Claudia Gere
Claudia Gere
Creator, Aspiring Authors Program TM
Helping speakers, consultants, and other experts become outstanding authors-- Member National Speakers Association of New England-- Past President, ProSpeakers, an Advanced Toastmasters Club

Claudia Gere, has helped countless speakers, coaches, consultants, and other experts develop their best writing strategies to realize their dream of becoming a published author. She has distilled her 20-plus years as a literary agent, ghostwriter, and book coach into her free webinar, 3 Easiest Ways to Write Your Book and her Aspiring Authors Program: A 6-Week Jumpstart to Write, Publish, and Market Your Book She believes everyone can write a great book when given the right guidance and tools for success.

  • MS in Management from Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Board of Directors, Hidden-Tech, a 2000-member grassroots entrepreneurs organization


These are example talks for Claudia Gere

3 Easiest Ways to Write a Your Book
 Many speakers, consultants, and coaches already know that one of the best ways to set yourself apart is by becoming an author, but the idea of writing a book can be daunting! Claudia will present 3 easiest ways to write a book that give you options and incentive to start and finish yours. 
  1. Explore three different book writing strategies.
  2. Learn new skills and tools to help you finish your book faster. 
  3. Find the easiest way for you to write your book and get it done.
There is no one best way for everyone to write a book, so the goal of this presentation is to give you more creative ways to think about how you can write the book you need. 
Business Marketing +1
Book Marketing Book Publishing +1
Leveraging Your Customer Successes
Most experts know that your past and present customers can be your best marketing tool. The customers you have worked with successfully. And most people know that your customers can be your best referrals, reaching out one-to-one promoting you and your services. What most people fail to consider is how to leverage their successes with individual customers to promote their skills to a broader audience, build their credibility, and authority in their field. 

Claudia Gere, who ran a multimillion-dollar corporate Customer Success Program, will share with you the power of customer success stories and their many uses to promote your expertise. To get you started she will give you: 
  • Her formula and success story template
  • Questions that pull out the best answers 
  • The one tip to avoid destroying the connection a good story can create 
Then she will lead you through the options turning success stories into case studies and the eventual path to your  authority-building book. 

Business Marketing +1
Book Marketing Book Publishing +1
Who You Gonna Call? GHOSTWRITER!
When the mere thought of writing a book all by yourself is overwhelming, the idea of hiring a ghostwriter can be very appealing. Claudia Gere shares what she has learned as a successful ghostwriter (and the horror stories others have shared), including:

1. Best reasons for hiring a ghostwriter
2. Common misconceptions and pitfalls surrounding their role
3. Questions every aspiring author should ask before hiring one

Find out whether hiring a ghostwriter is the right choice for you and your book project, and if it is, the best path forward for you.
Business Leadership +2
Book Writing Business Development +1


Claudia Gere has participated in these events