The Blue Purple Summit
The Blue Purple Summit
Created 2 years 1 month ago
Organizer Michael Whitehouse
The Blue Purple Summit
Business Areas
Business Entertainment & Art Financial services Health & Well-being Leadership Marketing Mindset PR & Communications
Affiliate Marketing Appreciation Marketing Business Business Consulting Energy Network Marketing Networking
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Mon, Dec 12, 2022 6:00 PM (1 year 10 months ago)


All speakers at this summit are women with blue or purple hair (or maybe red or pink). You should meet this criteria before applying.


Michael Whitehouse, The Guy Who Knows a Guy, noticed that he knew a substantial number of women with blue and purple hair who are experts in their field.

“I probably know enough to fill a summit,” he quipped in a Facebook post.

“DO IT! DO IT!” shouted a chorus of comments.

This is that summit.


This is a very serious, virtual business summit.

People will learn very serious business topics.

The very serious experts presenting at this summit will all happen to be women with blue or purple (or maybe red or pink) hair.



The audience will be the typical kind of audience you would expect for an event like this. Awesome people.


Your Speaker Experience

We're very flexible in the approach to this event making it a playground for speakers. The focus is on creating a great experience for the community who joins us. It just so happens that creating a great experience tends to lead to more opt ins and sales, but that comes second.

If there's something you want to do, then I'll probably say “sure, why not?” After all, I'm running the whole event based on peer pressure.

Just don't be pitchy. Pitching okay. Infomercial, less so. :)


Event Style

The event will be a live, Zoom-based event running a full day.

We're aiming for engagement. We want an event where people feel they are part of something, not where they feel like they are watching a YouTube video.

This means that we'll have interactive activities. It means we encourage interactive presentations.

It also means that we encourage speakers to be there for as much of the event as possible because you'll be making some connections while you're there. (Speakers are required to attend for at least 2 hours of the event)


Schedule Structure

Speaking slots will be 15 minutes, or, if your presentation is interactive we give you an extra 5 minute for a total of 20.

Each hour will be formatted as follows:

0-15 Speaker

15-30 Speed Networking

30-45 Speaker

45-60 Q&A for previous two speakers/break



All presentations will be recorded. They will be available to all VIPs and all speakers. Additionally, some videos may be shared out to attendees or others on my list for various reasons including promoting that speaker's affiliate link or program.



Speakers are expected to promote at least three times, and a minimum of 5 opt-ins are expected from each speaker. Swipe copy will be provided, or you can write your own copy. If you write really good copy, I'll share it with the other speakers and credit you.


If you bring in at least 10 opt ins, I will promote your affiliate offer to my entire list.

How to Make Money While Sipping Pina Coladas
Beth Blaney CEO

I took a two week vacation from my business… and made tons of money while sitting on the beach. I DID NOT come back to two-weeks of work or panic-stricken clients. Let me tell you about how I did it, and give you tips on how you can do it, too! 

From Hello to Let's do business: Understanding the Gap keeping you from sales
Bethany George The Follow Up Boss

Most business owners spend nearly all their sales energy on getting leads. This is most often done through marketing efforts. You know you must “fill the top of your funnel” in order to get the numbers to have conversions on the bottom. 

But what 95% of business owners neglect to do is focus on what happens AFTER the initial introduction. How are you keeping and nurturing those valuable leads so they become prospects then clients? What is the Customer Journey you are creating for them? 

There is a huge gulf between Hello My Name is to Let's Do Business, Sign Here. That gap and how you fill it will either make or break your success. 

You'll Learn:

  • What is the Sales Gap
  • Why most businesses have this blind spot
  • #1 way to take immediate action to seal up your sales funnel
Business Sales +5
Free to be Me! ReAwakening to your Soul’s Purpose
Celia Barsby Creative Visionary for Women

Discover what lights you up and see what is possible for you.

You will receive your Soul Resources on your journey.  Your Soul Structures will be revealed to you in powerful and fun, creative ways through various transformational tools, enabling you to reclaim your soul’s purpose so you can flourish and grow.

Come weave with Celia at your Soul’s Garden Party.  Step through the rickety gate of your Creative Heart Space and open your pathways into your Soul’s Magical Garden.

Education Health & Well-being +1
Abundance Life Purpose Coaching +3
Become a Powerful Story-Seller Using My 7-Part Presentation Framework
Christina Hooper CEO

I'll show you my 7-step story-selling framework that can help you deliver the highs, the lows, the proof, and the plan that will turn a disengaged audience into inspired action-takers. From simple webinars to authority-building keynotes, YOU can have the power to capture and keep your audience's attention once you master these 7 steps.

Blue & Purple Squirrel!
Consuela Munoz CEO, Speaker & SOS Coach

If you have ever taken a course you didn’t finish or have a pile of unused domains, you may be like many entrepreneurs and creatives who suffer from Shiny Object Syndrome. Your mind is like an idea machine, and when you combine that with high impulsivity, initiation, and motivation it can quickly lead to lack of focus. We will explore how idea chasers can save money, time and effort while achieving their goals. Put a damper on FOMO, empty your mind of idea clutter, and channel your initiative to realize greater productivity and profits. You will be able to make the impact you really want.

Business Leadership
Personal Development Leadership, Mental Performance
The Shiny Reasons You Are Not Fulfilling Your Purpose
Dr. Elena Estanol High Performance, ADHD & Leadership Psyc
  • Do you find yourself bouncing off from idea to idea and feeling confused about your direction?
  • Do you often get distracted by many “shiny things” that get in the way of you starting or finishing your important purpose-led work?
  • Is overwhelm getting in the way of achieving your dream goals?
  • Or do you feel like you are stuck in a hamster-wheel, doing lots of things but not experiencing the results you'd like to experience?

Tune in to hear more about WHAT is getting in the way of your success, and some important strategies you can implement to feel more empowered, productive & successful in your life and work!

Business Health & Well-being +1
Personal Development Productivity +5
Sales is Not Four-Letter Word
Jennie Bellinger Sales is Not a Four-Letter Word

Why does sales feel like a four-letter word to many people?

What can an entrepreneur do to shift their feelings about sales from “sleazy” to easy?

How to Master Your Energy and Focus for Greater Results and Peace of Mind
Julie Quinne The Uncommon Leadership Strategist

Do you have too many priorities, too many distractions, and not enough consistent focus and motivation? Do you worry that your hard work isn't translating to meaningful results? In this talk, I'll share specific steps to getting and staying focused on building your business and making the impact and income you dream of. 

Business Leadership
Technology Business +13
Three Ways To Become An Outreach Ninja (Without Making An A$$ Of Yourself)
RJ Redden Chief Engagement Ninja

Is your inbox full of Pitchslaps? People offering services you don't need in ways that leave you feeling irritated and alienated? You're not alone.  Today, we'll discover together the three best methods that will kickstart your connectivity and bring you the ideal clients you crave. 

Creativity Games
Talia Dashow Coach and Speaker

Being creative on a regular basis helps people become more flexible thinkers, more comfortable with ambiguity, better problem solvers, better brain stormers, more confident, more productive, and happier.

A lot of people think they are not creative! This is absolutely not true. It may be that they are not Creative (capital C - artistic, innately talented at music, art, etc.), but they are definitely creative (small c - able to think of novel ideas). People who are creative may be able to make dinner with just what's in their pantry, or find a way to drive home that avoids traffic. This sort of creativity is vital for innovative thinking - and it also adds to the richness of life.

Luckily, there are ways to be creative that are also fun! This session will be full of games and exercises where we will let ourselves be silly, outrageous, or anti-serious. It's creative - you can't do it wrong! 

Business Health & Well-being +2
Personal Development Productivity +22