Shawn Michael
Shawn Michael
Empowering Entrepreneurs, Founders, Coaches & Leaders 4 More

I've learned that to change your life, you must first change your subconscious blueprint. For long-term transformation, you need to alter your self-concept, diving deep into who you are & what you believe about yourself & your life. This shift allows you to truly believe that anything is possible. 

What I Do

Empowering High Achievers: I help growth-focused professionals break the chains of limitations to achieve fulfillment through one-on-one coaching, immersive group programs, & transformative masterminds. My simple, effective approach doesn't require reliving past pains. 

I have published two self-development journals giving people the tools he used to transform:

  • Stronger Every Day: Building Unshakeable Self-Worth in 30 Days 
  • Loving Yourself: A Journal for Men

My mission is simple: to help success-minded individuals achieve positive & lasting change for themselves, their families, their teams, & their organizations in the boardroom or through breakthrough coaching sessions. 


This is an example talk for Shawn Michael

Stop Being Nice, Be Not Nice Instead

Excessive niceness seems virtuous but breeds unmet needs and enables poor behavior. Strategic not-niceness like truth-telling and boundary setting creates positive change. This talk challenges you to reflect on adding healthy not-niceness to live boldly and authentically.


Shawn Michael has participated in these events

Hosted by Michael Whitehouse