Vitality Talks: Expert Panel, Roundtable & Showcase
Vitality Talks: Expert Panel, Roundtable & Showcase
Created 2 months 1 week ago
Organizer Julz Vitality
Vitality Talks: Expert Panel, Roundtable & Showcase
Business Areas
Business Health & Well-being Leadership Marketing Mindset Travel & Adventure
Abundance Impact Integrative Wellness Marriage Prosperity Relationship Spiritual Growth Wellness
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Mon, Aug 31, 2037 12:37 PM (12 years 10 months from now)

Open: Accepting Speaker Applications Until Wednesday, 5 August, 12:27 PM



that showcases incredible talent, rainmakers and experts

in Wellness, Mindset & Self-Improvement Space.

Positive Impact Media is not just a platform—it's a movement. Our revolutionary concept of an "Evergreen Summit" is here to feature, promote and spotlight our show guests for months and years to come! This is WAY more profitable than speaking at a 1-time summit. This platform gains exposure from all over the internet, and grows with every new event, episode or JV. The earlier you jump in, the more you benefit from the traffic it generates.

Our quarterly live events are dynamic hybrid interviews, Q&As, including a showcase of skills, talents and techniques, and an often ‘controversial’ panel of experts. 

IMPORTANT: Next Quarterly Live Interview round is November 15th 11-5 EST

Expect spotlight interviews and a 2-hour interactive live expert panel for everyone to answer questions, share opinions and offer gifts to others. Optional: RECORD YOUR 20-MIN PRESENTATION AND ADD IT TO YOUR PROFILE (this can be done at ANY time while your profile is active). You can either drop it into the replay video section, or straight into your presentation (as a YouTube Link).

You will receive emails with details on the next steps. Please send a DM to Julz from Linked In, IG or FB to have a direct way to communicate in case your emails land in the spam folder. 

A little about the host: Passionate about connecting visionary leaders with the audience they deserve, Julz is the Founder and Host of Positive Impact Media 🌟, a premium brand of education, events and interviews dedicated to elevating voices in the realms of prosperity, romance, and wellness. With a rich background in business coaching and social media strategy, she empowers entrepreneurs, mental health providers, coaches, and community leaders to amplify their message and impact and gain exposure to almost 200k in our audience and millions in the audiences of our partners.


From the live event, we cut out recordings that create content for our Social and PR channels.

Who's Your Host: As a seasoned business and social media coach, I have helped countless professionals and businesses grow their online presence, build engaging communities, and achieve remarkable business growth. My mission is to spotlight those making a difference, providing them with the visibility they need to reach new heights.

Why Connect With Us?

By becoming our featured guest or Joint Venture partner, you will:

🌟 Gain exposure to a broad, engaged audience on social media of 200K+ and Smart TV channels. 📺
🌟 Showcase your expertise and share your story with thousands of potential clients. 📣
🌟 Collaborate with leaders & influencers to create impactful and meaningful content. 🤝
🌟 Enhance your credibility and boost your personal and professional brand. 🌟


Check out prior episodes ON YOUTUBE


Connect BEFORE you apply. We appreciate your follow, reciprocate, and respond to DMs way faster than emails.

Guests who are not connected with us on social media miss out on updates, new opportunities, fun invites, and complimentary business coaching.

Join us on this journey to inspire, empower, and create a legacy of positive change. Let's make your story heard.

From Problems to Possibilities
Susan Shatzer Founder Limitless Life Institute

We will discuss the problems in people's lives and how underlying programs, loops, and limitations prevent them from healing and moving forward. We will also chat about ancestral patterns that were passed down from 15-20 generations.  Hidden inside, their biggest problem truly is their greatest possibility.

Fix Your Foundation Before You Crumble
Naomi Hall Owner and Stress Management Coach

A house needs a solid foundation if it's going to weather any major storms. If there are cracks in the foundation the house will eventually start to crumble and fall apart. You are no different from a house. You need a solid foundation if you are going to stand strong in life's storms and weather the stress you can't control. If your foundation is cracked, you will eventually start crumbling and head toward burnout. So let's make sure your foundation is solid and start fixing the cracks so you can weather all the storms and stresses of life that are beyond your control.

Art as Self-Therapy: Wellness Through Creativity
Karen DeLoach art coach/ keynote and workshop speaker

My particular area of expertise as a Creativity Specialist, means I am convinced that we all NEED to add creative experiences into our schedules: for our well-being!

Studies show that just 18 minutes a day of right brain engagement can add to our problem-solving abilities, make us feel better,  ease stress, and give us a Serotonin boost (the happiness chemical!).

These are examples of activities that develop our brilliant right brain: journaling, writing, knitting, cooking, doodling, drawing, coloring, painting, sculpting, acting, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, gardening, are all examples of improving our personal wellness journey.

How to Easily Design, Create and Fill your Own Stage and Grow Your List at the same time!
Julz Vitality Visibility & Social Media Strategist

I simplify step-by-step how to create your stage from as little as ZERO $, how to build all surrounding assets, and how to find targeted guests quickly. But FIRST, we design a strategy for WHY you want this stage, and WHO would be you ideal guest, and WHERE to find them.

Business Marketing +1
Lead Generation Social Media +1
Money-It is not about money...
Alma Tarelli Money Mindset Mentor

Three aspects of Abundance. How to remove abundance blocks, reprogram your subconsciousness, and rewire your mind for success.

How to Put Yourself First to Achieve Food Freedom and Lose Weight (once and for all!)
Andrea Caprio Founder and CEO of Wellness Methods

- Why dieting is keeping you stuck in your health and weight loss journey 

- What's wrong with willpower and how to stop feeling guilty during your weight loss journey 

- A simple habits system you can implement today that will help you to stay on track (specially for busy or stressed moms) 

- How to practice self-care, overcome self-sabotage and finally achieve food freedom

Self First: The Foundation of Success
Carolyn Cahn Success Coach

"Self First: The Foundation of Success" is an empowering presentation that underscores the crucial role of self-prioritization in achieving holistic success. This engaging session delves into the concept of 'Self First,' debunking the myth that self-care is selfish and demonstrating its necessity for personal and professional growth. Attendees will learn practical strategies to incorporate self-prioritization into their daily routines, fostering better time management, stronger boundaries, and overall well-being. Featuring compelling case studies and interactive elements, this presentation offers a transformative approach to unlocking one's full potential by placing self-care at the forefront of their success journey.

Rebuild Your Self-Worth and Self-Trust After Heartbreak
Charlene Goa The Intimacy Maven

Heartbreak shatters the very foundation of who you are, leaving you adrift in a sea of self-doubt and shattered confidence. Heartbreak or as you perceive rejection makes you question your worth.

But what if heartbreak could be the catalyst for your most powerful transformation yet?

Imagine stepping into a future where the shattered pieces of your heart have been meticulously reassembled, radiating with an unshakable self-trust and confidence that permeates every facet of your being. 

You have fallen in love with yourself again - a love so deep and unwavering that it has revolutionized the very nature of your relationships.

This is the future that awaits you - a future where self-worth, self-trust, and self-confidence become your unshakable foundations. 

What You'll Learn:

  • Set Healthy Boundaries Without Guilt
  • Embrace Imperfection
  • Cultivate Self-Worth, Self-Trust, and Self-Confidence
  • Love Yourself Deeply and Unapologetically
  • Turn Wounds into Strength
  • Take Up Space

Join us to rewrite your story and step into your power. Your journey to your unbreakable self begins here.

Health & Well-being
Divorce Relationships
Everything is Energy: Harmonize Your Life Through Energetic Awareness.
Dana Theresa The Metaphysical Mentor

This episode is for conscious leaders and healers who are ready to move beyond their invisible barriers, so they can serve more people and elevate their impact in the world. 


Three Takeaways:


-Everything in the Universe is energy. So as energetic beings it only makes sense that we learn to work with and balance our own energetic body through energy hygiene practices. 

-You are here on Earth at this time for a reason. Grounding and connecting to the Earth everyday is of prime importance. 

-I will teach about the five layers of our energetic body also know as the Koshas. 

-I will guide the listeners through an energy clarifying meditation to help them ground to the Earth's energy , release energy that is not theirs and connect to their own sovereign state of being.  

Living Dreams Come True
Elizabeth Watson Mindset & Manifestation Coach

A discussion on the power of mindset to manifest the life of your dreams come true!

Be Authentic So That Your Business Provides a Life On Your Terms
Endre Hoffmann Doctor of Self-Worth

I help you understand what may be holding you back and why is your business not taking care of you.

Look at your business challenges with fresh eyes. 
Awareness is step one of your transformation.
I share with you 3 takeaways that you can use immediately 

The Power of Habits, Routines and Mindset
Jeannie Kestner Entrepreneur

Explores how habits, routines, and mindset shape our daily lives and influence our overall well-being. As a certified productivity coach and co-founder of The FROG Program, she shares insights on how small, consistent actions can lead to meaningful change.

Through personal stories and practical examples, she will discuss the role that habits play in creating stability, how routines can provide a sense of purpose, and the importance of cultivating a positive mindset. This speech is an invitation to reflect on your own habits and routines and consider how slight shifts in your mindset can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Join Jeannie for an engaging session that will inspire you to harness the power of your habits, routines, and mindset, creating lasting change that propels you toward a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

The Key to Reignite Your Inner Spark for a Passionate Abundant Life over 60
Judy Wong Energy Accelerator Transformation Coach

You’re never too old and it’s never too late. Humans are living to 100 or more. Learn how to rewrite your narrative and rekindle your spark so you can have a life filled with vitality and excitement over 60. It's not about a Fountain of Youth. It's about a Fountain of Life! So, let's turn up your Fountain of Life! Live Life for Living!

Health & Well-being
Mindset Personal Growth +9
Recreating Your Identity Through Your Home
Katherine Troyer Feng Shui Lifestylist

This presentation delves into the powerful relationship between your home and your sense of self. As we move through different phases in life, our identities evolve, and often, our living spaces lag behind. Learn how to clear out the old—both physical and energetic clutter—that no longer serves you, and intentionally design a space that reflects who you are becoming. By shedding outdated elements and aligning your home with your aspirations, you’ll create a fresh foundation for personal growth, empowerment, and transformation. Discover how every room can be a catalyst for recreating the new you.

Kristina von Oertzen Certified Nutrition & Menopause Coach


Health & Well-being
Gut Health Nutrition +3
3 Seconds to Calm Yourself Anywhere
Liz Clifton Calm Life Coach and Leadership Mentor

How to create a clear calm mindset starting with just 3 seconds a day.

Importance of calm mindset foundation

Simple calming practices:

3 second calming breath

3 second clean language self talk

3 second daily check in

3 second yawn release

3 second smile connection 

How to continue building your calm epicenter in all areas of your life 

Animals & Plants Healthcare +2
Mindset Leadership +1
The Reinvention Mindset - Three Steps to an Abundant Life
Lori McDowell Bestselling Author, Speaker, Coach, CEO

The Reinvention Mindset is a mindset that allows us to create the reality we most desire and live a life of abundance. I believe this is possible for anyone, and you can get started with three simple steps.

Meet Your Unconscious Mind ~ The Healing Power Within
Melissa Deally Owner / Integrative Health Practitioner & Registered Health Coach

Come and learn the power of your unconscious mind as part of the healing process in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to achieve total health.  
You will learn:
How you are creating your own reality each and every day
The power of your programming and beliefs that keep you on Victim Island rather than in Solution City!
How you can heal your trauma without having to talk about it. 

Education Health & Well-being
Health Healing +3
Unlock your golden life
Nuria McGrath Vibrant Thang Coach

This presentation discusses five keys to kicking toxic thoughts and beliefs, such as anger, worry, fear, and guilt.  It is a process of understanding how energy moves throughout the body and the mind. I give actionable items on recognizing, understanding, finding wisdom, letting go and even replacing these beliefs.  When we are free of our toxic beliefs and have a mind full of love and harmony, even a busy day has an underlying theme of serenity. It is our mind that inhibits us from having the golden life we want. 

Growth Mindset and The Pillars of Human Potential
Rania Hoteit Multi Award-winning Entrepreneur

This presentation will reveal the secrets of personal growth and the pillars of human potential. In this talk, the speaker will delve into the importance of developing a growth mindset to achieve success by sharing key practices and strategies to unlock the power of our purpose.


Business Design +3
Mindset Entrepreneurship +6
Empower Your Wellbeing and Release the Fear of Dis-ease
Robyn Harris Transformational Wellbeing Alchemist

For so many people, dis-ease is something to fear, or even to feel ashamed of.  This presentation aims to shift that mindset - to reveal that our symptoms are simply information, seeking to share wisdom with us and to help us learn, grow and step more fully into who we were born to be.

Health & Well-being
Health Spiritual Growth +52
Save US Taxes Legally
Sally Gimon Owner

US Business Owners & US Entrepreneur save at least 90% on Federal Income Taxes yearly.  Stop paying state income taxes in 43 states.


US Investors stop paying Capital Gains, Interest Income Taxes, Dividend Income Taxes, Rental Income Taxes, and Royalty Income Taxes on profits!

I have several / am open to what is best for your audience
Samantha Ruth Psychologist & Founder of Griefhab

Again - what will benefit your audience

how to ask for and accept support? Staying resilient during challenging times? Turning pain into power?

Art of Giving & Receiving- Harnessing the Science of Generosity to Live a Life of Abundance
Shabnam Naz Ansari Founder & CEO

The science of generosity states, that when we give, the Universe gives back in multiple ways and profoundly in abundance. Our mission here at Volunteer Well is to empower individuals, strengthen families, connect communities and unite humanity 🧡 The Volunteer Well works to help individuals lead more meaningful and joyful lives, built on deeper connections rooted in generosity and gratitude.

Interested in catapulting into a life of abundance through generosity and receiving? Join this presentation, to learn about the art of giving and receiving, and how it can connect you to the space of abundance and limitless possibilities in your life 💫

Let's start the journey of the soul
Shani Bahar Azulay Spiritual Life Coach

Discovering the lessons of life, being exposed to our inner sources of knowledge, learning from the soul the knowledge relevant to our vocation, realizing ourselves.

Turning Adversity into Strength: Building Resilience in Today’s Uncertain World
Sheldon S. Crocker Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Author

In an ever-changing world filled with uncertainty, personal setbacks and challenges can feel overwhelming. In this presentation, Sheldon Crocker draws from his own journey through childhood trauma, addiction, and disability advocacy to offer practical strategies for not just surviving adversity but using it as a tool for growth and empowerment. Sheldon’s presentation will explore how resilience is built one step at a time and how individuals can transform their toughest moments into opportunities for success. Attendees will walk away with actionable insights on building mental toughness, developing confidence, and embracing the power of their personal stories to inspire positive change in both their lives and their communities. This is a must-attend for those seeking to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and resilience in an unpredictable world.

Business Education +5
Resilience Mental Health +4
Growth and Contrast
Susanne Baumbach Growth

My Presentation is Gonna be about how you can actually reframe past difficult memories and flip it by use of perception. How you can let go of a parent that was either emotionally abscent or abusive and still thrive ! 

Fitness & Nutrition Mastery
Terry Linde Health & Fitness Coach

Learn the key principles of fitness and nutrition. You will learn:

  • The basic anatomy and kinesiology fundamentals.
  • Helping you learn how resistance, cardiovascular, flexibility, and nutrition all play a role in a fitness program.
  • Teaching you how compound and isolation exercises fit into an exercise program and helping you learn how to utilize the use of muscle contraction, compound sets, super sets, and other intensification techniques to maximize progress with a minimal amount of time.
  • You will also learn the proper form and technique for a variety of exercises and equipment and experience how nutrition is vitally important to both an aesthetic and healthy approach to getting YOU results.
  • Learn the correct number of calories and what ratio of protein, carbohydrate, and fat is needed for your body.
  • All of this leads to you increasing your mobility and leading to a higher quality of life.
Health & Well-being
Fitness Nutrition