Coach Ted Behr works with entrepreneurs and business owners with ADHD whose businesses are suffering due to their struggle with their productivity. He helps them get organized and productive so that their businesses can be exceedingly successful. Because of his ADHD, Coach Ted struggled with getting things done in his business until he learned what issues were getting in his way and how to deal with them. He now is passionate about helping other ADHD business owners with productivity challenges be able to get the things done that are required for a successful business and live happier and more fulfilled lives.
Coach Ted applies what he’s learned in 24 years of coaching and from his experience of solving his own ADHD productivity challenges to help his clients to overcome their struggles getting stuff done. He helps them to build on their strengths in order to become effective and productive in their businesses.
For more information and answers to your questions, you can contact him at Coachted@Tedbehr.com.
This is an example talk for Ted Behr

As a business owner, your success rests with your ability to complete the tasks
that are necessary for bringing you that success. That can be a challenge for
many business owners; challenges such as procrastination, disorganization and
distraction can sabotage your ability to get the things done that are required for
your business success.
There are many behaviors that can affect how productive you are. A complete list would be quite long. But from my experience with my clients, the three behaviors that I focus on in this talk are particularly problematic.
Putting into practice the information and strategies contained in this talk will
have a powerful impact on your productivity that will go a long way to bringing
you the business success that you are looking for.
Ted Behr has participated in these events