Bonnie Chomica
Bonnie Chomica
The Content Creation Mentor
The Content Creation Mentor | Content Creation Specialist |

As a marketing coach, Bonnie Chomica guides her solopreneur clients to get in front of more people, more often, and in more ways, so they can showcase their expertise to attract more clients. She exposes marketing gaps and helps establish going-forward priorities. Her advice takes clients from producing random content to consistently creating strategic and interesting messages that positions them as the sought-after authority. 

With over 30 years in her corporate marketing career, and a business owner since 2012, Bonnie has been in the content marketing trenches going from being invisible herself to attracting clients from across North America. 


These are example talks for Bonnie Chomica

3 Keys to Convert Free Content to Paying Clients

Do you ever wonder why you need to bother creating free content?


How does a blog post lead to a sale? What will a Facebook Live do for your bottom line? Emails, Podcasts, Instagram, ebooks, workshops, how does it all lead to money in your bank account?


If you want people to buy from you, you need to be visible, and build that all important know, like, and trust factor. In this session, you’ll discover how to transform your Content Creation into more engaging and results-oriented content that will help you get that much needed exposure leading to more ideal clients, resulting in more money in your wallet.


Here’s what you’ll discover in this presentation:


·         How producing free content can lead to paying clients

·         What essential steps are necessary to create engaging content consistently

·         What mistakes you must avoid so you can ensure a successful content strategy


If you’re not regularly creating content, you’ll remain invisible. Come to this session to find out how content creation can establish your authority and be the catalyst to elevate your business and brand so you can attract more clients. 


Business Marketing
Business Communication +6
9 Copywriting Secrets to Attract More Clients
If you’re in business, one of the many hats you must wear is that of a writer. It’s crazy how much you have to write these days. You have to write content for your website, emails, brochures, social media, even text messages. Anything that’s going to face a client or prospect, you need to consider how to make a connection with them.
By creating easy-to-consume content you’ll improve your engagement with your audience so you can entice them to take action, to contact you, or at least pique their interest to find out more about what you offer and how you can help them.

In this presentation, you’ll discover how to:
·         Attract attention so people are drawn into your message
·         Make it easy for your subscribers and followers to consume your content
·         Create content that compels people to take action 
·         Use the preferred language to more easily engage readers 
·         Apply tried and true writing tips that you can start using immediately

These concepts are simple, and you may know some of them, but if you're not implementing them, you're likely muddling and complicating your messages and people won't stick around to read them. Come to this session and learn new writing habits so you can make a bigger impact.

Business Marketing
Business Content Creation +5
Cracking the Blog Code
To attract your ideal prospects, you need to be visible. And, you need to showcase your expertise so you become the sought-after expert in your niche. A blog on your website can be your most valuable marketing asset as you leverage its content for short term gain or for years to come.

A blog is your intellectual property, unlike the rented space of social media platforms. It’s the foundation of how people get to know, like, and trust you. And although it can sometimes be daunting to start and grow one, it doesn’t have to be. 

In this session, you’ll discover:

·         Why a blog is so powerful for exposure and positioning your message
·         3 biggest mistakes to avoid to ensure your blog is doing its job
·         8+ quick and easy ways to find blog post topic ideas
·         How your blog can lead to paying clients

Consistently create content on your blog to build your authority and it will pay off. Attend this session to find out many secrets of blogging that can ensure your success to finding new clients.

Business Marketing
Business Content Creation +6