Charel Morris
Charel Morris
365 Days of Self Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World
Ordained Minister; Practitioner of Religious Science, Studied Sound and Color healing at Tama Do Academy with Fabien Maman & Terres Unsoeld

Charel Morris helps spiritual women to activate hidden energy and up their personal power so that they can earn more, love more, do more, and love life. 

She "disrupts" their game of feeling "small and stuck. She urges them to release the brakes and take a quantum leap into their new life of success and freedom.

Charel has often describe her way as Healing Through Disruption.

Her story moves from Hollywood to the Quantum Energy Field:, As she describes it  “I went from Light, Camera, Action to Energy, Frequency, Vibration!” 

By her 30s, she became a Practitioner, energy healer, writer, Ordained Minister, ceremonialist and shaman. 

She loves to work with her clients using quantum energy. 


With forty years of training, experience, and practice she moves seamlessly between various healing modalities. Often combining ancient knowledge with state-of-the-art thinking and scientific research, she smoothly weaves decades of skills, knowledge and experience to fast track you through a unique breakthroughs that fits you.

In the 21st century she made a paradigm shift – her journey is still mystical and funny. But she started to work with top level / bleeding edge of the HACKER Security and Open-Source world. She has planed and at times Produced conferences around the world. 

For Charel, the magic of the last 20-years was having the opportunity of bringing her spiritual and shaman skills to businesses, contracts and dealing with serious problems in the moment and seeing the success from weaving the sacred work and energy fitting in so smoothly with corporate worlds and cultures. 

Her work has evolved to share these skills and knowledge to others so they can also connect to their inner knowing and powers. 

Her current program is a 6 or12 Month program called Circle of Power for women in Security and InfoSec and a Circle for woman in that area of technology who have started their own company or are CEOs for a company. It is exciting and so wonderful to sit with women as they awaken and expand their power and life up every aspect of their lives. 


This is an example talk for Charel Morris

Meditation Magic
The growing level of stress in our world has become overwhelm for many of us. And that includes our children and teens. Through breath practices and various visualizations you can reduce your stress and anxiety in just a few minutes. 
Health & Well-being


Charel Morris has participated in these events