Karin Del Maestro is a Health, Transformation & Calmness Coach and has been working in the health and wellness fields for 20+ years. But, it was after her own Breast Cancer and BRCA2 diagnosis in 2018 that she realized she was uniquely qualified to serve breast cancer survivors after active treatment has ended, to calm their minds, get back their get-up-and-go, stop putting their needs on the back burner and feel amazing in the skin they are in…no matter how many scars they may have!
Karin specializes in working with Breast Cancer Survivors, Genetic Mutation Carriers & Healthy Lifestyle Seekers who readily focus their time and energy on their loved ones, but find it challenging to make time to take care of themselves.
I'm looking for speaking opportunities for the following topics:
Life After Breast Cancer
Getting life back on track after trauma
How to calm your mind, to boost your energy after breast cancer
The key to doing the things you know you ought to be doing to stay healthy
Self-Care, Self-Love, Self-Compassion
This is an example talk for Karin Del Maestro

Breast Cancer Related Fatigue is NORMAL, but that doesn't mean that you have to just sit, suck it up and wait to get your energy (and life) back!
We rarely realize how much energy our thoughts can steal.
Karin will portray quickly with her British sense of humor and passion for tea, a visual that helps us see quickly where our energy is going and what we can do about it.
You'll walk away from this presentation knowing…
- Why are you so exhausted!
- Where your mind is going and how it's impacting your energy levels
- The number ONE way to start calming your mind today, and start to boost your energy!
Karin Del Maestro has participated in these events