Siobhan Fitzpatrick
Siobhan Fitzpatrick
Founder & CEO

Siobhán Fitzpatrick has a career spanning 30+ years whilst working/living in three countries, she knows that a strong network works magic for your career, business, and social life. And while networking can happen anywhere and at any time it’s better when it’s aligned with a strategy. She has learned first-hand how to build – and sustain – a network of contacts, from not knowing anyone when she moved to New York (and later to London and Ireland) to having a rewarding professional and personal life globally.

Siobhán is passionate about making conscious connections and believes networking is an opportunity to help others rather than being motivated by anticipating gains.

Bringing together her extensive experience of working with Fortune 500 companies in Event Management followed by running her own Career Transition Coaching practice and Networking Franchise, Siobhán found her true calling as facilitator and mentor in the art of successful networking through culminating her lifetime learning, skills, and experience.

Siobhán is an experienced facilitator, coach and mentor and has been a keynote speaker for online and live events globally. Her mantra is to ‘Create Value Before Extracting It’ and through The Networking Hub, it’s something she practices every day.



This is an example talk for Siobhan Fitzpatrick

Productive Networking Takes A Strategic Approach

Networking requires two things - having a GAME PLAN and HELPING OTHER PEOPLE.

No matter what industry or profession you’re in, actively networking is critical to its success. And while it may often feel like it’s a full-time job in itself, having a strategic plan in line with your goals will pay dividends.

During this presentation, Siobhán will share her FIVE tips to strategical build your network and create a return on your investment.

Business Leadership +3
Business Business Development +7


Siobhan Fitzpatrick has participated in these events