Kathryn Yarborough

Kathryn Yarborough is the founder of Speakers with Heart. She produces online summits that give women entrepreneurs opportunities to collaborate to share their messages so that they reach larger audiences. She also trains women coaches, healers, and on purpose solopreneurs on how to be authentically vibrant speakers so that they can be the fullest expression of themselves, attract clients, and make a bigger difference.

To find out more, visit her website at:


This is an example talk for Kathryn Yarborough

Your Ideal Clients Want to Pay You!

Have you ever been on a call with a potential client, asked for the sale, and heard, “I can’t. I don’t have the money.” It’s frustrating. Right?!? So, instead of feeling frustrated because potential clients say they don’t have money to pay you, become a magnet to ideal clients who can and will pay you. Even better… attract clients who WANT to pay you! In this presentation with Kathryn Yarborough you’ll learn:

  1. The importance of using your imagination in order to attract ideal clients.
  2. How to attract clients who can, want, and will pay you.
  3. How to change the story you tell yourself so that you’re a magnetic to your ideal clients and they fly to you!


Kathryn Yarborough has participated in these events

Hosted by Richa Chandra