Tamela Hawley

Dr. Tamela H. Hawley (Lyanka) is an executive, a medium and a positive thought advocate. She has worked an an education executive for over 20 years with an emphasis in institutional effectiveness and quality improvement. Since she was a teenager, Tamela has has an interest in metaphysics and spirituality. In 1995, Tamela had a life-altering experience that opened up the door to mediumship, which helped her gain access to a greater understanding of the potential of humans to connect to higher realms. As the author of “Your Inner Kingdom: Rediscovering Your Divine Connection to the Source,” Dr. Hawley has led workshops to help people establish their personal roadmap to self-empowerment. Tamela also supports youth sports by serving as a superior judge for the United States Gymnastics Association. She and her husband are the proud parents of five children. Tamela holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Higher Education & Work and a Ph.D. in Higher Education & Social Change from UCLA. 


This is an example talk for Tamela Hawley

Let's Talk Metaphysics: Is Everyone Psychic?
In this session we will discuss the origins of metaphysics and engage in an inquiry about the metaphysical journey in Western/American society. As a part of this discussion we will explore the question, "Is Everyone Psychic." Participants will be guided through a process to discover their own natural psychic abilities. You will leave with resources to continue the inquiry on your own and with others.
Entertainment & Art
Personal Development Spiritual Development +1


Tamela Hawley has participated in these events

Hosted by Pamela Heath