Andy Anderson Charles
Is a Security Practitioner who owns a protective service agency, a Minister of the Gospel, an Inspirational speaker, a Singer, a Writer, a Podcast host, and a Life & Development Coach. He is a Certified Public Speaker and Speechwriter from Udemy. Certified Life Coach and holds an MBA certification in International Business. His accreditation comes from Coaching.com and ICF (International Coaching Federation) He is also a member of Lions Clubs International and the awardee of a certificate of recognition for his work as a Membership Coordinator by the International President. He has been Coaching for the past 15 years and speaking for 20 years. He is the writer of one published novel entitled “To Lose A Dream”, and has three e-books published on Amazon. He is also a graduate Student of the Biblical Institute of Israel. His greatest passion is to help embolden and influence transformation in the lives of 3 million people during his lifetime. He is currently married to his partner in service Ena, and He loves meeting people, traveling, sports, and writing.
This is an example talk for Andy Charles

The true essence of fulfillment and empowerment in life is the focus on the values of our existence, and the discovery of our singular purpose in life. Not many of us are willing to do the work to get there and to be intentional about their purpose. When I present and speak, I guarantee my audience a return on investment for their time and more, I can do this because I have purpose, I have intent, and I have assurance. However, this is not entirely about me, this is more about the experience one can have as a result of investing time in our mutual engagement. The world has lots of content and lots of Information givers and creators I do not want to join that list; my greatest desire is to ensure that when you leave our conversation, you are better off for the experience than when you came in. So if it is personal or group development, positive leadership, public speaking, relationships, or personal mastery, please talk with me, and let's agree on the best possible version of a presentation, workshop, or seminar, that will bring transformative change to the targeted audience. It may be about Business, education, health and well-being, mindset and heart-set, or emotional therapy, as a certified Life and Development Coach, our investment in time will yield results and growth together.
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