BadA$$ Women in Business Web Summit #5
BadA$$ Women in Business Web Summit #5
Created 3 years 6 months ago
Organizer Kimberly Crowe
BadA$$ Women in Business Web Summit #5
Business Areas
Business Leadership
Business Business Development Business Plan Client Attraction Entrepreneurship Lead Generation
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Thu, Jul 29, 2021 12:00 PM (3 years 5 months ago)

It's time to get focused on the areas you need help with Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through content you just don't need, BadA$$ Women in Business Web Summit #5 is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your business or catch them all. It’s up to you!
Graphic Design for Non-Designers
Amanda Lubow The Be Your Brand Consultant
Graphic Design is something that every entrepreneur will need throughout the lifetime of their business, but most people have no training in how to do it, and hiring a professional can be very expensive. This course will cover the basic principles of design to help guide you into creating your own beautiful designs quickly and inexpensively. We'll cover when it's appropriate to hire a professional and how to talk to them to keep feedback concise and costs down. Finally, we'll create a quick example of a layout that you can create quickly with software and skills you already have! 
Marketing Powerpoint Slide Creation +1
3 Ps to Convert Content to Clients
Bonnie Chomica Content Marketing Mentor
This presentation or interview will share how producing free content can lead to paying clients. Your audience will discover how to increase their exposure and establish their authority so they are top of mind when a prospect is ready to buy. They’ll also find out the biggest mistakes to avoid so they don’t scare people away. Your participant will embrace the 3 Ps that will help them convert content to more clients.
Business Marketing
Communication Marketing +2
Self Care is Not Selfish
Elaine Gibson .
Elaine Gibson is an extraordinary woman, cited as one of the world’s top ten natural cancer survivors by Extreme Health Radio (#4), having beaten Stage IV Cancer without traditional protocols. Today Elaine, the founder of Renewed Living, is a published author, sought-after motivational speaker, workshop facilitator and private coach. For the last several years, Elaine Gibson, founder of Renewed Living and the creator of the Extraordinary Living Made Easy method, has trained and coached high-achieving men and women in a new way of approaching their lifestyles by harnessing the power of positive intention to regain their zest and step into their own version of extraordinary. She works from the principle that it is possible, through natural clean living, to counteract the stressful and health-damaging effects that modern living has on the body, mind, and relationships. Her clients love learning to feel good about themselves and how to get there with the least amount of hassle and confusion. Along the way she lost 28 pounds and 4 sizes.

Elaine has been featured cover story in VA Woman Magazine, The award-winning film Cancer: The Integrative Perspective, The Global Cancer Symposium, and many other conferences. She is a contributing author to the books “Don’t Waste My Cancer” and “Midlife Transformations. Her proudest accomplishment is being a green juice loving grandmother. 
Your Pattern Predicts your Path
Gail Swift Educational Guide
We are born with a pattern of taking action! When you know what the unchanging pattern is in yourself, you can go with it or you can go against it. The same idea goes for people you work with or live with, you can go with their pattern of taking action or keep banging your head against a wall to get your kid to pick up and organize their room your way? The choice is yours.
Business Education +2
Education Schools +5
Rising to the Top 10% of Your Niche
Gini Trask CEO
Gini Trask was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She graduated with a BA in Theater from the University of Northern Colorado. By that time Gini Trask was already an entrepreneur. She moved back to Texas and launched into partnership with her mother in a Bus Charter business that expanded to a multi-million dollars enterprise. Her ability to operate and grow companies to multi-millions of dollars in revenue for other people became the driving force for Gini Trask to start her own Company Top Tier Travel which has since become a multi-million-dollar success, creating one-of-a-kind incentives and experiences for tens of thousands of travelers in the corporate and network marketing space.

Throughout her professional life Gini has been sought after for her ability to make find solutions and facilitate outcomes as if by magic. Her attraction to running businesses in the travel, hospitality, and retail space and working with corporate and network marketing clients is their need for solutions are a win for both the customer and the company. Her turning point came when she realized that the need for solutions that bridge the gap was bigger than her small sphere of companies and clients. Everyone should understand how to create solutions that go beyond compromise. So, she set to bring her methods for “Solving Problems Forward” and “Creating a WIN WIN WIN” to the world at large.

Gini Trask now travels the world as a speaker and consultant helping companies and individuals to go beyond compromise to creating solutions that truly make everyone feel that they have “won”. She teaches the understanding of core needs, solving problems “forward”, and the super powers that can transform any issue into an opportunity to WIN.
Business Marketing
Marketing Business
How to Use Publicity to Generate More Sales
Jill Lublin 4x Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Master Publicity Strategist
If you want to be the #1 influencer in your industry, you’ve got to get bigger media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill shares simple strategies to help you go from unknown to newsworthy. Sharing her proven secrets to understanding what the media wants, Jill provides you with short-term, doable tactics that boost visibility for you and your brand.
  • Proven secrets to understand what the media outlets want
  • Get instant, actionable techniques that will boost your visibility.
  • Learn how to drive prospects to your door and profits to your pockets!
Now more than ever it’s important to stretch your message so that your visibility factor stays constant. Join publicity expert Jill Lublin as she shares new powerful tips and strategies to shine your light and your message now and no matter what! 
3 Strategies for Being a BadA$$, Credible, and Authentic Communicator in Both Life and Business
Kelly Martin, PhD Language and Communications Specialist
How to be your best, captivating self while engaging in 
  • Small talks: Video 
  • Medium Talks: 1:1 strategy or coaching sessions and webinars
  • Large Talks: Stages--virtual and/or physical (e.g. summits)
Leadership PR & Communications
Communication Storytelling +4
Embrace Your Purpose in Business Without Burning Out
Kerry Magnus Holistic Psychologist, BodyTalk practioner, Author and Speaker
Do you have a burning desire to make an impact in the world through your business (whether you are currently in your soul-aligned business or not) but fatigue or fear of burnout, keeps you living small? 

Kerry Magnus will share her own journey with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome and how she used her health issues and burnout as the rallying call to rediscover her truth and birth the business of her dreams. 

Whether you battle with burnout or not, or perhaps just a fear of stepping into your fullest potential in business, this talk will support you through exploring the following: 

·  What your purpose actually is and how to know when you’ve discovered your soul-aligned purpose 
·  Why many of us actually operate from a place of conditioning and learned patterns that keep us small and often exhausted 
·  Whether you are operating your business using predominantly masculine or feminine energy 
·  How balancing the masculine and feminine energy can support you to decrease stress, leverage natural cycles and rhythms for increased energy and productivity, harness inner wisdom for authentic offers that attract aligned clients, invite ease and flow and much more… 

She’ll also guide you through a short embodied practice to feel how your business impacts your health. 
Health & Well-being Therapy
Health Energy +7
The LinkedIn Secret Sauce
Kim Yang Managing Partner
LinkedIn is the premier B2B business platform for social selling where you can find the exact group of people that makes up your target audience. What’s more, this platform was designed to help you find, connect, and then build a relationship with those same people, unhindered by the gatekeepers through whom you would usually have to navigate around. LinkedIn is an especially good source for discovering leads. It is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter. 

I'll share profile optimization tips, targeting hacks and best performing outreach scripts that will schedule prospects right on to your calendar. 

Business Education +1
Lead Generation
4 Types of Stages to Grow your Revenue and Reach
Kimberly Crowe Founder and CEO
4 Types of Stages to Grow your Revenue and Reach
Marketing Storytelling +3
"Own IT!" Stage Presence & Performance Confidence
Laura, The Crimson Vagabond Director
This series is for any person looking to improve their confidence in performances, public speaking engagements or even job interviews. We will discuss how body language, facial expressions and eye contact can help us connect to our audience and give a positive boost to our self-esteem. Laura will share her favorite tools for preparing for the stage and offer guided practice for applying those tools to your next performance.
Entertainment & Art
Storytelling Public Speaking +1
How to Hook and Hold Your Audience
Lorraine Lane Business Coach and Corporate Trainer
Knowing how to engage your audience from the first word of your talk or presentation is a critical skill. If you lose your audience, it's likely that they will turn their attention to Facebook and you will not get them back. And, once you hook them, you'll want to hold their focus. How do you do that?  You'll learn several ways to do that in this presentation.
Business Marketing
Marketing Client Attraction +6
5 Signs your Parents' Divorce is Still Impacting Your Life
Martha Alexander Martha Davis Alexander, JD, CFLC, Coach to Now-Adult Children of Divorce
A contentious divorce can impact the children for decades.  As Adults, children of divorce often experience trust issues in relationships; identity crisis; the chameleon effect; lack communication skills; and tend to avoid and/or be very anxious about celebrating holidays, and special occasions in their lives.  Moreover, these tendencies are passed down to the next generation and the next.  Becoming aware of the impact of your parents' divorce is the first step to finding the solutions and breaking free!
Family & Parenting Health & Well-being +1
Communication Energy +7
Are Your Hormones Driving You Crazy?"
Melissa Deally Owner / Integrative Health Practitioner & Registered Health Coach
Menopause is something every woman goes through...and yet unlike puberty we are not taught about what to expect...OR how to mitigate our symptoms. 

Instead, many women are left to suffer through    with symptoms that affect their ability to thrive and enjoy life, leaving us feeling depleted, brain foggy, sweaty, and blah...

Is this you, or someone you know?  Would you like to know more about the factors causing your hormonal imbalance, and how to rebalance your hormones naturally in order to mitigate your symptoms and get back to fully enjoying your life again? 

If so, this session is for you! 
Education Health & Well-being
Health Healing +3
Making Sense of Online Marketing
Michelle Nedelec Creative Director - Digital Marketing Agency specializing in Affiliate Marketing
We're going to be Making Sense of Online Marketing.  If you've ever been frustrated by the idea of writing emails, social media posts, forms on websites, what to offer people, what to sell or how to sell it, then you'll want to join us because Michelle's going to help you make sense of it so that you can figure out where to spend your time, money and effort to be as effective as possible in the world of online marketing. 
Business IT consulting and services +2
Internet Marketing +7
Know Your Numbers and Grow Your Business
Nancy Abramson Success Coach
At any given moment do you know how your business is doing?  Really Doing??  We will have a great conversation showing you how easy it is to understand the most important numbers in your business so you can have the power to know when it's time to take actions to grow your business!

Most of us go along, working really hard and like throwing pasta against the wall hoping it will stick, hope that at the end of the year we will have made a profit.  Can you relate to that?  Most Entrepreneurs spend their time working hard on their business and neglect this aspect because it’s not fun, not a priority, scary or a handful of other reasons.  However, armed with this information when up to date and complete can help you work smarter and make more money!  If I asked you right now what your profit is can you answer that question or do you have to wait to submit to your Accountant for him or her to answer that?
Business Abundance +4
Leveraging a Social Sales Team to Grow Your Business
Ryann Dowdy CEO & Co-founder of Social Sellers Academy
I am on a mission, with my partner, Kelly Roach, to help entrepreneurs and CEOs create 7 & 8-figure sales systems and build legendary sales teams inside their organizations.

Traditional sales was perfected over years and years of trial and error. Then came social media and it has TOTALLY changed the way we do business - including our sales process. I help Entrepreneurs + CEOs create massive revenue through mastering the art of social selling and empowering their sales teams to do the same.💰

Formerly the Director of Sales for a marketing agency, I spent 15 years in the corporate world building multi-million dollar sales organizations for start-ups in the marketing space. I have mentored, managed, and trained thousands of sales reps to be high-performing rockstars.

I don't believe that multi-million dollar sales organizations only exist inside of huge corporations. I believe they exist for anyone who is willing to master the new sales process and invests their time into training a sales team and setting them up for success.
Get Off YEAH BUTT: Ditchin' the Bitchin' and Losin' the Excusin'
Sue Wilhite Profit Attraction Master
Ditch the blocks and excuses you've got in the way of your success so you can step into your greatness and brilliance. Do you keep saying Yeah, but... to your business? Sue Wilhite, Profit Attraction Master, will share the 8 top excuses business owners use, and how to shift them.
Business Mindset
Business Productivity +3