience to receive the VIP gift.
    • This will have a huge impact on VIP sales - and it is a big credibility builder for you, showing that you truly can deliver value to the audience.

Monetization opportunities

During the event, we’ll be prompting the audience to take one action - purchase a VIP pass to the event, giving lifetime access to the recordings from the event, as well as access to a paid event following the summit.

To get started, click the “Apply” button at the top of the page and fill out your details - we’ll get back to you soon!

3 Surefire Strategies to Up-level Your Business and Make More Money.
Christie Ruffino Master Story Activator

In this presentation, Christie will uncover:

  • What it takes to attract, captivate, and convert MORE prospects into clients,
  • How you can have an automated process in place to serve MORE clients in less time; and
  • How to have an ongoing stream of new client referrals (who are also MORE likely to keep referring clients to you).
Business Marketing +1
Marketing Client Attraction +3
Your Network is your net worth
Colleen Biggs Leadership Coach

Stand out in today's oversaturated social media society! Create a strong community and surround yourself with like-minded people. Entrepreneurs try to make it on their own and are only taking baby steps forward. When a community is created and is in support of each other, mountains are moved. Learn how to create your "net worth" of a network. It's time to ban together as communities to create trust and accelerate the growth of all entrepreneurs.

Defeat Shiny Object Syndrome
Consuela Munoz Speaker, Author, Leadership Strengths Coach

If you have ever taken a course you didn’t finish or have a pile of unused domains, you may be like many entrepreneurs who suffer from Shiny Object Syndrome.

Your mind is an idea machine, and when you combine that with high impulsivity, initiation, and motivation it can quickly lead to lack of focus.

Empty your mind of idea clutter, and channel your initiative for greater profits.

You will make the impact you really want. 

What's Next? Grow Your Biz
Desi Bolin SVA™

Foundational Blocks that you should have in place and what to do afterwards. 

Business Business Plan +7
Increase Your Revenue FAST!
Jean Kuhn Business Strategist

When Jean bought her first bankrupt business in 2002, she had to learn fast how to turn that business around. You don't need a big budget or list, all you need are some low/no cost marketing strategies to get people in the door.  Today, Jean will share three tips with you on how to fix your cash flow fast, so you don't have to figure it out on your own the way she did.  

Business Marketing
Marketing Business Plan +2
Get Known Everywhere, Using Publicity
Jill Lublin Expert Publicity Strategist & Consultant

Discover how to be the #1 Influencer and leader in your industry by boosting your credibility and amplifying your media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill Lublin shares simple strategies and provides cost-effective short‐term, doable tactics. Helping you understand what the media is looking for, so you and your brand can stand out, get noticed and go from unknown to newsworthy. 

3 Proven Sales Strategies to Get More Clients & Boost Profits
Lynn Whitbeck Sales Strategy Expert

Three proven simple yet highly effective tools that will help you begin to build a consistent sales strategy to acquire, convert, and capitalize on every lead to grow your business. You will walk away with the 3… vital steps to begin to create a strategic plan, methodology, and systematic processes. You will learn to stop wasting time, energy, and resources.

Business Manufacturing
Persuasive Business +7
Grounded in Gratitude: How being grateful changes you and your life!
Megan Nolan Vitality Coach, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Educator

Practicing gratitude is an amazing way to set yourself up for success each and everyday. Learn simple ways to integrate this life changing practice into your life for incredible benefits.

Health & Well-being Healthcare +3
Health Spiritual Growth +1
Find Your Fearless & Be Unstoppable
Michele McHenry RN-MBA | Success & Weight Loss Coach

How to find your fearless and turn your negative self-talk into your superpower success mindset so you can stop chasing the shiny objects, become unstoppable, and put your best self forward. 

Health & Well-being Leadership +1
Health Mindset +8
Discover 3 Keys to Stop Suffering from Squirrel Syndrome in Your Business!
Michelle Ricketts Value Architect | Business Builder

Discover how organization, wellness, and structure in your business and personal life will keep you from suffering from squirrel syndrome, getting distracted by everything that crosses your path.

The goal in your business is to strive for Business Fitness + Individual Health & Fitness = Happy Personal Universe. Let's get you to your happy personal universe!

Business Education +3
Business Business Development +2
How Chasing Shiny Objects Causes You To Stay Stressed
Mort Orman CEO of Live, Love and Work Stress Free

In this eye-opening presentation, Dr. Mort Orman, M.D., one of the leading stress elimination experts in the world today will show you why chasing shiny objects is a self-defeating behavior pattern that causes you to stay stressed. He will also discuss how overcoming this behavior pattern can also help you overcome many other common types of stress.

Success is a Science
Patricia Stepler Mindset Productivity Consultant

As Wallace D. Wattles wrote in his book The Science of Getting Rich, “getting rich is not dependent upon your engaging in some particular business, but upon your learning to do things in a Certain Way."

Chasing Shiny Objects will not get you to success.  You must master your ability to think regardless of appearances.  This may very well be the most important session you will ever hear in a summit.

Curbing the Shiny Object Chase
Patricia Stepler Mindset Productivity Consultant

What causes us to want to chase those shiny objects? During this presentation you will learn how your brain is wired and how to quell the urge to chase by shifting your focus so you stop wasting time and money while at the same time develop confidence in you.

Follow a simple 3 part plan that will get you on the right track so you Live Bigger.

ABC's to Elevate and Accelerate Your Success
Robert Butwin Business Strategist

You will learn a blueprint of 13 words and 3 strategies that will elevate and accelerate your success.

The CLEPTO Code - 6 steps to stop stealing from yourself!
Robin J Keehn Founder, Quitting Culture

Robin will take us through 6 steps to identify and end distracting and outdated or unnecessary commitments and get focused on doing what really matters right now. 

Business Leadership +2
Education Marketing +3
Make Money Not Mistakes: Three Profit-Building Microstrategies that Work
Sharon Galluzzo Make Money Not Mistakes

When you are flying by the seat of your pants it’s easy to get lost. You’re all over the place and things are slipping through the cracks. Not to mention it’s almost impossible to be efficient or make consistent money when everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is so important! If you are passionate, overwhelmed, and frustrated this session is for you.

Gain clarity on exactly what you should be doing in your business, what’s missing and where you have gaps that are costing you money. Don’t look for the Next Big Thing, or the glitteriest of shiny objects. Focus on microstrategies for profit and growth.

3 Unexpected Reasons You're Chasing Shiny Objects
Shiraz Baboo Reality Shifter

In this presentation, we'll delve into unconscious belief patterns that cause you chase shiny objects not so you'll succeed but because you won't. Join in for some revelations on your thoughts and how to change them.

Your Message is Money! Want More Money?
Steve Feld Business/Marketing Strategist

Most business owners have no real strategy when marketing their business. Businesses claim they have tried “everything” when it comes to marketing and says, “nothing works.” The reason it doesn’t work is your message. That is why your marketing is costing you money and not making you money. 

Start getting a high return on your marketing/advertising investment.  In this presentation, you will learn 3 crucial steps to market your business more effectively. These proven strategies can be used to generate immediate cash flow while tripling the number of your leads, conducting more transactions, improving your conversion ratio, and more than doubling your profits. Target your market with a message that resonates with them. Be the expert in your industry and not be part of the pack.

3 Learning Objectives:

  1. Market your business with a definite purpose
  2. Discover how your message needs to speak to your customers
  3. Connect with your target market
Block the Bling & Mind Your Business
Natalie Lavelock Program Development Specialist

The best way to stop chasing shiny objects is to block that bling right where it starts! In this talk, Natalie will share with you how you can stop shiny object syndrome before it starts and watch your business start to soar by simply minding your business.

Business Design +2
Lead Generation Sales +19