There is genius in everyone! It should not be measured by the dollars you have made, prizes won nor inventions. It should be measured by how we use our God given talents to make a difference. A difference to those around us - to those we lead or serve. A difference to the organizations you work for by being the best version of yourself. A difference to the world by contributing positively to society. A difference to yourself, by fulfilling your purpose by aligning your daily living to your priorities. This is true diversity as these talents transcend any economic background, education, racial ethnicity or gender.
Tracey has extensive experience as an operations leader of large teams in complex organizations. She has learned that success, truly exceptional success, is gained by harvesting the collective genius of the team. One of the most rewarding aspects of a leader is truly understanding the talents and gifts of those around you. Aligning individuals to roles that harness their talents as well as aligning the team to the organizational vision allows you to orchestrate your team to deliver exceptional results, while allowing personal growth and a positive work environment.
Tracey has used this extensive people leadership experience to create a program - FINDING YOUR GENUIS. It will over the course of six sessions, using a data driven approach, guide individuals to developing a roadmap to fulfill their purpose after truly understanding who they are and what their priorities are. She has found that it has been invaluable to individuals of all ages.
In addition, she has been on a quest to interview 100 individuals to reveal the EXTRAODINARY in the ORDINARY.
“It is incredible what you discover about the people around you. Your neighbors, co-workers and even family. I am in awe of how gifted people are . I think even more rewarding is when they see themselves in a new light, a positive one and energized about how they can continue be a positive force around them. We are so blessed to have such diversity of talent surrounding us in our daily lives. You just need to look.” Tracey.