Sovereignty Leader Pauline McGuire
Sover-er-eign-ty: a self-governing state
MNLP, MCHt MTLT, Yoga, Reiki

A trailblazer in Multidimensional Sovereignty, author of “Who’s Holding the
Microphone: A journey to Physical, Energetic, Mental and Emotional Sovereignty”,
Pauline McGuire is a recognized Master NLP Practitioner (MNLP), Master
Hypnotherapist (MCHt), Master Timeline Therapist (MTLT), Yoga Teacher, Reiki
Level II, Akashic Records Reader,* and Master Meditator. Her journey from
combating debilitating chronic illnesses to discovering her path to healing has
been inspiring. Today she has not only fully recovered but also leads and exciting,
joyful,* and adventurous life in Mexico. Her work transcends borders as she
liberates individuals worldwide from the shackles that limit them. Employing her
unique modalities Pauline empowers her clients to live their most authentic and
joyful expression


Pauline McGuire has participated in these events