As a Certified Master Coach Practitioner, Positive Intelligence and Empowerment Coach, Zen Trilotherapy Practitioner, Metaphysics Degree Student and Event Planner, Sherrie Cameron passionately guides people who long for MORE to ignite their authentic self and design a dream life that gives them the freedom to live and work with inspired passion. In connecting people to their life vision and helping them in designing the personalized map that’s right for them, Sherrie is a proven tour guide to the world of passion filled abundance, your GPS guiding you down your Pathway to MORE.
This is an example talk for Sherrie Cameron with The Pathway to MORE

Join us for an empowering talk, "From Frazzled to Flourishing," where you'll uncover practical strategies to identify, name and silence your inner critic and unleash your genuine potential.
In a world of constant comparison and self-doubt, this talk offers a simple roadmap to turning down the volume on the inner critic and nagging doubts and turning up the volume on the genuine, authentic and powerful you! Learn how to strengthen the 3 core mental muscles and the simple operating system that will stop the sabotage and ignite the genuine you ultimately profoundly and sustainably improving any area you want to work on or improve in your life!
Together Sherrie and Nicole, use their combined expertise in Positive Intelligence, Certified Master Life Coaching, Empowerment and Mental Fitness Coaching, Trilotherapy, Belief Repatterning, Metaphysical studies, and more to blend storytelling, interactive exercises, and science-backed insights to guide you. Leave with an actionable tool to identify and intercept your inner critic and strengthen your self-acceptance and understanding, and connect with the genuine you. Rewrite your story from frazzled to truly flourishing by amplifying the voice of your true self.
Sherrie Cameron with The Pathway to MORE has participated in these events