Karen Anne Fasulo, is an International Speaker, Breathwork Trainer and Coach. Karen found out when her daughter was 11, that she was Autistic and not just shy. She now draws upon her 20 years experience parenting a Neurodiverse child, and specializes in helping parents just like YOU navigate through the parenting stress and overwhelm to a happier, healthier, harmonious family life.
Understanding our personality type, how we communicate, but most importantly, knowing how our children receive information is so important for communication. The D.I.S.C. Behavior Analysis will help you better undeerstand and communicate with your family.
Breathwork has been a major part of her life and her children’s lives in managing stress, emotions, sleep patterns and overall health. Karen is a certified Breathwork instructor and teaches not only how to use the breathwork techniques so you will feel better, but also explains the science behind it.
Karen’s motto is in order to have a great relationship with your children, you first must have a great relationship with yourself.
This is an example talk for Karen Fasulo
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