HA'S 4 Biz: Humor Accelerator Summit for Business
HA'S 4 Biz: Humor Accelerator Summit for Business
Created 2 years 9 months ago
Organizer Michael Whitehouse
HA'S 4 Biz: Humor Accelerator Summit for Business
Business Areas
Business Financial services Marketing Mindset Other PR & Communications Social & Political
Business Business Development Customer Retention Digital Marketing Humor Marketing Sales
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Mon, Jul 11, 2022 11:00 PM (2 years 6 months ago)


There's something funny about this summit.

We often think of business as something that is very serious: something you don't joke about.

But the most memorable marketing campaigns are the funny ones. The best salespeople make you laugh. You can tell a good team because they laugh in meetings.

This is a serious summit to learn seriously powerful ways to use humor in marketing, sales, team management, and all aspects of business to make more money by making sure everyone is having fun.

This is the third summit in a series after The Great Experiment Summit and The Abundance Minded Entrepreneur Summit. Since this is being planned concurrently The Abundance Minded Entrepreneur Summit (May 23-24), it is possible that some details may change based on what we learn in May.

We are looking for fun, smart, engaging speakers who give a great short talk from the waist up.


Purpose of Humor Accelerator Summit for Business

The purpose of this event is to provide tools and strategies to employ humor in all aspects of our business to increase the top line, the bottom line, the middle line, and to curve that line under our nose upwards.


The Audience

As an event, the content/audience focus is entrepreneurs, business owners, and business leaders in various industries.


Your Speaker Experience

We're very flexible in the approach to this event making it a playground for speakers. This event is 

not optimized for opt-ins or sales or any particular agenda. The focus is on creating a great experience for the community who joins us. It just so happens that creating a great experience tends to lead to more opt ins and sales, but that comes second.

If there's something you want to do, then I'll probably say “sure, why not?” Just don't be pitchy. Pitching okay. Infomercial, less so. :)


Do You Have to be Funny?

The theme of the event is humor, so your topic must be humor related. This does not mean you need to be funny. If you are a humorless scientist who has studied the science of humor and can teach us powerful humor tips that's cool. You don't have to be a comedian to teach about humor… but it helps.


Event Style

The event will be a live, Zoom-based event running a full day. (The event is 7/11 11-7 in New York, or 11/7 7-11 in Seychelles)

We're aiming for engagement. We want an event where people feel they are part of something, not where they feel like they are watching a YouTube video.

This means that we'll have interactive activities. It means we encourage interactive presentations. We encourage it so much that interactive presentations get an extra 5 minutes!

It also means that we encourage speakers to be there for as much of the event as possible because you'll be making some connections while you're there, and as a speaker, you are expected to be there for at least 2 hours, including at least the speaker slot before yours.


Schedule Structure

Speaking slots will be 15 minutes, or if it is interactive, you get 20 minutes. Interactive can be anything from bringing someone on stage to taking questions.

Each hour will be formatted as follows:

0-15 Speaker

15-30 Speed Networking

30-45 Speaker

45-60 Q&A for previous two speakers/break



All presentations will be recorded. They will be available to all VIPs and all speakers. Additionally, some videos may be shared out to attendees or others on my list for various reasons including promoting that speaker's affiliate link or program.



Speakers are expected to promote at least three times, and a minimum of 5 opt-ins are expected from each speaker. Swipe copy will be provided, or you can write your own copy. If you write really good copy, I'll share it with the other speakers and credit you.


If you bring in at least 10 opt ins, I will promote your affiliate offer to my entire list.


The top three promoters (by total opt-ins) will be promoted to the entire list of attendees and my own entire mailing list, whatever you would like to share (within reason), no affiliate necessary.

Tickle Their Funny Bone: Use Humor to Grow Your Business
Bonita Joy Yoder Humorist

During this presentation you will: 

  1. discover myths of using humor in your business
  2. learn the benefits of humor in business and
  3. explore  some practical tips for using humor in business

By embracing humor in your business, you can experience: 
Increased conversion of leads and higher revenues. It has been said that “Funny is money”. If you engage your prospects more whether in person or on Facebook, more of your leads convert to sales. Sales results in greater revenue for the company.

Building relationships: Laughter helps bond with your prospect, customer, employee and others in business relationships. People do business with those they know, like and trust. Humor helps accomplish all three.

Increasing the retention of the listeners: audiences listen more to presentations, videos and online video courses that include humor. Better listening leads to better retention of the material.

Keeping audiences awake and engaged in meetings and presentations: audiences tend to tune out. Watching a “skateboarding cat” on a phone can be more engaging than a dry, boring speaker. Humor helps keep the listeners engaged.

A culture of humor leads to happier employees: Face it, employee retention is a big concern among businesses. A fun workplace leads to happier employees, less employee turnover and less downtime.

Laughter for the Health of It
Cathy Nesbitt Laughter Ambassador

Laughter is the best medicine. Have you had your daily D.O.S.E.? (dopamin, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins) The Love Drugs. Discover the magic of laughing for no reason.

Cathy will share tips and tricks for living a more joyfilled life.

Health & Well-being
Healing Happiness
How "Poo-Pourri"s Hilarious Video Ads Make You Wanna Shut Up And Give Them Your $$$
Csaba Borzasi Emotional Response Marketer

In this presentation, I'm breaking down a mega-successful YouTube ad created by Poo-Pourri…

A company that sells toilet refreshers and toilet aromatics, with a twist!

What's this “twist”, you say?…

They're FUNNY.

And they don't shy away from doing unorthodox marketing campaigns.

So today, I want to break down one of their more infamous videos…

And show you – line by line – what makes this unique approach so incredibly effective (especially in an age of uber-competitive ad buying).


How Keeping Them Laughing Can Increase Your Sales!
Jeff Goldberg Head Coach and Lead Sales Trainer

People still do business with people they like and trust, and using humor when selling is a great way to get people to like and relate to you! In this fast-paced presentation, sales trainer and comedian Jeff Goldberg will share the appropriate use of humor and the anatomy of a joke (how to write funny stuff). 

To Laugh or Not to Laugh... that is the Question!
Melissa Van Oss Bestselling Author & Speaker

Life is full of UPS & DOWNS so you better have a sense of HUMOR about it!


The legendary and inspirational Napoleon Hill said it best, “When you lose your sense of humor, get a job running an elevator, because your life will be a series of UPS and DOWNS, anyway.” Having a sense of humor helps us in many areas of our life but we often forget to use it in our business life.


In this presentation, you will look at the value of using humor to become more memorable in your business engagements as well as using humor in order to keep your mindset strong when you inevitably face set-backs as you grow your business.


Abundance Business Development +3
How My Ego Gave Me a Concussion
Nikki Green Founder

Do you ever feel like as entrepreneurs we have to do everything ourselves or it doesn't count?  We have been taught to have a scarcity mindset and to be in competition with everyone.  And that mindset often tells us to push people away when we should be pulling them in for support.


In this talk, attendees will LOL as I share the story of my 2nd concussion (I think, after 5 concussions you start to lose count) and how I let my ego get in the way of asking for the help I needed.  It was a hard lesson to learn, and painful, but it helped me begin to let go of stubborn barriers that were holding me back professionally and personally.  I will share the secret to letting people in, without scrabbling your brains!

Mindset Confidence
Sing-a-Long with Disco Dave!
Rebecca Murray Out-of-the-Box Edutainer

What can we say about Dave? A DJ enthusiast from the 70s who never got weary of polyester? A dude who is so dense he's charming? A guy who can make you laugh, cry, and sing simultaneously? Yep. That's Dave. Oh! And he's from New Jersey but forgets that along with most of the words to the 70s songs he makes you sing! Get ready to practice your vocal prowess and your improv skills cuz DAVE IS IN DA HOUSE!

Entertainment & Art
Communication Training
Make Them Laugh...Be Remembered!
Steve Gamlin Make Them Laugh...Be Remembered!

You are barraged by messages all day long.

Radio and TV Commercials. Social Media. 
E-mails. Texts. Signs on the sides of a bus.

You cannot possibly remember them all.

Which ones DO stick with you, though?
From my experience: the ones that were humorous, made me laugh…or brought me joy.

In this presentation, I will explain how YOU can increase your ‘attention retention’ by adding humor, comedy and an emotional connection with your clients and social media followers.

Even if you are saying to yourself, right now: “BUT I AM NOT FUNNY!”…

…there is something for you in this presentation.

Mindset Other
Mindset Personal Growth +1