Tanya Millar
Tanya Millar
Life Insurance Agent, Accident & Sickness License, Advanced

I worked as an Advanced Care Paramedic for 13 years.  During that time I discovered I love making a significant difference in peoples lives. While I was positively impacting other peoples lives, I wasn't being proactive about my financial future.  I began to review my personal finances, I became frustrated and confused by the financial industry.  After educating myself and protecting my family, it was time to use my knowledge to help other families.  4years ago I moved into the financial industry.  I help other families/individuals be proactive about their own financial futures.  How do I help other families/individuals?  I provide financial education so that they aren't frustrated and confused.  The number one stressor for most families/individuals is financial.  My mission is to reduce that stress.  Perhaps we can prevent a trip in the back of an ambulance.

One less patient for my friends still working in Emergency Services might equal rest for my colleagues. 

I am very excited to have helped many families/individuals with their finances. When the inevitable emergency hits the people I help are better equipped to cope with the situation

I absolutely love my career and look forward to sharing information with all of you.  


This is an example talk for Tanya Millar

Tanya Millar
My mission is to help families & individuals by providing financial education to make things less confusing or frustrating.  

  • Have you ever received your investment statements and not read them and just throw them into a box somewhere and forget about it?
  • If you needed to read that investment statement would you know what any of it means?
  • Do you 100% know if you have enough disability insurance protection, that your family would be okay if you lost your job?
  • What if you or your spouse  unexpectly passed away, would your spouse and children be financially okay? or would they loose everything?
Working as a Paramedic for so many years I have seen these types of scenario happen daily. 

 It's not will it happen to me, it is when so ask yourself if your family would be financially okay.

I am here to answer any questions, or help you read your statements. If you curious if your insurance  that is in place  will be enough.  

That's what I am very passionate about helping other with. 

I am passionate about this education because I wish someone would have explained these things to be before I was 40yrs old, it would have positively impacted my family.
Education Family & Parenting +2
Business Education +4


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