EntrepreNERD Summit III: Revenge of the Summit
EntrepreNERD Summit III: Revenge of the Summit
Created 1 year 3 weeks ago
Organizer Michael Whitehouse
EntrepreNERD Summit III: Revenge of the Summit
Business Areas
Business Health & Well-being Marketing Mindset
Business Entrepreneurship Geek Marketing Sales
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Thu, Apr 11, 2024 5:17 PM (10 months 1 week ago)


Do business situations remind you of challenges faced in science fiction?

Does mindset shifting make you think of using the Force?

Do you think of the Fellowship of the Ring as the ultimate Strategic Alliance?

Are you a geek entrepreneur?

Then this event is for you! EntrepreNERD Summit is a serious virtual business summit for serious geeks who are also serious coaches, speakers, and experts.

The Audience

This event is for geeks who happen to be entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who happen to be geeks, particularly those who are in the growth phase of their business. We're talking Luke during A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, although Return of the Jedi Luke could also find some value here as well.

We delivering the valuable content that the audience needs to grow their business, and we're having a darned lot of fun doing it.


Your Speaker Experience

This event is produced by Michael Whitehouse, and Michael creates events that a fun, engaging, exciting, and valuable to the audience and the speakers. This is not a watch with your camera off while you do something else event. This is not a drop in, give your talk, and leave event. This is an interactive event!

We want to create an event that you will enjoy speaking at and get value from, so we're open to pretty much anything that will provide value to the audience as long as it has an action item for the audience to engage in immediately. More interaction is always better than less interaction. That keeps the energy up in the room, keeps the audience engaged, and makes it more fun for you.

You are welcome offer your gift (the one you put in the application) during your talk as long as it is low key and not pitchy. Offering good. Infomercial bad.


Event Style

The event will be a live, Zoom-based event running 11 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time.

We're aiming for engagement. We want an event where people feel they are part of something, not where they feel like they are watching a YouTube video.

This means that we'll have interactive activities. It means we encourage interactive presentations.

It also means that we encourage speakers to be there for as much of the event as possible because you'll be making some connections while you're there. (Speakers are required to attend for at least 2 hours of the event)


Schedule Structure

Speaking slots will be 15 minutes, or, if your presentation is interactive we give you an extra 5 minute for a total of 20.

Each hour will be formatted as follows:

0-15 Speaker

15-30 Interaction

30-45 Speaker

45-60 Interaction

Interaction may be speed networking, hot seat coaching, Q&As, or anything else.

Do not assume that the interaction block after your talk is for your Q&A, but if you do get a good flow going with the audience and they are highly engaged, I may choose to just let that keep going if the vibe is good.



All presentations will be recorded. 

Any speakers who achieve the minimum number of opt-ins (which should be all of you, right?) will have their presentation shared out to the entire list of registrants in the days after the event.

Additionally, some videos may be shared out to attendees or others on my list for various reasons including promoting that speaker's affiliate link or program.

By applying to this summit, you are granting ConCardia, LLC and Michael Whitehouse full and irrevocable rights to all recordings made during the event. These recordings may be edited and deployed in anyway that we choose for the benefit of our audiences.


Speaker Expectations

  • Promote the event and generate a minimum of 10 opt-ins
  • Attend for at least 2 hours in addition to your speaking time
  • Actively engage with other speakers and participants throughout the event



Speakers are expected to generate a minimum of 10 opt-ins. Swipe copy will be provided, or you can write your own copy. If you write really good copy, I'll share it with the other speakers and credit you.

In addition to traditional swipe copy, Guest Letters will be provided which you can share verbatim as a letter from the organizers to your audience.

If you bring in at least 25 opt ins, Michael Whitehouse will promote your affiliate offer to his entire list.

The top three promoters (by total opt-ins) will be promoted to the entire list of attendees and Michael's own entire mailing list, whatever you would like to share (within reason), no affiliate necessary.

We Do Everything a Different Way, and it WORKS!
Brian Sebastian CEO/Host/Creator Movie Reviews and more

Brian Sebastian Host/Producer /Creator of Movie Reviews and More, on Talk4media, iHeartradio, K4HDradio and ITube247.com with 20 Million views & counting. Move Reviews and More is in the Top 15 best Host's, Influencer's, TV/Radio/Podcasts host's, Top Ten Men in Business, Summer Best, & Winter Best in the World! Founded in 1993, Movies Reviews and More is a multimedia organization made up of free thinkers and radical ideas. We produce hard-hitting independent content on entertainment, sports, technology, culture, the arts, and commerce. 

'Movie Reviews and More' continues to grow in popularity due to his diverse group of beautiful and talented 12 Co-Hosts as they chat with celebrities, musicians, athletes, writers, as well as business and media moguls. We have a keen insight into how to connect with the culture of his diverse audience by bringing a balanced mix of information and entertainment to his current and growing new audiences alike.

Combine Mr. Incredible's Strength and Mrs. Incredible's Flexibility to Build the Ultimate Marketing Plan and Grow Your Revenues at Super-Speed!
Cari Brunton Event Strategist and Speaker Trainer

Your marketing plan needs to be the best of Mr. and Mrs. Incredible - strong and flexible. It needs to be strong enough that it brings you plenty of highly qualified leads and it needs to be flexible enough that it doesn't take up all of your freaking time. Unfortunately, a lot of marketing is super-villain-level-draining which is why you need a strategy that you love doing AND one that helps you grow your business at super-speed. Enter your new superhero stage right: The A+ Speaking and Events strategy. It's fun, it's easy and it brings tons of clients to your door. Jump in with Cari Brunton, Event Strategist and Speaker Trainer and she'll show you how to make it work for you.

Marketing PR & Communications
Marketing Virtual Events +7
Jedi Magic... Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing People & Persuasion Power Unleashed!
Dean Hankey Marketing Magician & People Pro!

“These Are NOT The Old, Boring, Ineffective & Slimy Marketing Strategies You Are Looking For!” ~ ObiWan.

How About “Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing, People Partnerships, Peak-Performance, Persistent Productivity, Persuasion Principles, Personality Puzzles, Producing Profound, Proactive, Pay It Forward Profits For Passion Professionals!” - Yes, that’s right; “P” You Way To Success!

  • ~ Revealed… The VIP, ‘Care-Is-Magic’ “Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing, People Power Unleashed & Revolutionary ReElationomics and Revenue Results Revealed!”
  • ~ Discover The Super-Simple ‘C4’- Explosive Result Getting ‘Care-Is-Magic’ Framework that Creates Instant & Indelible Know Like & Trust That Has Buyers Saying YES To You and Your Irresistible Invitations & Offers!
  • ~ Learn The Super Hero Success System That Will Allow You to Effectively Connect, Communicate & Convert Like Crazy With Zero SlimeBall Sales Breath Tactics!

Success Systems, Tools, Templates For Real ‘Care-Is-Magic, Money Making Marketing Magic RESULTS For You and Your Business!

Don’t Be Afraid to Be “Weird”: Uncover Your Superpower, Unleash Your True Potential.
Jamie J Haith Speaker, Mentor, Lifestyle Brand CEO

Unlock the extraordinary in yourself with this empowering talk. Embrace the uniqueness within, discover your superpower, and tap into the limitless possibilities that come with embracing your creative side.

  • Explore the power of being different and discover how your individuality can be your greatest strength, your superpower.
Health & Well-being Leadership +1
Authenticity habit formation +1
Conscious Comedy
Michael Boothby Michael Boothby

A 2018 NASA study tested 1600 children between the ages of 4 and 5 for creativity and discovered that a staggering 98% scored as creative geniuses; however, by the time these same children were 15 only 12% still tested in the “creative genius” category.

What happened?

Our school system taught kids to fear, judge, and conform when it should have been teaching them how to love, play, collaborate and express themselves authentically.

This workshop will help adults rediscover their inner “creative genius” through breathwork, movement and space exercises, and improvisational theater games.

Participants will learn to get out of their heads and into their hearts, so they can stay aware at all times and be open to the infinite possibilities that surround us every day.

Play teaches presence, presence compels expression, expression frees your soul, and your soul nourishes your life.

This is Conscious Comedy!

How Negotiating for Comic Books Taught Me Pricing Strategy
Nikki Green Life & Business Resiliency Expert

Unlock the secrets to mastering pricing strategy with insights cultivated over two decades of experience in the tech industry. Join us for an exclusive talk led by a seasoned pricing strategist who has honed their expertise in the most unexpected of places – Comic Conventions.

Discover the power of negotiating with unwavering confidence, gaining the upper hand in every deal. Learn to decipher the subtle cues of your negotiation partner, ensuring you secure the best possible outcomes. From initial discussions to sealing the deal, grasp the art of pricing your product or service effectively, every single time.

Embark on a journey where unconventional wisdom meets tangible results. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this talk promises to equip you with the essential tools needed to navigate the intricate world of pricing strategy.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to pricing and propel your business towards unprecedented success and transform your negotiation game forever!

Unlock your pricing potential today. 

Mindset Coaching Overcoming Money Blocks +1
Enter The Worldbuilding Dimension: Create Immersive Brandscapes with AI
RJ Redden RJ The Unstoppable

Why choose a sales pitch when you could offer a ticket to another dimension?

Traditional marketing is boring and alienating. This talk will take you to the wild side of branding, where I will demonstrate ways to use AI, chatbots, and GoBrunch to create worlds that resonate deeply with all who wander into them. If you want a brand that sticks, create an adventure that no one will forget. And I'm just the tour guide you need. Join us, you know you want to!

Branding AI +1
Live Breakthrough Demonstration
Sylvain Haché aka Sly Transformational Speaking Coach

Picture this: An ex-chronic stutterer with a weird accent who coaches international keynote speakers and TV hosts steps on stage and asks the host to pick anyone at random from the audience.


You raise your hand, and you're chosen! 

And you get to Choose Your Own Adventure.

  1. A live breakthrough on how to get over yourself so you can speak with confidence on stage on camera and meetings.
  2. A live breakthrough demonstration on how to get your story straight so you can speak with confidence on stage on camera I need meetings;
  3. And live breakthrough demonstration on how you can land your ideas  with more ease flow and Grace on stage on camera and in meetings.


This is what awaits you if you register now, show up on time, and raise your hand when the host asks for a volunteer.

If you are NOT chosen, you can still  use the principles  you will see at play  to help you live breakthroughs  in your life.


It's one of those things that once you 'get it', you 'get it'.

This is an event you truly don't want to miss. Register now, and invite your friends!

Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey: Strategies for More Than 24 Hours a Day
Tiffanie Kellog Speaker

Unfortunately, that time machine has not shown up yet in your living room.
You are stuck with 24 hours in the day (Earth Standard).
Or, are you???

What if there was a way that you could get more hours in your day without having to have your own, or access to, a T.A.R.D.I.S.?
Join Tiffanie Kellog as she explores Strategies for More Than 24 Hours a Day (it’s Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey).