Radiant Leaders Summit
Created 4 months 3 weeks ago
Organizer Jadi Kindred
Radiant Leaders Summit
Business Areas
Business Health & Well-being Leadership Mindset
Abundance Authenticity Awakening Best Self Business Business Coaching Business Consulting Business Culture Business Development Business Growth Business Life-Style Business Success Business Vision Collaboration Communication Communication Training Confidence Connection Empowerment Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship Flow Freedom Happiness Inner Peace Inspiration Intuition intuition Leader Leadership Leadership habits and values Leadership, Mental Performance Positive Leadership Professional Development Self-confidence Small Business Wellness Wellness Coaching Work-Life Balance
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Wed, May 29, 2024 1:17 PM (3 months 1 week ago)

How to Become a Master of Your Own Body Intelligence & Truly Live Your Most Authentic Life
Brandon Bennett (USA) Mindful Leadership Coach

In this talk, Brandon will share the superpower of body intelligence, how to deeply harness it, and why it is the key to living to fully alive and purposeful life. 

Transform your Life with Non-Violent Communication and Self-Love
Bérengère Chevy (France) Art Therapist & Holistic Health Coach

Non Violent Communication can support the Self love…And help us to love others.

Our conditioning, the emotional family heritage cuts us off from part of our potential. Observing my thoughts, listening to my body and expressing my emotions allows me to transform suffering into resilience, and correctives experiences.

Art therapy and Empathetic Communication promote the reception of past emotions, allowing them to be expressed.


Communication Communication Training
Humanize AI in Business
Carolina Prestinary (Costa Rica) CEO & Founder INNOVA

Joining entrepreneurs and visionaries Jadi Kindred and Cindy Fonseca to talk about how to Humanize AI in business and in people's personal life. We will be speaking about these 3 questions: 

1. What are the benefits of AI in business?

2. How can you "Humanize" AI in business?

3. How will/should leaders use AI in the future?


Business Education +1
Leadership Vision +7
Perception vs Perspective
Cindy Fonseca (Costa Rica) Psychologist & Executive Coach

Learning the difference between these two concepts can be a game changer for many. What if you discovered that the secret to enlarging life's scope resides within you?  How will your life be impacted by it? Join me and learn the simple yet overlooked technique that can forever change the way you see the world.

Business Leadership
Mindset Mindset Coaching
The Power of Unlocking Your Inner Self
Cristal Baez (Mexico) Spiritual Empowerment Coach

Unlocking Your Inner Comadre is a transformative program designed to empower individuals on their journey of self-discovery and healing. Led by Cristal Baez, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, this program offers a comprehensive approach to unlocking your inner potential and fostering self-love. Through a series of guided modules, participants will explore their spirituality, connect with their inner wisdom, and learn practical tools to break free from self-limiting beliefs and toxic patterns. Join us on this transformative journey and embark on a path towards empowerment, healing, and personal growth.

Health & Well-being Mindset +1
Education Immigration +58
Discover How to Reprogram your Mind & Body to Activate the Life of your Dreams
Grégory Caillol (France) Meditation & Manifestation Coach

Learn the art of accelerated manifestation and transformation and create your reality from the inside out. 

Start manifesting your dream self, body, mindset, relationships and reality.


Without spending years on personal development or therapy. 

Thanks to cognitive reprogramming, mindfulness, and biohacking.

Health & Well-being
Healing Meditation +7
Intuition as Your Compass in Business
Jadi Kindred (Canada) Intuition & Wellness Coach

Topics I want to Discuss:

  • Intuition as your Compass (in life and in business)
  • Importance of Values
  • Definition of Success
  • Daily Habits that Change Everything
  • 101 Dream List
  • Increase Sales with Ease
Leadership Mindset
Intuition Wellness +12
Remove Suffering & Live Well, Fulfilled And On Purpose
Natasha Athanasiadou (Greece) Freedom Philosopher & Teacher

After fourteen years in global sales and entrepreneurship Natasha transitioned from sustainable fashion to founding a practice teaching the practical philosophy of “Eudaimonic living” by removing suffering and living a life of wellness, fulfilment and purpose.  

As an award-winning product innovator with a multi-discipline background in systems thinking science, psychology, philosophy, embodied dance and meditation, she guides seekers in a holistic way on a path of self-realization, believing that true power lies in aligning our inner faculties. 

Her transformative method serves as a bridge from a life marked by inner suffering, mental challenges and emotional overwhelm to one characterized by vitality, authentic self-expression, self-realization, and true Eudaimonic happiness and flourishing. 


Natasha Athanasiadou 

MPhil. Management Philosophy, Cambridge University, UK

BSc. Systems Thinking Science, City University London

PSYCH-K ® Energy Psychology Advanced Facilitator

REBT Certified Practitioner (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy)

RYT®100 Meditation Teacher 



Skyrocket Your Business with Ease
Shraddha Subramanian (India) Business Coach,Intuition Expert & Author

How is “Skyrocket Your Business With Ease ” Important To You?

Are you stuck in business operations ?
Are you struggling hard to shift your income orbit ?
Are you setting goals but not able to convert them into actions ?
Are you wanting to generate 10x in half the time you had planned for ?


We will work together step by step through my signature 'Jackpot Method' for business owners. You'll 

=> Identify the Jackpot Number 

=> Uncover deep-rooted blocks that may be hindering your progress, 

=> Discover ways to master your energy to overcome these obstacles.


Additionally, you'll set your intentions for the session and collaborate with me during the session to ensure maximum impact.

Sometimes we know everything but making it happen is the biggest challenge.


This indicates your deep rooted patterns which stop you from exponential success. 


But the good news is no matter where you are in your business right now, it is possible to achieve the jackpot number, experience ease in business & luxury in life. 

Communication Training