Monique Toonen
Monique Toonen
Wealth is seeking you: Are you a Match?

UpAffluence, led by Monique Toonen,  specializes in guiding women to embody their divine feminine to unlock financial freedom & everlasting love with unshakeable self-worth with the B.L.I.S.S MethodTM. This method is designed to support Women Overwhelmed by work, Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Nonconformist Women and Women healing from toxic relationships while striving for financial freedom.


Monique, known as the Financial Alchemist, helps these women tap into and strengthen their self-worth & femininity to lead the field forward to prosperity and achieve financial well-being. 


The B.L.I.S.S MethodTM transcends conventional financial advice by integrating emotional healing, but also unconventional paths with creativity & resourcefulness while nurturing the feminine energy to achieve financial freedom to find the love of their life to become a Match for their Wealth. 


As a sexual abuse & breast cancer survivor, I now enjoy my financial free life with my partner who I live with 6 months of the year, the rest of the time I am traveling the world with my dog Spirit, solo as a digital nomad, helping dozens of women like you to become a Match for your Wealth.



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