‘Antara’ Kyra Lober M.A., CST is the creator of Body Being & Heart, Healing for Body and Spirit. Her extensive background in dance and somatics have brought her to a body centered approach to health and well-being. She facilitates health and well-being in others On-Line and In-Person.
Kyra has published a romantic, spiritual fantasy, ‘The Adventures of Alice Wonderbar.’ This novel is an entertaining way to share her insights on healing and spirit as she takes you on a romantic journey to the far reaches of the world and inter-galactic space in search of world peace.
She has traveled her spiritual path for many years and has come home to her own self. Her sessions and courses, on-line or in-person, feature physical and energy balancing as well as emotional release. Enlightenment, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing and everything in between are part of her unfolding reality.
Kyra's romantic, spiritual fantasy, ‘Adventures of Alice Wonderbar,' reflects the changing mores of current times and the wisdom of the ages. There is a good dose of aliens and the supernatural.
Kyra grew up in New York City. She likes to say she danced on Broadway…in her mother's womb. Born to dancers Doris Greb and David Lober in a N.Y.C. French hospital, she now lives in Montreal Quebec. She went on to many scholarships. grants and good reviews in the New York Times as a contemporary dancer and choreographer until she became ill. It took a year to diagnose and luckily for her the doctors forgot to tell her it was incurable…so she got well. Her recovery signaled the start of her life long career as a healer.
Her twenties in California were wild and wonderful where she even starred in an award winning film ‘White in Bad Light’ by Fu Ding Cheng. She learned meditation by modeling for art classes. Her part-time jobs while at U.C.L.A. included calling movie stars to come to Hugh Hefner's parties.
Kyra married a world class musician and later a Crystal Shaman.
She has traveled the world on her spiritual journey. Kyra's teachers included Western metaphysics, an inner plane avatar, Osho and his heir apparent Paul Lowe and even briefly Germany's guru, Shanti. Now she is on the pathless path, the path of non-dualism…where there is no black or white, it just is what it is…perhaps her path will cross yours. She has followed the path of the heart and she shares its multidimensional insights with you.
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