Nestene is one of the co-founders of Explore ProTech Entrepreneurial Haven. She speaks about entrepreneurship, collaboration, culture, scaling, visibility, relationship building and #businessfamily.
Explore ProTech Entrepreneurial Haven offers entrepreneurs from around the world the chance to build business relationships that last. The secret to the success they've managed to create for their growing community of entrepreneurs is in the fact that every single entrepreneur that is invited to join their tribe, is vetted twice - firstly by Peter and Nestene and secondly by the tribe members themselves.
This has resulted in a truly unique eclectic global village being born inside Explore ProTech, where every entrepreneur you meet is fun, authentic, caring, growth-minded, and passionate about creating a safe space for their #businessfamily to do business in. You can see Nestene in action on the Explore ProTech Youtube Channel and at their monthly Global Online Speed Networking Event.
This is an example talk for Nestene Botha

Nestene built up her first business to R1,000,000 in turnover within the first two years of opening its doors. She's not skilled at marketing, but she enjoys serving her clients. So going from R0 to R1,000,000 - that was the easy part.
It was what happened after building the business to the R1,000,000 in turnover that would shock you. She almost bankrupted the business (twice!) in trying to take it from R1,000,000 to R2,000,000. Her first business never reached the R2,000,000 mark. The reason? The people! Nestene wasn't able to find the correct human resources to help her successfully scale her business and even if she did manage to find them she didn't really know what to do with them to enable them to help her.
These days Nestene runs an organization that has achieved the R1,000,000 in turnover many times over. She is surrounded by some of the most amazing, dedicated, ambitious, fun, authentic people that have ever existed in business. Some of them fill leadership roles in her organization, others just help where they can. All of them are INVESTED in helping Nestene succeed in business.
Why? What happened? What was the secret that Nestene had to figure out?
Well, you're going to have to give Nestene the opportunity to speak at your next event to hear that part. ;)
Nestene Botha has participated in these events