Ekaterina Koretskaia
Divorce coach
Ekaterina is a bestselling author of the collaborative book "Transforming Your Life III" where she tells her story of taking her divorce as a catalyst for a deep transformation of her life, from her relationships with her son and ex-husband, to relationships with larger family, men and even at work. She has been trained by Dr. Claire Zammit on her Feminine Power coaching program, which is a type of coaching that breaks through old beliefs and patterns to build a new story, as well as by Christian Mickelsen on his Instant Miracle Mastery program, which is a powerful healing technique that can be used to relieve all kind of suffering (pain, false beliefs, trapped emotions,...).
Ekaterina was attracted by the self-help area throughout her personal experience of going through a divorce, being a single mom, building a new life and trying to believe in love again. She refused to be a victim of the circumstances and decided to take responsibility for her relationships and happiness, which led her to approach her divorce like a catalyst for change that happened for a reason. Her investigative nature, made her search for effective tools to go through all these challenges during several years, to process her emotions, the emotions of her son and understand how she was co-creating her reality of being a sort of a magnet for toxic relationships. The discoveries she made have generated a massive transformation in all areas of her life - in her role as a mother, in her relationships with family, friends, men, and even at work. She learned how to put sound boundaries, process her emotions as an ultimate act of self-love, coach her son to do the same and attract healthy relationships.
Her willingness to help other women to do the same and never give up on themselves, finding self-love and true love, made her become a coach in the area of relationships, after a career of 15 years as a manager-coach in the corporate world. Ekaterina is offering tools of releasing emotions to mothers going or having gone through a divorce, helping them support their children to process their emotions as well, and build a brilliant new life. She uses the Feminine Power principles (created by Dr. Claire Zammit), as well as tools like Emotional Freedom Technique and others that she discovered through her own journey, with concrete and effective guidance of implementing them in daily life.
Ekaterina is a happy mother of a teenager, is in a beautiful relationship with her new partner and beyond coaching enjoys writing, drawing, hiking and traveling.


This is an example talk for Ekaterina Koretskaia

Divorce as a Catalyst for Transformation That Will Support your Children
Have you ever felt like a pressure-cooker through divorce, ready to explode if the lid is not opened properly, because of the overwhelming emotions you are experiencing? And do you find it difficult to help your children to manage their emotions through these troubled times when feeling that way? You are not alone. 
Unfortunately, more often than not we are not taught how to express our emotions in a healthy way. Divorce is such an emotionally charged time that it’s crucial to learn simple yet powerful tools to process anger, sadness and grief for ourselves, to then be able to help our children to process theirs and to reconnect with joy again. 
Ekaterina will share how expressing her anger for herself, not « throwing » it on her ex-husband, helped her to pacify their relationship and build trust and respect over time. She will also share an unexpected way to help a child to express his anger that can even heal eczema. 
Ekaterina will then share shortcuts about how to rebuild your life after divorce on solid foundations once the emotions are taken care of. Did you know that writing down what you want in detail increases your chances to get it by more than 40% (research proven!)? 

Family & Parenting Health & Well-being +1
Healing Mindset +3


Ekaterina Koretskaia has participated in these events

Hosted by Dr. L The Parent Whisperer