Melinda helps people shift from Stress to Success with just ONE question.
One of only a handful of Curiosity Specialists in the world. Melinda helps individuals and organisations understand your greatest superpower, how curiosity works and its 70+ astonishing benefits. Enabling you to think more effectively, take control, take action, achieve your goals and thrive even in negativity, challenge, complexity, uncertainty and chaos.
3x Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman says, and science is now proving, your Curiosity Quotient (CQ) is more important that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intelligence (IQ) combined! Because it’s intrinsic to learning and more importantly meta-cognition - your ability to assess and question your own thoughts.
Melinda weaves her story from a lifetime of suffering through to how she found curiosity.
If Einstein, Murdoch, Buffett, Jobs, Larry Page, Vaynerchuk, Elizabeth Gilbert and other achievers have attributed their success to Curiosity, surely that’s enough evidence to learn more about it!
Curiosity saved the cat
Capitalise on AI through curiosity
Unlocking Super-Conscious, Genius and Infinite Potential
This is an example talk for Melinda Mulcahy

Apart from being your #1 success trait, your curiosity is your best coping mechanism in times of challenge.
Best of all, curiosity:
- Down regulates stress hormones.
- Place you in control.
- Provides the necessary hormones to take action towards your goals.
- Increases your ability to spot more opportunities.
- Improves neurological and physiological health.
- Improves vagal tone, meaning you become more resilient.
But curiosity doesn't just stop there because it moves you past resilience and into your highest level of self-mastery. Much higher than Maslow's Self Actualisation - into Transcendence, meaning profound awareness and acceptance.
So you really don't have to “feel the fear and do it anyway!”
Melinda Mulcahy has participated in these events