As a Shamanic Mentor, Healer, and Soul Guide, Jennifer works with spiritual seekers, healers, coaches, and conscious entrepreneurs who struggle with addictive distractions, lack of confidence & clarity, and fear of being seen and heard. She understands these challenges and guides clients to Activate their purpose, Realize their power, and create Prosperity by doing what they love so they can have freedom, fulfillment, vitality, success, and wealth.
Jennifer's entrepreneurial background started with being born into a horse racing family. Inspired by her dad doing his purpose work, training and driving professional athletes (the horse), she learned the discipline and commitment it takes to be an entrepreneur and do your purpose.
Jennifer's career has been diverse, including a decade in customer service and hospitality and 18 years as a Chartered Professional Accountant specializing in supporting entrepreneurs with business success. This experience honed her ability to understand and foster relationships through service, a skill she now applies to her role as a mentor.
After 26 years of developing her own personal, professional, and spiritual development systems and working with her Shamanic Teachers, mentors, and coaches, she now teaches and mentors others full-time to fulfill her life purpose.
Jennifer is a multi-talented individual driven by a deep passion for helping others leverage their life and work experiences. Her goal is to guide them toward doing what they love, thereby enabling them to experience freedom, fulfillment, success, happiness, and wealth.
Jennifer offers Finding the Source™ Signature Programs designed to expand awareness of your challenges, obstacles, and traps so you can reconnect with your Soul's Purpose.
Finding the Source™ private mentoring customizes consciousness-expanding, frequency-raising sessions to support you with self-actualization. With Jennifer, you bypass the fluff and get down deep so you can access support, healing, and permanent transformation.
Jennifer's guidance and direction support you in re-awakening to your ultimate purpose. You receive customized tools, energetic fine-tuning, and dedicated focus so you can align with your true potential, realize your purpose and power, and have freedom and prosperity.
Jennifer is looking for the following speaking opportunities:
- In-person
- Virtual summits/events
- TV & Radio
- Podcast/live streams
She speaks on the importance of activating your life purpose so you can realize how powerful you are and do what you are born to do so you can create financial prosperity by doing what you love.
Jennifer's signature speech, UNLOCK YOUR SOULPOWER, guides the audience to become aware of where they are still hiding, staying small and dimming their light as a result of staying stuck in unhealthy and/or toxic relationships and work which is causing them to be unfulfilled, triggered, get distracted and procrastinate going for their big goals and dreams. During the speech, she offers 3 practices to assist the audience with coming into their true authentic self so they have the courage to unravel the interference, challenges, and resistance that has been stopping them from going after the life of their dreams.
Jennifer hosts a private podcast/ live stream, RECEPTIVE RADIO™ Your Tuning Station, where she goes live for 20 minutes every week at 12:30 p.m. PST. She offers the most current teachings, practices, pitfalls, and successes weekly so other visionaries, coaches, healers, and entrepreneurs can relate, connect, and share.
Members of Receptive Radio™ are eligible to apply for interview opportunities so you can speak and make a free offer. You can join Receptive Radio™ here: Receptive Radio™ Private Podcast — Jennifer Sifert
Jennifer Sifert | Shamanic Mentor, Healer & Soul Guide
EMAIL - jennifer@jennifersifert.com
FREE SOULPRENEUR COMMUNITY LEARN MORE HERE - https://www.jennifersifert.com/receptive-radio
WEBSITE - https://www.jennifersifert.com
Want to connect & network with me more? Book a ZOOM call here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JenniferSifert30MinuteFollowUpCall@jennifersifert.com/bookings/
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