Ann Lamb (formerly Hobbs)
Ann Lamb (formerly Hobbs)
Publishing books for people who want to grow their business
BA English Literature and Creative Writing

Ann, who is the Director of Forward Thinking Publishing, started out as a holistic therapist and then became a coach. She has more than 20 years experience in the coaching and self-development industry and written two books. Ann's ethos has also been to help other people so that no-one is struggling with life. She believes there is always hope and a way out.

Having written two books Ann knows the power that writing a book still holds for coaches. After publishing she found she was offered to do more speaking gigs, got clients easily and her reputation grew.

Ann wants to encourage self-help authors, coaches and holistic therapists to get their message out into the world and has set up Forward Thinking Publishing to take away the headaches and have the support they need to produce a great book. Ann's values for the company are that every book that they publish should enrich and nourish people's lives.

Forward Thinking Publishing has a team of experts including editors, typesetting, book designers and website designers helping them to create and publish great looking books.  We are a one shop stop for publishing your story.

We know how hard it is to write and keep the momentum going and then to navigate the publishing world.  We are here at every stage of your journey – idea to book to produce a great quality book that sells.




This is an example talk for Ann Lamb (formerly Hobbs)

3 Steps to Master your Non-fiction Writing to Increase your Coaching Business
I will be teaching you my top tips on how to write a fabulous non-fiction book so that you can upsell your coaching services. 

In order to write a great book you need to master:-

Step 1 – Master your Mind

This step will consistently hold you back and you will be always saying “some day I will write my book”. By mastering this step you will:-

·        Help you with your motivation to keep going

·        Stay out of writer’s block 

·        Manage your self-talk and ego about not being good enough

·        Eradicate your beliefs around writing

·        Be confident in your own voice

Step 2 – Master your Reader

This is a step that most writers do not consider until the editing stage. This is the most common error I see from manuscripts. Although it is your story, it is not about you, it is all about the reader. By mastering this step you will:-

·        Stop you writing irrelevant material and save you time

·        Keep you out of overwhelm and writer’s block

·        Keep you from saying “I don’t know what to write”

·        Helps with your motivation to keep writing

·        The reader will feel that you know them and will gain trust immediately

Step 3 – Master your Structure

Another common mistake that I see is that writers have a great story to tell and share but they haven’t been structured enough and is all over the place. By mastering this step it will:-

·        Help you to remain focused on your writing

·        Help you to have a plan 

·        Stops yours confusion in what comes next and what to write

·        Keep you on track

·        Give you confidence that you will be able to upsell your services

These 3 steps are very important and most writers do not know they exist. This will give you the edge over all the self-development books out there and makes you have a stronger and more powerful book. Also by mastering these 3 steps you will also know how to market your book and what audience you need to be in front in selling your book and services before you even start writing.

Business Health & Well-being +2
Literature Marketing +4


Ann Lamb (formerly Hobbs) has participated in these events

Hosted by Ann Ljungberg