Lesley Michaels she/her/hers
Best Selling author: On the Shoulders of Mighty Women

Lesley Michaels was born to feminism and was later one of the first women to break through the glass ceiling in the “old boy” industry of oil and gas. Infected by entrepreneurialism she developed and sold several small businesses, while simultaneously becoming a leader in the coaching/mentoring industry. Lesley has mentored Fortune 500 C-Suite executives, individuals within the financially privileged sector, and celebrities. 


Her body of unique life experiences have provided her with a first-hand understanding of the daily struggles faced by women of every race, culture, and sexual orientation as addressed in her new book, On the Shoulders of Mighty Women.  


Lesley facilitates the virtual programs: Developing Women’s Strategic Alliance, and Exceptional Leadership; A Masterclass for Women. Lesley also hosts the weekly podcast; Women We Should Know, and will be delivering her TED talk early winter of 2023, Lift One With You, As You Rise


Lesley Michaels has participated in these events

Hosted by Wendi Hatton