Feisty Female Entrepreneurs
Feisty Female Entrepreneurs
Created 3 years 8 months ago
Organizer Bonnie Chomica
Feisty Female Entrepreneurs
Business Areas
Business Marketing
Communication Content Creation Content Marketing Digital Marketing Marketing
Timezone: Vancouver, Canada

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Wed, Aug 25, 2021 4:00 PM (3 years 6 months ago)

Do you find it daunting to create regular content for your marketing? Do you think it’s a waste of time to produce video, write blogs, or post on social media? I mean how does that free content lead to sales? 

The Feisty Female Entrepreneurs web summit is gathering top female marketing experts to show you that there is money as a result of your content creation journey. You’ll discover that no matter what platform you use you can elevate your credibility and demonstrate your authority so you stand out in the sea of sameness.

Hear these experts and feel motivated to commit to a content creation strategy so you can make a bigger impact on your bank account. Whether you want to resurrect a tactic you previously started or try something new, this event will spark ideas to get more visibility, so you can attract more clients. 

Register for this free event!

Profitable & Purposeful Podcasting for Coaches and Consultants
Annemarie Cross Personal Brand & Podcast Strategist
Launching a podcast is easy. 
BUT, launching a podcast that enables you to build your reach (with your ideal client), build your reputation (as a trusted authority) AND build your revenue (as you continue to nurture listeners into leads) for your coaching/consulting business - well that’s another matter, altogether. 
The RIGHT message, RIGHT strategy, RIGHT content to ensure you’re able to nurture prospective customers along the buyer’s journey is key! 
Especially if you want to monetise your podcast - by monetising YOUR message from the very first episode, while continue to build your thought leadership. 
Come to this Profitable and Purposeful Podcasting Masterclass - specifically for Coaches and Consultants, where I’ll share: 
  • Key indicators you’re NOT yet ready to launch a podcast - yet, and what you should focus on FIRST.
  • 4 common things most business become fixated on when starting their podcast - and why they shouldn’t if they want their podcast to generate real ROI
  • Key Podcasting Principles for service-based businesses to optimize their chances of build their reach, their reputation as a trusted authority, and their revenue
  • The Podcast Positioning Quadrant and what you need to have in place to position yourself as a trusted authority in your industry
  • How the RIGHT Name, Branding & Positioning can position your podcast as a saleable asset.
  • The one simple (yet powerful) unknown tactic that’ll enable you to nurture listeners into leads, enquiries and ultimately customers from your very first episode.
Podcast Creation Podcast Host +2
Feisty Female Entrepreneurs Host
Bonnie Chomica Feisty Female Entrepreneurs Host

Do you ever wonder why you need to bother creating free content?


How does a blog post lead to a sale? What will a Facebook Live do for your bottom line? Emails, Podcasts, Instagram, ebooks, workshops, how does it all lead to money in your bank account?


If you want people to buy from you, you need to be visible, and build that all important know, like, and trust factor. In this session, you’ll discover how to transform your Content Creation into more engaging and results-oriented content that will help you get that much needed exposure leading to more ideal clients, resulting in more money in your wallet.


Here’s what you’ll discover in this presentation:


·         How producing free content can lead to paying clients

·         What essential steps are necessary to create engaging content consistently

·         What mistakes you must avoid so you can ensure a successful content strategy


If you’re not regularly creating content, you’ll remain invisible. Come to this session to find out how content creation can establish your authority and be the catalyst to elevate your business and brand so you can attract more clients. 


Business Marketing
Communication Marketing +2
Converting LinkedIn Connections to Conversations
Brynne Tillman CEO/Founder - Social Sales Link
Linkedin is an often forgotten or misused social media platform. Discover how to leverage it to your advantage. 
  1. The social selling mindset that proves to your buyers that they actually matter to you
  2. Positioning your profile to be value-centric not just a resume or worse yet a pitch deck
  3. Finding and engaging targeted connections that you have been ignoring
  4. Leveraging your clients to get referrals
  5. Exactly what to do and say to get raised hands and appointments set
Setting Feisty Content Goals
Debra Eckerling Goal-Setting Expert & Project Catalyst
To get what you want you need to know what you want. And your content needs to reflect that! Debra Eckerling will guide you through her task-based brainstorming system - The D*E*B METHODⓇ - to help you set Feisty Content Goals ... and set yourself up for success! DEB - which stands for Determine Your Mission, Explore Your Options, Brainstorm Your Path - is goal-setting simplified!

During this session, you will discover how to:

- Come up with a mission statement and motto for your content 
- Set short and long-term goals 
- Prioritize your content plan 
Business Mindset
Goal Setting Brainstorming
Connect and Grow Your Audience Through Instagram
Jannine Content Creator and Social Media Strategist
In Connect and Grow Your Audience Through Instagram, Jannine will discuss how to create an Instagram content strategy that strengthens your relationship with your audience without burning yourself out. Learn how to: 
- Create a posting schedule that works for you and your business
- Know what content to create with your content pillars
- Develop workflows for content creating
Social Media Content Creation
Jumpstart Yourself as a Speaker to Grow Your Business
Katrina Sawa Speaker/Author
Why should you speak more and how can you stand out among others who do what you do?There are so many ways to market and grow your business, get clients, and make money these days but being a speaker is probably one of the easiest and fastest ways! Whether you’re comfortable speaking or not, there is a way to get more comfortable so that you can make this one of your top marketing strategies.
  • What do people need to actually start getting booked to speak?
  • How should you design your talk or presentation so that you can get clients from a talk?
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes speakers make - new or seasoned?
eMail With H.E.A.R.T.
LeeAnn Marie Webster Creator of eMail With H.E.A.R.T.
Think email is dead? Think again! If you're not generating the results you desire from your email list (or you're not using it at all), LeeAnn will help you understand why (and what to do).  If you are an entrepreneur, leader, speaker, expert and/or coach who wants to leverage their email list to generate income and connect with their audience, you'll love LeeAnn's session.
Tap your super-power to create the business and life you want
Rochelle Seltzer Creative Core Coach
We are all creative, and can all be powerful creators of the lives we want to live! When you learn how to pump up the flow of creativity that's inside you, you will be unstoppable. We'll dive into how you can use this power to create and build your business, how you can be a leader in both your business and your life, and Rochelle will share a tool that will help you for years to come. The world needs all of us to Live Big!
  • What it means to live big.
  • How to stop living reactively and create every day.
  • How to use a great tool to generate big ideas and overcome indecision.
TikTok for Business? Only If You Want Mo’ Money!
Samantha Vlasceanu The TikTok Coach
If you’re not applying video in your marketing efforts (or TikTok for that matter), you’re falling behind the competition, big time. Video marketing is essential for your business and Samantha will share why TikTok could be your answer to get that much needed exposure. She’ll share her secrets about how to get started, content creation fundamentals, and how to monetize! 
Tik Tok
Free Content to Sold Out Programs
Sherri-Lee Chief Fun Officer
Facebook is still a formidable platform to market your business. Sherri-Lee will share how to gamify Facebook so it plays nice with you, how to understand what your prospects want from you on Facebook, and how to use your content to deepen and grow your relationships.
Facebook Facebook Training +1
Money-making Video Content Secrets
Sheryl Plouffe Video Strategist
The 4 steps to creating free, organic social media videos that make money on autopilot and grow your business.
  • The video script that works anywhere, anytime on any platform
  • The crucial detail you must have dialled in before you Go Live! or press record
  • The production system the big gurus are implementing and how you can too!
Riches in Niches: 3 Simple Success Strategies to Sell Your Expertise
Susan Friedmann Author Marketing Mentor
Are you itching to develop a focus to sell your expertise? Discover practical, easy-to-use techniques and essential tools (that work) to narrow your marketing and increase your recognition and profitability.
  • How to become niche-focused to grow your business
  • How to tap into the secret sauce to become a recognized expert in your niche
  • Proven tools and techniques to guide you toward revenue-generating opportunities
Book Launches Book Marketing +2