We Don't Di - Dianne Deering
On three different occasions Dianne Deering held reservations, seat assignments, and tickets on airplanes that all tragically crashed. Her meetings either ran late or finished early and she was accommodated on alternate flights. She knew she was spared because there was a purpose and a plan for her life.
On three other recent occasions she lost, or so she thought, three loved ones. They have shown her that "We Don't Di." She can help you understand that we don't die and assist in healing your grief.
Dianne’s life has been an ongoing course in theology, theosophy, and spirituality. She holds a master’s degree in Energy Medicine and is a licensed non-denominational minister, dedicated to making a difference, in some way, each and every day. Deering’s fascination has been with all things mystical, magical, and metaphysical; including the body, mind, and spirit. She is a TIR (Traumatic Incident Reduction) facilitator, life coach, and certified Grief Educator.
Dianne also incorporates her own revolutionary techniques that are outlined in her upcoming book, Craig’s List for the Afterlife: Follow Your Heart, Heal Your Grief, and Lose Your Fear of Dying. The book contains the five intrinsic spiritual stages for healing grief.
This passionate petite dynamo is an energizing speaker, teacher, and trainer. She opened and successfully ran her own travel agency and travel school at the age of nineteen. Later, while working in executive positions for the cruise lines, she crisscrossed the globe, exciting and motivating audiences at seminars and workshops. Now she turns all her losses in life to lessons and all her grief to gifts as she shares with others how to accomplish the same.
Dianne Deering has participated in these events