EntrepreNERD Summit II: Attack of the Summit
EntrepreNERD Summit II: Attack of the Summit
Created 2 years 1 month ago
Organizer Michael Whitehouse
EntrepreNERD Summit II: Attack of the Summit
Business Areas
Business Leadership Marketing Media Mindset Other Science Sport & Hobbies
Book Marketing Business Business Coaching Content Marketing Digital Marketing Entrepreneurship Geek Internet Marketing Marketing Marketing Strategy Science
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Sat, Jul 22, 2023 10:00 PM (1 year 6 months ago)


There is unrest in the entrepreneurial space. Several hundred thousand new businesses have opened in only a few years.

This entrepreneurial movement, under no particular leadership, has made it difficult for the limited number of EntrepreNERDs to maintain their brand presence and build their business across the Galaxy.

Michael Whitehouse, the once and future EntrepreNERD summit organizer, is returning to EventRaptor to run the critical 5th EntrepreNERD event to create an ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC to assist the overwhelmed EntrepreNERDs....



Do business situations remind you of challenges faced in science fiction?

Does mindset shifting make you think of using the Force?

Do you think of the Fellowship of the Ring as the ultimate Strategic Alliance?

Are you a geek entrepreneur?

Then this event is for you! EntrepreNERD Summit is a serious virtual business summit for serious geeks who are also serious coaches, speakers, and experts.

The Audience

This event is for geeks who happen to be entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who happen to be geeks, particularly those who are in the growth phase of their business. We're talking Luke during A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, although Return of the Jedi Luke could also find some value here as well.

We delivering the valuable content that the audience needs to grow their business, and we're having a darned lot of fun doing it.


Your Speaker Experience

This event is produced by Michael Whitehouse, and Michael creates events that a fun, engaging, exciting, and valuable to the audience and the speakers. This is not a watch with your camera off while you do something else event. This is not a drop in, give your talk, and leave event. This is an interactive event!

We want to create an event that you will enjoy speaking at and get value from, so we're open to pretty much anything that will provide value to the audience as long as it has an action item for the audience to engage in immediately. More interaction is always better than less interaction. That keeps the energy up in the room, keeps the audience engaged, and makes it more fun for you.

You are welcome offer your gift (the one you put in the application) during your talk as long as it is low key and not pitchy. Offering good. Infomercial bad.


Event Style

The event will be a live, Zoom-based event running 11 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time.

We're aiming for engagement. We want an event where people feel they are part of something, not where they feel like they are watching a YouTube video.

This means that we'll have interactive activities. It means we encourage interactive presentations.

It also means that we encourage speakers to be there for as much of the event as possible because you'll be making some connections while you're there. (Speakers are required to attend for at least 2 hours of the event)


Schedule Structure

Speaking slots will be 15 minutes, or, if your presentation is interactive we give you an extra 5 minute for a total of 20.

Each hour will be formatted as follows:

0-15 Speaker

15-30 Interaction

30-45 Speaker

45-60 Interaction

Interaction may be speed networking, hot seat coaching, Q&As, or anything else.

Do not assume that the interaction block after your talk is for your Q&A, but if you do get a good flow going with the audience and they are highly engaged, I may choose to just let that keep going if the vibe is good.



All presentations will be recorded. 

Any speakers who achieve the minimum number of opt-ins (which should be all of you, right?) will have their presentation shared out to the entire list of registrants in the days after the event.

Additionally, some videos may be shared out to attendees or others on my list for various reasons including promoting that speaker's affiliate link or program.

By applying to this summit, you are granting ConCardia, LLC and Michael Whitehouse full and irrevocable rights to all recordings made during the event. These recordings may be edited and deployed in anyway that we choose for the benefit of our audiences.


Speaker Expectations

  • Promote the event and generate a minimum of 10 opt-ins
  • Attend for at least 2 hours in addition to your speaking time
  • Actively engage with other speakers and participants throughout the event



Speakers are expected to generate a minimum of 10 opt-ins. Swipe copy will be provided, or you can write your own copy. If you write really good copy, I'll share it with the other speakers and credit you.

In addition to traditional swipe copy, Guest Letters will be provided which you can share verbatim as a letter from the organizers to your audience.

If you bring in at least 25 opt ins, Michael Whitehouse will promote your affiliate offer to his entire list.

The top three promoters (by total opt-ins) will be promoted to the entire list of attendees and Michael's own entire mailing list, whatever you would like to share (within reason), no affiliate necessary.

Creating Sweet Dreams - Awake and Awakened
Gerri Mana McMahon 5 Steps To SuperConscious Sound Sleep

When we sleep well, and make use of our sleep time, we naturally create a life we adore. I'll guide the audience through the 5 steps to deep sleep, AND sweet dreams in life… 

The Art of Meet & Greets
Jacqueline Sisson MFCT, CAT The ART of Meet and Greets

This presentation is for Speakers, Entrepreneurs, and Coaches who would like more positive exposure on Social Media.

Go from Sith to Jedi in your marketing
Jade Francesca Aligned Marketing Strategist

Have you ever read a promotional email from a business you liked, and then felt like you weren’t good enough and wouldn’t be until you tried their program?


Have you ever felt like you had to accept a new offer because there was only “1 spot left” and the offer would “never come back” and you were afraid of missing out, even if you knew the offer wasn’t the best for you right now? 


Have you ever been in a coaching or a membership program and needed to take a pause, but suddenly the “cancel anytime” policy became “you can only cancel by scheduling a 30-minute call where you will be manipulated into staying because if you leave you are never allowed to come back?”


These are only a few examples where manipulative marketing preys on your fears and insecurities.


It doesn’t have to be this way. Marketing can be done efficiently without having to resort to manipulative tactics.


Let's talk about it.

Business Marketing
Marketing Business
Prospecting (shudder) for new Biz!
Jeff Goldberg Head Coach/Lead Sales Trainer

In this presentation, sales expert Jeff Goldberg will share two ways (other than cold calling) to generate new prospects! 

Boundaries Create Success for the Highly Sensitive, Empathetic, & Multi-talented EntreprenNerds
Laura Donnelly Owner and Chief Ease Officer

Description of boundaries: clear, muddy, collapsed, healthy - strong and flexible.

  • Situations that can cause boundary issues for Highly Sensitive, Empathetic, & Multi-talented people (my definition of EntrepreNerds)
  • How to use the physical body for monitoring boundary integrity.
  • The power of Ease in shifting one's thoughts, energy, mindset, and outcomes.
  • Some simple steps to take care of oneself in boundary-challenging situations that often arise in entrepreneurial ventures.
  • May the Ease Be with You!
Business Education +2
Energy Audience Rapport +9
Don't Get Eaten by Dinosaurs - Technology Lessons From Jurassic Park That Can Save Your Business From Disaster
Marcel Brown The Most Trusted Name in Technology

Most people think that the movie Jurassic Park is about dinosaurs. They're wrong! It's all about technology and the movie is chock full of lessons that entrepreneurs can take to heart. Don't miss this presentation or your business may be eaten by dinosaurs!

IT consulting and services Technology
Technology Entrepreneurship +1
Jedi Mind Tricks for Entrepreneurs: How to use THE FORCE to break the limiting beliefs that stops your prospects from buying your offer.
Mike Empolgado Dziobkowski SMS - Social Media Strategist

I was teaching in the Jedi Academy (Elite International Schools) for over 10 years and I’ve seen how the Dark Force (Social Media) changed Young Padawans (students) into Troopers of the Empire (depressed and insecure people) 

Determined to resist this path, I kept my distance until the Trade Federation (China) unleashed a devastating virus, freezing our entire Galaxy (Earth) in its grip. Forced to adapt, I studied the secrets of the Dark Force (Social Media) to survive the icy wasteland and keep my business thriving during the era of COVID.

For the last 4 years I’ve immersed myself in the study of Jedi Masters (coaches & course creators) and how they can use the Dark Force without being used by it. 

In this intergalactic seminar (15min. speech) I will show you 3 Jedi Mind Tricks (3 key beliefs) that every potential Padawan (potential client) needs to have in order to trust you (buy your offer).


Discover the fundamental principles that will revolutionize your approach to building trust. I've found that by instilling these three essential beliefs you'll effortlessly

  • inspire followers,
  • secure loyal clients
  • guide them toward taking the actions


Join me for this enthralling lesson as I reveal the three Jedi secrets that will elevate your influence to the next level. It's not just about impressing the audience; it's about empowering them to take action and shape their own destinies.

Prepare to unleash the Force within you in the realm of coaching and course creation.

The Five Emotions That Stop Success
Rahti Gorfien Founder, Creative Calling Coaching, LLC

As per her new book The Five Emotions that Stop Success

to be released by Routlege in 2023, Rahti demonstrates

how many neurodivergent creative entrepreneurs and

artists are stuck because of negative emotions which don’t

allow them to stay in action. Join Coach Rahti to learn

what they are, and how to apply their antidotes. In this

talk, you will discover...

  • The five emotions and their corresponding


• How to separate your actions and sense of self

from the negative thoughts generated by these

emotions, and

• How to direct your attention more effectively,

so you can quickly free yourself when these

emotions arise, allowing yourself to follow through on

plans and strategies.

The Instant Charismatic Talk Generator [ LIVE DEMO ]
Sylvain Haché aka Sly Public Speaking Problem Solver

7 Reasons Why I Stopped Doing "Talks" as a Speaking Coach... And What I Do Instead


Since you are probably more interested in what I do instead of why I stopped, here it is:

Step 1: 

I show up and ask the host to select someone at random from the audience.


Step 2: 

We start a timer for 25 minutes...


Step 3: 

I create a completely custom charismatic talk for that person LIVE, on the spot, before the buzzer buzzes.

That's it!


Not a cookie-cutter templated talk that they need to rehearse for three weeks to be ready. A totally unique, time-flexible talk they can deliver from the heart without worrying about forgetting important ideas as soon as the next day.


Not a talk where they just tell their life story. A talk that moves people in the direction of their strategic objectives and long-term plans for their business or organization. 


The hook, storytelling angles, calls to action, objection handling, and more. The whole thing in 25 minutes or less, LIVE in front of the audience, with no safety net.


The best part is that everyone who wasn't chosen can use the provided worksheets to create their own charismatic talks in less time than it takes to deliver them for the rest of their life.


It's one of those things that once you "get it," you really "get it."

Now, on to why I'm doing this...


  1. As Einstein said, "Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach."
  2. Skepticism is at an all-time high, so talking about my services isn't going to do any good. Even if I show proofs and testimonials, people secretly think to themselves, "Well, that doesn't apply to me. My situation is different."
  3. We have a famous comedian in Montreal who used to say, "On veut pas le sawouaire, on veut le wouaire!" which is French slang for "We don't want to hear about it, we want to see it!"
  4. This approach brings massive value to the audience, the host, and my subscribers who get it as a bonus after watching my free training: Unleash Introverted Confidence, Charisma & Presence.
  5. It gives me instant experience-based credibility. It sells without selling and brands without branding. People think to themselves, "If that's what he can do in 25 minutes, what’ll happen to me if I join his 45-day program?"
  6. It opens up new opportunities. Every time I do it, something good comes out of it. I get re-invited as a speaker, hosts and leaders ask me to train their speakers, business owners ask me to train their team or clients, and so on.
  7. It's fun, totally unique, helpful, and the crowd loves it!

I've been told it feels like a breath of fresh air to have someone create live transformations on the spot instead of just talking about them. And transformation is what we're all about at NextLevelPublicSpeaking.com.

Claim your spot now, show up on time, and raise your hand high when the host asks, "Who wants a custom charismatic talk?"