These are example talks for Dea Irby

Have you asked, “where is the operator’s manual for parents?” Parenting is such an important job, you want to get it right. What if there were a way to be strategic about the impact you have on your children? Would you want to know? Today’s speaker, Dea Irby, has been where you are. With her husband of 47 years, she has raised eight children and is blessed with 18 grandchildren. Dea has a heart to share her parenting lessons learned over the years. She has published a devotional journal for young mothers. She also will soon be releasing, Straight Arrows- a study in Biblical parenting. Her talk today is The Parent,The Thermostat: Setting the Temperature in the Home with CLAIM. Are you ready? Buckle up! Welcome, Dea Irby.

In the middle of The Great Resignation, many business leaders struggle with keeping team members motivated and good team members from leaving.
This presentation explores a five facet leadership strategy in order to build a community in the workplace where team members are motivated to be productive and want to stay.

You ARE the Ring Master. Let's get your show on the road. The first step is to DECIDE. “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” — (Theodore Roosevelt) Everyday we make 1,000’s of decisions! Some are not as big as others, of course. What did you decide to have for breakfast? Did you decide to apply for a new job? You don’t determine your future, you determine your choices, you make decisions, and those choices determine your future. Are you ready to go for your dreams? First you decide! This presentation takes the audience through the five steps to realizing dreams. Are you ready?

Dea teaches how to create FIT Meetings, those that are full of value, where the team knows where they’re going and where they came from, and leave the attendees energized and ready to implement the tasks the meeting outlined. She has shared this topic in-person and online, to rave reviews.

Dea is a Master Networker and has Built Communities of Professionals and Supporters several times. This talk about fostering relationships instead of gathering business cards and data is ideal for Networking Groups and Chambers of Commerce.
Dea Irby has participated in these events