Created 1 year 11 months ago
Organizer Michael Whitehouse
Business Areas
Health & Well-being Mindset
Mindset Mindset Coaching
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Tue, Jul 11, 2023 6:00 PM (1 year 8 months ago)


This event is running July 11th, 2023.

Working with Barry Shore, The Ambassador of Joy, we are creating an event of high vibration, powerful positivity, and authentic abundance.

We are looking for speakers who show people how to live in joy, create gratitude, and live their best lives in all aspects of their lives.

This is an event that will leave attendees with a warm glow and their cheeks sore from smiling.


This is not a typical “sit and listen” summit. This is an interactive summit, designed to engage the attention of the audience and create a memorable experience while also sharing valuable, actionable information.

We want the audience to leave with new solutions, new connections, and new resources, as well as specific action steps and ways to follow up.

The Audience

The audience is mostly entrepreneurs, but includes anyone who wants to live in a world where cooperation trumps competition, and we all live to make the lives of everyone around ourselves better.


Speaker Expectations

  • Promote the event and generate a minimum of 10 opt-ins
  • Attend for at least 2 hours in addition to your speaking time
  • Actively engage with other speakers and participants throughout the event


Your Speaker Experience

This event is produced by Michael Whitehouse, and Michael creates events that a fun, engaging, exciting, and valuable to the audience and the speakers. This is not a watch with your camera off while you do something else event. This is not a drop in, give your talk, and leave event. This is an interactive event!

We want to create an event that you will enjoy speaking at and get value from. More interaction is always better than less interaction. That keeps the energy up in the room, keeps the audience engaged, and makes it more fun for you.

You are welcome offer your gift (the one you put in the application) during your talk as long as it is low key and not pitchy. Offering good. Infomercial bad.

15 minutes is not a lot of time to go deep, so you are welcome to invite the audience to a follow up event where you can do much more into depth on your topic. It is required that your talk during our event provide valuable, actionable information. It is recommended that your follow up event do the same as well, and not simply be a pitch to sell something without offering more value during that event.


Live and Pre-recorded Speakers

During the event, we will have 8-10 live speakers, each speaking 15 minutes each. We will also have as many as 5 pre-recorded speakers.

Pre-recorded speakers will provide us a 10 minute video of their talk. This video will be sent out to everyone registered for the event in the run up to the event. You are then welcome and encouraged you attend the event live to interact with those who watched your talk in our breakouts, Q&A, hotseat and other engagement sessions.

If you would like to participate but are unable to attend live, you are welcome to apply and note on the application that you would like to be a pre-recorded speaker.

Important: pre-recorded talks are not sent out until and unless you have achieved the promotion requirement.


Pre-Event Speaker Meet-Up

In our experience, one of the greatest forms of value our speakers get is the connection with other speakers. They have found clients, vendors, mentors, partners, and friends among their fellow speakers.

To facilitate this, we will be hosting a 90 minute, pre-event speaker meetup on Tuesday, June 27th at 4 PM Eastern. 

This is not required, but is highly recommended because of the value it will provide for you.


Event Style

The event will be a live, Zoom-based event running 11 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time.

We're aiming for engagement. We want an event where people feel they are part of something, not where they feel like they are watching a YouTube video.

This means that we'll have interactive activities. It means we encourage interactive presentations.

It also means that we encourage speakers to be there for as much of the event as possible because you'll be making some connections while you're there. (Live speakers are required to attend for at least 2 hours of the event)


Schedule Structure

Speaking slots will be 15 minutes, or, if your presentation is interactive we give you an extra 5 minute for a total of 20. 

The interactive block following your talk is run by the MC and host. While it may relate to your talk, it is separate)

Each hour will be formatted as follows:

0-15 Speaker

15-30 Interaction (run by MC and host)

30-45 Speaker

45-60 Interaction

Interaction may be speed networking, hot seat coaching, Q&As, or anything else.

Do not assume that the interaction block after your talk is for your Q&A, but if you do get a good flow going with the audience and they are highly engaged, I may choose to just let that keep going if the vibe is good.



All presentations will be recorded. 

Any speakers who achieve the minimum number of opt-ins (which should be all of you, right?) will have their presentation shared out to the entire list of registrants in the days after the event.

Additionally, some videos may be shared out to attendees or others on my list for various reasons including promoting that speaker's affiliate link or program.

By applying to this summit, you are granting ConCardia, LLC and Michael Whitehouse full and irrevocable rights to all recordings made during the event. Event partners may also share and use the recordings at the discretion of ConCardia, LLC. These recordings may be edited and deployed in any way that we choose for the benefit of our audiences.



Speakers are expected to generate a minimum of 10 opt-ins. Swipe copy will be provided, or you can write your own copy. If you write really good copy, I'll share it with the other speakers and credit you.

In addition to traditional swipe copy, Guest Letters will be provided which you can share verbatim as a letter from the organizers to your audience.

If you bring in at least 25 opt ins, event producer Michael Whitehouse will promote your affiliate offer to his entire list including all summit registrants. (After the event, a final leaderboard will be shared. It is up to you to send content to share to Michael. You must take advantage of this within 60 days of the conclusion of the event.)


Legal Stuff for a separate agreement

By applying this this event, you are agreeing to the following:

1. Speaker hereby grants to Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC the right to use his or her name, voice, appearance, likeness, image, words, participation, and title or professional designation, in whole or in part, in these Recordings and/or compilations and in any correspondence, publicity, advertising, promotional, or other derivative materials based on them. Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC has no obligation to make use of the rights granted herein.

2. Speaker hereby grants Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC the unconditional and irrevocable right to reproduce the Recording in any format, and to distribute, sell, prepare derivative works, advertise, and publicize the Recordings without compensation to Speaker, Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC may edit the Recordings at her discretion. Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC shall own the worldwide rights, title, and interest, including copyright in, and to, the Speaker’s Recording. However, Speaker shall also retain the right to use his or her own Recording for any purpose.

3. Speaker, upon written request to Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC, shall be provided with a copy of his of her Recording in electronic format.

4. Speaker agrees to promote the event to their audience by email, social media, or any other method to generate a minimum of 10 opt-ins with a goal of over 25.

5. Speaker is permitted to make a FREE offer during his or her talk.

6. Speaker represents that he or she has the full right, power, and authority to grant this release and to perform all of the provisions thereof. Speaker acknowledges that in the event of a breach or alleged breach with respect to the terms and provisions hereof, that Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC shall not take any legal action, but will be very disappointed and will record such breach in the official records.

7. Speaker agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC from and against all claims, losses, expenses, and liabilities of every kind including reasonable attorney's fees arising out of the inaccuracy or breach of any provision of this Agreement. Speaker expressly releases Michael Whitehouse and Concardia, LLC from any and all claims arising out of the use of the material.

8. This release shall be governed in accordance within the State of Connecticut law, constitute the entire agreement of the parties, and may be amended only in writing.


Finding Your JOY Again
BJ Stromme Author| Intl Speaker| Keynote Speaker| Communications/Team Trainer| Business Coach | Retreat Host

Life is easier when we are happy!  But sometimes things happen that strip away that joy - at least for a time.  

Having been through the deepest sorrow I can imagine, I learned how to put the tools I had gained into practise.  One day at a time, One step at a time.  


JOY is a life saving emotion!  Finding your joy during tough times takes awareness and tools.   

Join me as we discover 3 Powerful Tools and Techniques that can help you through ANY situation!  

I know - I've been there. 


These are hands-on tools that when used can turn your day and your life around.  

Bring JOY, fun, happiness and a LOVE FOR LIFE back into your world.  


If you are normally a happy person, these wonderful tools will enhance and build that happiness to maximize your JOY each and every day. 


See you online soon,

Love, BJ

Business Family & Parenting +3
Communication Client Attraction +32
Know Thyself: Authenticity as an indispensable leadership tool
Daniela Hartmann Discover your Unique GRID Blueprint

 This session is a chance to dive deep into your personal power source – your genuine self. You will discover how to lead a life deeply rooted in your values within a fast changing, diverse world. 


Uncovering your heart centred power is a journey through your own recipe of growth, taking responsibility for your mind and actions based on self appreciation, exploring your values and embodying them with integrity in a diverse world. Utilising deep reflection and practical tools as every moment turns into an opportunity of being genuinely yourself, your own safe haven.

Business Health & Well-being +3
Leadership Thought Leadership +3
The Power of Meet and Greets
JACQUELINE Sisson MFCT, CAT Sisson MFCT, CAT The Power of Meet and Greets

Creating exposure on Social Media that will help you grow your business.

The Fruitloop Moment: Finding JOY In Our Darkest Hour
Jan “JOY” Hoath JOYfilled Leadership Mentor

“Sometimes God yells”, and whether you are religious or not, life can come at us in torrential turbulent violent “storms” in which we are faced with unimaginable circumstances— our darkest hour. In that moment do you crumble into despair, letting the “storm”, the circumstance take you down and drag you around? Or do you push through, grin and bare it, make it work? What if resiliency and perseverance had nothing to do with force? What IF all your possibility making power came from a surprising source— one that which you could access in just moments… from within? And what IF that source were also what will have you “succeed” in life in general?

In this transformational talk I will take you on a journey to:

  1. Realize your unlimited potential from which you may create miraculous outcomes while persevering life’s challenges and pursuing life’s possibilities.
  2. Discover your secret and sacred Soul Superpower of J.O.Y., your greatest renewable resource available to them at all times.
  3. Ultimately come away uplifted and enlightened in what is possible no matter what life brings you, AND empowered to embrace life whole heartedly.
Business Leadership +2
Wellness Empowerment +6
Blind Vision
Joy Francis Family Wealth Strategist

I am a motivational/leadership speaker that shares some of the challenges in my life, how I have work through them, and how this can be applied to leadership. Because a large part of my success comes from Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, much of my inspiration and examples are focused around his thirteen success principles.

My challenges include being born blind and not finding out about my blindness until I was in my 30's. I graduated high school in the top 6% of the class, received a BA in accounting and MBA in finance, all without being able to read a page out of a book. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 21 years old. Had a bilateral mastectomy at 29 and at almost 71 am still breast cancer free. I have been diagnosed with 5 autoimmune deceases and am still going strong. My mother told me "I could do anything I set my mind to." So I always have and still do.


Hypnosis Heals
Karen Ross Hypnotherapist & Coach

Hypnosis can heal emotional and physical pain. Learn the facts – it’s not as “scary” as often presented in movies. It IS a state of deep relaxation, heightened awareness, increased focus…and you have total control. It bypasses the busy, noisy, judgmental conscious mind and reaches your powerful subconscious mind that is just waiting to reveal information and provide support and healing for our pain. Discover how to use your mind(s) to live your best life. 


Spiritual Romance
Kyra Lober Spiritual Romance

Kyra talks about her avatar Alice Wonderbar and shares with you some of their mutual skills with energy, chakras and the brain. 

Living with Joy
Laura Donnelly Owner and Chief Easiness Officer

Starting with how healthy boundaries create feelings of joy and well-being and how muddy or collapsed boundaries cause feelings of stress and anxiety. The presentation will include a description of boundaries: muddy, collapsed, clear, healthy - strong and flexible so people can assess their own boundaries.

  • Situations that can cause boundary issues
  • How to use the physical body for monitoring boundary integrity.
  • The power of Ease in shifting one's thoughts, energy, mindset, and outcomes to create better boundaries.
  • Some simple steps to take care of oneself in boundary-challenging situations that often arise in entrepreneurial ventures.
  • May the Ease Be with You!
Show Up Positive In Your Life
Rita Ernst Positivity Influencer

Did you realize that during your lifetime, you will spend around 90,000 hours (about ⅓) of your life at work? Think about it. It is too much time to feel depleted and miserable instead of affirmed and fulfilled.

The Show Up Positive movement invites you to stop waiting for others to act and create the energizing and fulfilling workplace you desire. If you wish for your co-workers to be kinder, helpful, grateful, honest, or welcoming, start by incorporating those behaviors into how you show up. You'll become a beacon of positivity that draws others and reminds them what is possible.

Rita explains how our humanness works against you to keep you stuck in loops of negativity and teaches you how to break out of those traps and reclaim your happiness and well-being.

The Fulfilling Relationship Formula - Five Powerful Ways to Unleash Your Fear and Increase Confidence to Create Joyous Relationships
Sandra Wood Coach

Learn 5 simple but powerful ways to unleash your fear and increase your confidence to change or leave an unfulfilling relationship. Learn how to manifest and attract healthier relationships so you don’t repeat past patterns.


You must know where you are NOW, and where you want to be, in order to change where you are. When you face reality by seeing what needs to change, it is easier to get clear on what needs to happen to bring you more happiness. When you value your worth and show up for yourself, you will get what you want, need and desire in relationships. You must reach out and create a supportive network who can help you keep positive momentum when doing hard things. Committing and deciding you are worth more is empowering and can change your life. Learn to be more discerning about what relationships are right for you moving forward.

Connections, Congruencies, and Change: Digital Connections, Authenticity, and Envisioning Your Future to Build a Fulfilling Life
Stacy Braiuca Change Navigator & Squirrel Wrangler

This presentation emphasizes the importance of building connections, being authentic, and embracing change to create a fulfilling life. We can create a roadmap for change that aligns with our aspirations and purpose by developing positive habits, leveraging digital tools for automation, and being congruent with our values, actions, and the universe.

From this presentation, you will gain the following:

  • Insight into the Power of Connections, Congruencies, and Change
  • Practical Strategies and Solutions
  • A Pathway to a Free Anxiety Elimination Session
Business Education +4
Health Technology +5
Unlock the 7 Secrets to Thrive in Life and Business
Tina Kadish Kadish Business Coach, Author and Speaker

Perhaps you are tired of where you are in your life and ready to move on and explore other opportunities. Perhaps life’s circumstances require you to make more money, or perhaps you suddenly have a surplus of free time, and now you’re looking to create a life that better fulfills your dreams. Just as there are many different pathways to thrive, from goal-setting to visualization to understanding our subconscious, and navigating our way around beliefs that limit us. 

Tina Kadish, shares strategies and tips that she has applied to—and found success with -- on her own journey from corporate America to entrepreneur. 

During this talk, participants will learn the 7 secrets to thrive in life and business to achieve success.