- Name
- Brenda Jacobson
- Tagline
- Credentials
- Brenda Jacobson is a business strategist and finance executive with a passion for helping people manage emotions that hijack their lives. She is an Emotional Intelligence Coach, Chakra Awakener, Speaker, Author, Facilitator and International Trainer. Formally trained as a Chartered Professional Accountant she enjoyed 25+ years as a corporate executive. Life circumstances inspired her to redirect her skillset into to entrepreneur realm where she founded YouEQ Global and Awakening Consciously to create tools and strategies that help leaders optimize their teams and people optimize their experience—on every level of life.
I partner with professional women to level up their relationship skills in every realm of life—as business leaders, parents, partners, friends and overall influencers in the evolution of humanity.
My career as a finance executive and business strategist came to an abrupt halt when I fell over 3000 feet down a mountain while skiing. The recovery took five years, however in hindsight I realized my body healed in about two. It took an extra three years to regain control of my emotions and reclaim my life. Three years of life that I missed out on. Post trauma stress kept me stuck in a very small world—trapped in the contracting experience of anger, disgust, fear, sadness and hopelessness. This is when I became passionate about emotions and the power held in building the awareness and skills to manage them effectively.
YouEQ grew from this seed as I set out on a mission to develop tools to help others recover from emotions that hijacked their lives and kept them stuck in a very small version of themselves. Combining neuroscience and game dynamics we have created a fun, fast and wildly effective strategy to help people from three to ninety three—and everyone in between—optimize their experience at every level of life.
To supplement this strategy, I delve into the science of vibration and the power of the energy body to help people understand each element standing in the way of their success. This creates an evolutionary shift in the body, emotions, mindset, communication, intuition, visualization and spiritual connection. Together these encompasses the whole of the person and revolutionizes every element of life.
These are example talks for Brenda Jacobson
People have never discovered the simplicity of having powerful, engaging conversations. Instead of deepening their existing relationships and expanding their networks in this time of high stress, many people are experiencing the breakdown of relationships causing their community to contract.
--Conversational training to share the science, skills and language of emotions.
This experience will guide you to improve your life, on every level, in very meaningful ways.
It is now time to take the next step in the evolutionary process and acknowledge the greater self—the other aspects of your being, and the multiple levels of this fabulous vehicle you have been gifted with.
During this time you will become aware of. . .
This presentation addresses the desire to simplify and expedite the journey of awakening for anyone who chooses this path. You will come to embrace this tool for your own awakening and it will simplify the struggles you encounter along the way.
Brenda Jacobson has participated in these events