Donna Chimera
Donna Chimera
"Get Unstuck" and Begin Living a Life You Will Love

Donna is a Breakthrough Strategist.   

Frustrated Biz Owners hire her to help them get “unstuck”- to break through unseen blocks that are threatening their business and/or causing chaos at home.

Her approach is unique- She combines 30 years of very grounded marketing and entrepreneurial experience with her high intuitive gifts and forward vision. She identifies the “hidden saboteurs” and eliminates those pesky hooligans from the individual- at very level of being- Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. 

Podcast or Presenter topics

  • Hidden Saboteurs of Frustrated Entrepreneurs - Learn How to Get Unstuck!
  • Unmasking Superwoman - Create a Thriving Business without Causing Chaos at Home!
  • The Dream Inherent - How to Remember What You Really Came Here to Be and Do
  • How to Redesign Your Thoughts, Language, Action Matrix for a Profoundly Purposeful Life
  • Success in Business by Living Your Soul Purpose



This is an example talk for Donna Chimera

Feeling Stuck? Learn Breakthrough Strategies
Abundance Ancient Wisdom +7


Donna Chimera has participated in these events