Juliette Bastian
Juliette Bastian
Helping you C.onnect A.ctions to R.esults

Juliette is the Founder and CEO of Strategy Works Consulting, a company that specializes in providing organizational and personal development services. She has over 20 years of experience working with individuals, entrepreneurs, and Fortune 500 companies, helping them achieve their goals and create fulfilling lives.

Juliette has a wealth of experience in business, organizational development, communication, change management, and creative expression, and is certified in several business and personal development topics such as strategic planning, performance measurement, and dream building. She is also a featured co-author of the book "The Game Changer, Volume 5 - Inspirational Stories that Changed Lives". Juliette has worked with a wide range of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies and organizations like University of Houston Clear Lake, El Paso Water, City of Alexandria, Fred Meyers Jewelers, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). 


Juliette created a unique approach to discovering your life‘s purpose, designing a life you love, and developing a simple action plan that keeps you focused on achieving your dreams and goals. After a lengthy career in the corporate world, she suddenly found herself transitioning to an entrepreneurial lifestyle and struggling for clarity around her life‘s purpose and her dreams. The challenges appeared to be daunting, until she discovered the key to successfully transition through various phases of life. 


Juliette's passion for helping people achieve their best is the inspiration behind her creation of "The G'jEM (Greatness just Expresses as Me) Concept".  


This is an example talk for Juliette Bastian

The Roadmap to Success

What C.A.R.TM are you driving to your “Success” destination?

This presentation is an overview of a comprehensive guide on how to achieve success by connecting actions to results. The presentation is based on the C.A.R.TM framework, which serves as the roadmap for creating a plan to move from your current state to your desired state and taking clear, actionable steps towards achieving your goals. In addition, it incorporates various success principles and strategies that have been proven effective in a wide range of industries. This roadmap will show you how to navigate the path to success and reach your destination by following a clear set of steps. Whether you're an individual or an organization, this presentation is an ideal opportunity to learn how to achieve success through strategic planning and focused action. With the Roadmap to Success in hand, you will be able to chart your course to success with confidence.

Business Education +2


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