Haley Gray
Marketing Geek
MBA with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Haley Lynn Gray founded Women’s Entrepreneur Network with the radical notion that women can harness their unique power and skills to become highly effective leaders and business owners.

She is the best-selling author of Leadership Girl, Fearless Marketing,  and a graduate of Duke’s Fuqua School of Business with an MBA with a concentration in entrepreneurship and Innovation.  She has experience with starting up successful small businesses, growing them, then selling them.

Haley has worked with hundreds of small business owners since Leadership Girl was founded.  She has a passion for helping their owners find ways to grow their business, acquire visibility, and transform into the go-to expert in their industry, while saving them significant amounts of money.

Haley is the founder of the 75,000 strong Women’s Entrepreneur Network Group on Facebook.


This is an example talk for Haley Gray

how to use a large FB group to build your network

How to use a large Facebook Group to build your connections, network, and business! (Without having to grow your own!)