Tiffany Cano is the CEO of Highly Perceptive People Academy. She has been getting paid for healing since she was 8 years old. Many empaths, intuitives, transformational workshop leaders and coaches hire her to help them see and heal their blinds pots, be better at holding space and boundaries because most are overwhelmed, subconsciously guarded, take things personally and contract when feeling fear and negativity. So she helps them be more clear and trust their intuition, feel safe to take confident and empowered action and own your sense of Self. In essence, Tiffany gets you even more aligned and congruent so that you can be even better at receiving more money, love and joy! Tiffany is also the creator of “Soul of An Empath” Podcast, the “Knowing You” Show, Embodiment Program: Conscious Creation, Love & Empowerment, and the Highly Perceptive People Online Program.
These are example talks for Tiffany Cano

Have you read many books, attended courses, had training and counseling, worked with powerful healers, mentors and teachers and yet there are areas of your life that aren't matching your vision? There can be things hidden in your blindspot holding you back. Blindspots are often deep within your subconscious right next to your brilliance.
- Have you been doing self improvement for years, but still not where you want to be personally or professionally?
- Do you want to release subconscious blocks to money, love & vitality?
- Do you want to develop your intuition for access to your Best Self?
- Are there areas of life where you feel overwhelmed & drained and you desire even more freedom and energy?

Learn how your Money Space directly effects your bank account and how to fix it.
- Do you want to release subconscious blocks to money & prosperity?
- Do you want to cultivate greater intuition to know where your money blocks are located and clear them out?
- Do you want to be more open and receptive to active and passive income?
Tiffany Cano has participated in these events