The Empowered You Summit
The Empowered You Summit
Created 1 month 3 weeks ago
Organizer Sherrie Cameron
The Empowered You Summit
Business Areas
Health & Well-being
Abundance Awakening Best Self breakthrough limiting beliefs Clarity Confidence Happiness Healing Healing From Within know yourself Law of Attraction life design Mental Fitness Overcoming Money Blocks paradigm shift Personal Development Personal Growth Self Discovery self expression self image Self-confidence Self-love Soul Purpose Spiritual Growth Women's Health
Timezone: Edmonton

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Fri, Oct 4, 2024 5:00 PM (2 weeks 4 days from now)


The Empowered You Summit is a 2-day online LIVE event produced by Sherrie Cameron-The Pathway to MORE scheduled for Friday Sept 27 & Saturday Sept 28, 2024.  


Join us each day as a group of inspiring speakers share their knowledge and experiences inspiring you to move into your next-level life. Moving from a life by default to a Life by Design.  Sessions will inspire participants to cultivate self-love, find balance, discover purpose, embrace inner peace, and uncover their next level life. Our audience primarily consists of individuals who yearn for MORE in various aspects of their lives, including spirituality, career, mental and physical health, money, relationships and emotional fulfillment.  

The event is FREE to register.  Participants with FREE registration can enjoy all sessions live and will also have the opportunity to enjoy recorded session for up to 48hrs after the closing of the event. Participants will have the opportunity to upgrade to VIP for $47CAD prior to the event and $67CAD during and after the event.  

With a VIP upgrade they will enjoy:

  • Recordings of speaker sessions for 1 year
  • Exclusive VIP gifts from all the speakers totalling over $4000
  • VIP upgrade credit for services from any speaker within 1 month post-event
  • Their name in a draw for their chance to Win $500CAD Cash to spend with the speaker of their choice



  • pay deposit and admin fee
  • promote and share (10 times:  min 3 times to email and 7 or more to social media/groups etc)
  • Agree to accept $500CAD from The Pathway to MORE if selected by our VIP cash winner
  • Agree to refund the VIP upgrade cost for registrants who engage your paid services within 1 month after the event
  • Provide FREE GIFT for live session and post-event giveaway promo to boost your opt-ins
  • Provide a VIP Gift valued at approx $300-500 or more for VIP participants  
  • arrive 15mins prior to your talk time
  • provide all other details in speaker application by deadline



As organizers, we are committed to working closely with our speakers to market the Empowered You Summit. We will promote the event through our mailing lists, social media channels, non-speaker affiliates, and media partners.

Once you sign up and receive your affiliate link, we will provide you with 3 to 5 sample invitation emails and pre-written social media posts (swipe copy) that you can customize for your audience.

To ensure the event's success, active promotion is mandatory for all speakers. We ask that you commit to sharing the event a minimum of 10 times—3 times to your email list and at least 7 times on your social media platforms and groups during the 1-2 weeks leading up to the event (suggested dates and swipe copy will be provided). Your participation in promoting the event is vital and greatly appreciated.

Please note, there is a refundable $100 deposit for 30 minutes and 60 minute speaker spots as well as speaker fees (listed above) required to participate. Upon generating 15 registrations through your affiliate link, we will refund your deposit. The speaker fees and refundable deposit are due once you have been accepted to speak at the event.

#1 Way to Achieve Your BIG Goals!
Brooke Kekos RTT Therapist, Trauma Healing Mentor

In this keynote talk, we'll embark on a transformative journey to understand how healing our nervous system is the hidden key to unlocking our full potential and achieving our goals. We'll explore the profound impact of a balanced and resilient nervous system on our ability to respond to stressors, overcome challenges, and stay on course toward our aspirations. This talk will illuminate the path to emotional stability, enhanced decision-making, and resilience, all of which are vital for our sustained goal achievement. Join us in discovering the pivotal role our nervous system plays in shaping our success and well-being.

How To Attract $10K in 10 Weeks
Candace McKim Manifestation Magic Coach

How To Attract $10K in 10 Weeks
Shatter common misconceptions that keep holding you back, learn the secrets of attracting and receiving your deepest desires and activate the magic of sacred synchronicity.


3 Takeaways from this talk:

1. The Myth of the 3-Year Plan:  Money loves speed.

2. Work Less, Prosper More:  Discover how doing less but with greater intention can unlock the path to earning $10K a month, without the overwhelm of working harder.

3. Activate Abundance:  Align with the energy of prosperity, allowing wealth to flow effortlessly into your life.

Abundance Manifestation +1
The Spaces In Between - Understanding the Akashic Field to Guide Us on Our Path of Purpose
Chelsie Balderson Akashic Creative

What is the Akashic Records? How can it provide necessary insight into our daily lives and guide us on our path of purpose? This session offers answers to the questions frequently asked about the Akashic Records and the passion behind why I have chose this path as a channel between worlds.

Business Health & Well-being +1
Spiritual Growth Spiritual Development +2
How to create heaven on earth
DeeAnne Riendeau Owner

In this talk Rev Rose takes you on an adventure inward to your soul and provides you with 3 compelling pieces of wisdom: Heaven is already here and found in the present moment,  heaven must be experienced within the self before it can manifest externally, we have total power to create our heaven. In addition Rose will provide steps in order to get us closer to that heaven.

Infidelity Recovery: from Hurt to Healed
Jeanell Greene Infidelity Recovery: from Hurt to Healed

**Why Trust Matters**: Explore why trust is the foundation of every strong relationship and how its rebuilding is essential for any true healing to begin.
 **The Power of Communication**: Understand why expressing emotions constructively is crucial in preventing misunderstandings and deepening connection after betrayal.
**The Role of Forgiveness**: Learn why forgiveness is not just for the unfaithful partner and how it plays a pivotal role in emotional freedom.
**Taking Responsibility**: Discover the importance of both partners owning their part in the relationship breakdown to foster accountability and mutual respect.
**The Need for a Reset**: Uncover why resetting the marriage is necessary for moving forward, letting go of the past, and building a future rooted in love and partnership.

Communication Mindset +5
Connecting Beyond Belief: 5 steps to breakthrough the barriers of doubt & fear
Jeri Tourand Self-love and Relationship Coach

Have you ever felt that your ability to trust—in yourself, in others, and in life—has been shaken or broken? In this empowering and heart-opening session, Jeri will guide you through five transformative steps and three powerful tools to reconnect with yourself and others on a profound level. Discover how to break through the barriers of doubt and fear, release stagnation, and unlock your untapped potential. Elevate your life and relationships to a new paradigm where you’re not just surviving, but truly thriving in love. If you’re ready to experience connection that goes beyond belief, join us on this journey. Your next level of love, trust, and inner peace awaits. Let’s make it happen!

Education Health & Well-being +3
Meditation Spiritual Development +9
Get seen, get clients. Visibility beyond the algorithm
Kelly Sinclair Visibility Coach

Business owners already know that it's important to be seen in order to get clients. But social media is NOT the best way to get visibile! 

During this session, we’ll unpack:

  • Why visibility needs to be your priority as an entrepreneur
  • The truth about how long it takes to see results from your visibility
  • The key to attracting ideal clients that doesn't involve social media
  • And, how to get yourself to take action, even when you don’t want to
Business Marketing +1
Marketing Strategy Online Visibility
UNLEASHED: How to find your spark when success feels empty
Krys Pappius Empowerment Coach

This talk is for women professionals and entrepreneurs who are successful in the eyes of society but who feel disillusioned and stuck in a life they don't like. They will learn a simple formula for pivoting into a life that honors what is truly important to them and their true aspirations. They will leave knowing what their next step is.

Health & Well-being
Personal Development Life Purpose Coaching +1
How to create your RISE Revolution: Limitless Living for Mid-Life Women
Lesley Evans Transformation in Mid-Life Leader

4 pillars to the mid-life transformation.

The Bridge of Incidents-how we manifest life through our narrative
Lori Chenger Hostage Negotiator of the Mind

Bullet Points:

  • conscious creating
  • how to release worry and self doubt
  • how to detach from what you are seeing
People Pleasing is One of the Most Selfish Things You Can Do
Michelle Bateman Confidence & Clarity Coach

Explore what’s at the root of people pleasing, fear, self-doubt and not speaking your truth. Stop living for everyone else, get ready to Unleash Your Confidence and Become Unstoppable!!! 

  • Gain awareness of what’s getting in the way and holding you back from creating a life you love
  • Experience a deeply nourishing inner-child experience (if we have time)
  • Receive practical tools that will give you results right away

Feel empowered & confident in your life, relationships, and career.

Mindset Self-confidence +3
The Birthright of Love
Nancy Nance Energy Healer and Breakthrough Coach

I will send this to you in a separate email

Unf*ck Your Confidence: Shutdown the Bullsh!t and Transform Your Life
Nicole Mattice & Sherrie Cameron Empowered You Coaching


Tuning into the Faith of Adversity - 3 steps to Reclaiming your Power
Orest Zwozdesky Chief Value Officer (CVO) - Orest Zwozdesky International

Together we will explore the benefits of viewing our lives through a spiritual lens to in order to access deeper levels of appreciation, self-acceptance, confidence and trust in the process of our lives as they unfold to our benefit. We will deepen in our understanding about the incredible ways life continually prepares us for our next cycles of evolution, expansion and creative expression.  When we come into new awareness around how life is serving and suppporting us we can move through the process of change with greater agility and flexibility to handle the shifts and requirements of surrendering ourselves to the unknown and what wants to be born through our lives and experiences.  

Elevate Your LIfe: Unlocking Your Full Potential
Rae-ann Wood-Schatz President

Join us for an empowering session designed to help you elevate your sense of purpose, strengthen your relationships, and unlock your full potential. In this inspiring workshop, you'll discover the transformative power of self-love, find balance in your daily life, and connect with your true purpose. Perfect for those seeking more in their spirituality, career, health, relationships, and overall fulfillment. Start your journey towards a next-level life and embrace the peace and clarity you deserve!

How to break your overeating habit and manage your stress outside of food
Rouba Chalabi Breathworker, food addiction counselor and author

Is food the one area in your life where you feel powerless?

The secret to lasting weight loss isn’t more willpower: it’s creating a peaceful relationship with your body. What if the battle you’re fighting isn’t with food, but with your body’s cry for balance?

Unlock your next level life through learning how to break your overeating habit and manage stress outside of food. Discover the 9 damaging patterns of overeaters that are failing to lose weight and how to enhance your body connection so that you manage stress before it leads to binge eating.

How freeing would it be to stop fighting your cravings and start living in sync with your body, shedding weight in the process?

Health & Well-being
Stress Management Body Awareness +1
Crack the Communication Code: Transform Marital Conflict into Meaningful Connection
Samantha Kaaua Marriage Coach

In this transformative talk, Samantha Kaaua will teach you how to crack the communication code that keeps conflict alive in your marriage. By uncovering the Four Levels of Communication, you'll discover how to move beyond arguments and misunderstandings to create lasting connection. Whether you're struggling with recurring conflicts or simply looking to deepen your bond, this session will give you the tools to turn conflict into opportunities for greater intimacy and understanding, transforming your marriage from the inside out.

Health & Well-being Mindset
Communication Relationship +3
Overwhelm Unplugged: Cut the Chaos and Regain Your Clarity
Sherrie Cameron Owner/Founder The Pathway to MORE

Join us for an empowering talk, "From Frazzled to Flourishing," where you'll uncover practical strategies to identify, name and silence your inner critic and unleash your genuine potential.

In a world of constant comparison and self-doubt, this talk offers a simple roadmap to turning down the volume on the inner critic and nagging doubts and turning up the volume on the genuine, authentic and powerful you! Learn how to strengthen the 3 core mental muscles and the simple operating system that will stop the sabotage and ignite the genuine you ultimately profoundly and sustainably improving any area you want to work on or improve in your life!

Together Sherrie and Nicole, use their combined expertise in Positive Intelligence, Certified Master Life Coaching, Empowerment and Mental Fitness Coaching, Trilotherapy, Belief Repatterning, Metaphysical studies, and more to blend storytelling, interactive exercises, and science-backed insights to guide you. Leave with an actionable tool to identify and intercept your inner critic and strengthen your self-acceptance and understanding, and connect with the genuine you. Rewrite your story from frazzled to truly flourishing by amplifying the voice of your true self.

Hear the Healer Within: Trust, Empower and Amplify your Gifts as a Lightworker
Tiffany Sparrow Musician & Music Counselling Therapist

Imposter syndrome affects so many women, especially those who are helpers: lightworkers, empaths, coaches and healers. If you've experienced it, you know It can be debilitating, keeping you from doing the one thing you want to do - help people with your gifts.
In this session, I'll share 3 keys to help you dispel your doubts and connect with your unique, innate healing gifts.  These are the very same things that helped me get over social anxiety, self hatred and intense stage fright to become a performing musician and really embrace my abilities as a healer and successful therapist.

Expect some music, some laughter and some insight.

Entertainment & Art Health & Well-being
Healing From Within Empowerment +7
The Naked Truth: 3 Sex Myths Every Woman Deserves to Know
Vireo Karvonen Pleasure Coach Vireo

Whether you are single, divorced, dating or married - this talk is for you! It is exclusively for women, who are tired of feeling disconnected from their bodies & their feminine & are done with settling for dissatisfying sex.  IF you are yearning to start feeling more alive, healthy, vibrant & confident (in & out of the bedroom) then “The Naked Truth” is for YOU!

In this session, you will:

  1. Uncover the biggest lie that blocks you from satisfying sex
  2. Dissolve myth about sex & aging that might shock you
  3. Feel more connected to your body, confident & feminine when you reclaim this power  
Education Health & Well-being +2
Wellness Abundance +14
Stand Up & Stand Out!
Zandra Bell Women's EmpowerMentor & Innovative Marketing Word Wizard

There's just no time to waste anymore hiding our magnificence. There is a need for us, as women, to guide others who are just now coming into awareness. This number will be increasing. Thus, the world needs YOU to embrace your own greatness NOW. 

You are dynamic beings of light & power! You ALL shine in your own ways. Yet, you've been taught to downplay all your strengths & talents. GET OVER IT! 

It’s YOUR time to SHINE!

Experiencing this inspiring presentation, you will come away with:

  • An enhanced sense of your individuality & authenticity, & the true power you have at your disposal
  • Key insights into how changing your languaging can improve your credibility & garner better results in both personal & professional interactions.
  • An understanding of the importance of aligning your mindset with your forward actions to prevent self-sabotaging your best efforts
  • An improved perspective on how essential it is to believe in yourself & play that bigger game!
Shattering the Inner Cage of Judgment: Confidently Walk Your Authentic Path
Zorana Michalsky

Coming soon