Yvette Walker
Yvette Walker
"Joy is not a Feeling, it's Faith."
MA Journalism, BSJ Journalism

Hi! I am Yvette Walker, a Christian speaker, author, podcaster and the founder of Positively Joy Ministries. I encourage women by speaking on authentic joy, the joy that trumps chasing things and people/relationships. 

The Positively Joy podcast has streamed for four years, but I've pivoted to follow my authentic voice as someone who has been divorced and married again. On the Positively Joy podcast, blog, and social media you can study the Bible, look for God in the commonplace, and find His joy in the details. I have published devotionals, a journal and edgy Christian fiction. 

"Journaling His Joy," and the life lesson-filled devotional “Whispering in His Ear” help others who need to relearn how to spend time in the presence of God.