- Name
- Mark Layder
- Tagline
- Mark Layder
- Credentials
- Author of SuperYou a unique 12 volume self-coaching workbook programme. One of the first of it's kind ..written in 1993. Had well over 10,000 subscribers. Now author of BC BusinessConnectors launching April 2022. Featured in 'Entrepreneurs on Fire' book with Tim Ferris. Also featured in Ted Nicholas' book 'Magic Words'. No.1 promoter for Tony Robbins 1st UK tour in 1993. 1st E-myth consultant in UK in 1996. Brought Crestcom (ex American Salesmasters) to UK in 1992. Creator of Winvironment Optimal Performance Research...working successfully with mainly 'soccer' teams since 1995 Dean of Life Plus University in Arkansas 2000 to 2002. Shared speaking stages with Jim Rohn in Las Vegas and also Edward DeBono. As well as Howard Berg, Ted Nicholas and Alexander Everett (one of the true founders of the Human Potential Movement) & Subliminal Dynamics/Reading Genius 1st UK tours
“ The effect was amazing… everyone was talking about it. It made a real impact on me. Mark's work & approach is unique”
(Bob Lemon Pres.Life Plus Int'l Arkansas USA - commenting on never having seen a BizConnector work with an audience before)
The internationally renowned author and long time Editor of Success Magazine - OG MANDINO said it like this:
Mark's work “ is a precious road map to a better business & life, a map that will guide you to success and happiness and wealth you never dreamed possible.”
And a conference delegate put it this way :
" Mark… I've worked with Ziglar, Tracy, Robbins, Rohn… read their books, done their seminars. YOUR WORK IS DIFFERENT.. truly unique. I've never got so much value out 3 hours or 3 days in my life. THANKS. (LifePlusUni delegate)
Mark Layder counts author, inventor, publisher, importer, hotelier, facilitator, concept seller, recruiter, business designer and now 'Business Connector' as steps on his path to “QoL” (Quality of Life).
Flicking through Mark's testimonials from 'Interesting People' reads like a veritable Who's Who of voices willing to acknowledge his years of work forming Entelechy: The New Science of Achieving Potential.
Married to Ellen since 1994 with son Cody joining the 'team' in 2003, Mark hails from the Beatles city of Liverpool in the UK.
“ We take the subject matter very seriously - then present it with a touch of Monty Python humour thrown in for good measure”
Dr D McKee (highly respected Nutitionist/Oncologist & much more) simply said what made our work unique … in ONE word he said “ HUMOUR”
…. In true Monty P style coming back with more AFTER the show finished - Major Peter Danby Officer in the UK Army said:
“ I guess that after 13 years in the military I tend to take leadership & commitment for granted. Your programme took my understanding to new levels. Your approach breaks through into new areas. I see the management guru's twist the old theories, but deep down nothing changes. What you do draws on the enormous untapped potential that lies within us all. I hope clients have the courage to work with you. If they harness the force that you unleash - they will be unstoppable” …..
That's all folks. I'll take that as a goodish FOOTNOTE
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