Zola de Firmian
Zola de Firmian
Online Business- Masterminds and Coaching since 2011. 3 decades of Entrepreneurship M. S, Education- Brain-Based Curriculum Development/ Teaching and Learning Approaches Business Bachelor of Arts, Humanities Environmental Educator
Zola de Firmian is a transformational business coach/ consultant who helps creative, holistic, and heart-centered entrepreneurs embrace their business adventure to bring their visions to reality: Access Natural Brilliance and Break through Barriers, for an Optimal Business, Vibrant Life.
Zola has created and run successful mastermind groups for committed creative entrepreneurs since 2011; she also delivers small group trainings, business visioning workshops/ nature retreats.
Elements:  Mindfulness. Collaboration. Synergy- such as masterminds. Masculine and feminine strengths in balance. This approach means we do not do things all alone. We thrive by helping each other succeed.
What are Masterminds? “I facilitate intimate, caring, and committed success groups: Mastermind colleagues share accountability, expertise, resources, fun, and wisdom- to bring the magic and impact that up-levels our game. It works!"